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I'm not working to support his freaking ex wife and her kids

TheChoiceIMade's picture

My husband want me to go back to work already for his sorry rear comes home cussing me out treating me with disrespect and expects me to punch a freaking clock for that ex of his and his kids?? Give me a dang break the man has threatened to take my child in court or I would already be gone,he talks bad about me to everybody and soon he's going to have our child doing the same I can't stand the man.

thinkthrice's picture

As a caveat, in MOST places, no the step parent's income does not count, however, with that being said, more and more jurisdictions are counting the NCP's new spouses income and not the CP's new spouse's income not dollar for dollar but to the extent that (usually) HER income allows NCP (usually) BIODAD to pay more CS as he has fewer household expenses that are shared by HIS new spouse.

New York State being one of those jurisdictions. (see item 7 on page 2) (see bullet point 14)

Disneyfan's picture

On another blog you say your husband only makes $40,000 a year. It's crazy to expect him to support 2 adults, 1 child and help support 2 other kids on that little bit of money.

Since you have to apply to government assistance, being SAHM isn't really an option for your family. Why should the government be responsible for feed an able bodied person who is making the choice not to work?

I'm with your husband. As a tax payer, I also want you to go back to work.

His exwife makes almost 100K. So how in the world will you working be supporting her?

MidwestStepmom's picture

I completely agree with you ^^^^^

Being a stay at home mom is a luxury if your household can afford it, the government should never have to support and able working person. I would love to be a SAHM, but my income pays for the child care and then a lot more, so it makes sense for me to work. Plus I would never put the burden on my dh to support the entire household. I like knowing that if dh and I ever split, or if anything happens to him, I make enough on my own to support BS and myself without any assistance. It's a sense of pride.

furkidsforme's picture

So get a job and do something with yourself. Typically BOTH partners are in agreement when one partner decides they don't want to work outside of the home. It sounds like you have unilaterally decided that was OK. Lemme guess... did you have a baby so you could stay home and he would take care of you???


ownpersonalopinion1's picture

You say you don't want to work to support his exwife and kids.

WELL-I don't want to work to support you or you kids either just because you don't want to work. The taxpayers are supporting you according to what you post. Get a job and take care of yourself and kid.

Disneyfan's picture

But she's receiving government assistance. If she gets a job, the rest of us aren't stuck feeding her family.

An able-bodied person should not be able to make the CHOICE not to work, then turn around and ask Uncle Sam to help provide basic needs for her family.

hereiam's picture

Maybe OP believes the money she will bring in will cover the money that is being sent out to CS.

Then she needs to look at it as bringing in money to pay her portion of the bills and to help support her own child.

twoviewpoints's picture

Illinois goes by the NCP's income only. Not one dime of any earnings you would make working would be calculated into CS. Your husband had this CS order prior to you marrying him and choosing to have a child with him. but you don't want to work?

Could *I* ask why you think I want to hand you over my income via taxes so you can sit at home? I don't mind helping people who really need help, but I'm rather offended you feel *I* should work so you don't have to based solely on you not wanting to do anything to support yourself and the child you brought into the world.

As an Illinois tax payer, I'm with your husband...stop whining and go get a job. Not wanting to work is not reason enough to expect others to support you. I actually question as to how you get much in way of government assistance? A family of three (even with your DH's CS obligation ) is going to be pushing the guidelines. Why not jut face the fact you need to get out and work?

AllySkoo's picture

*sigh* You actually sort of sound like my SD, although she's not a SM herself. She expects her SO to take care of her and their child while she stays home. She also expects him to do housework, because her job - her ONLY job - is "taking care of my child". Drives her SO nuts. She badmouths him too when he doesn't give her money for crap, or asks her to do the dishes or something. He's a good guy, better than she deserves to be honest, and she also needs to get a damn job.

Go get yourself a job. Keep your own money and just pay your share of household expenses if you're worried your money would go towards the skids. But you can't allow yourself to be totally dependent on a man and then bitch about the fact that you're so dependent on him, that's just counterproductive.

SugarSpice's picture

threatening to leave is an abusive tactic in itself. its a form of emotional abuse.

look at all of your factors, how happy you are and if you are unhappy, and then plan your next move.

ownpersonalopinion1's picture

maybe you need to try the employment office instead of the welfare office.