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just venting

sma08mommyof1's picture

So we got the ss for two weeks this summer as ordered by the courts. I keep him as well as my son on my days off which is most of the week since I work 12 hr shifts at the hospital I get more days off. While Dh is at work I was told by him that ex wife said I was to stay home if I was to be watching him and I was not aloud to go anywhere bec I'm not responsible enough apparently. Obviously I have things to do on my days off such as errands and bills to pay (I know sp irresponsible right lol). She complains that he doesn't act good while he's here bec he comes home and acts bad. If I discipline him I'm in trouble if I don't were teaching him disrespect. If I do what I need to do on my days off I'm disrespecting hwr wishes. She's done nothing but shut talk me on social media for the past two weeks. This among other issues I've posted on here before have almost led to me leaving. I try my hardest to keep everyone happy but I'm fighting a losing battle here. DH tells me to ignore all of it and refuses to stand up for me bec he doesn't want to make all of it worse.


Willow2010's picture

was told by him that ex wife said I was to stay home if I was to be watching him and I was not aloud to go anywhere
Unless he told her to screw off.....That would be the LAST time I watched the kid. No if ands or buts about it.

misSTEP's picture

1. BM does not have control over what happens at your house, even if she THINKS she does.

2. Your DH has no need to tell you what BM said about you because (see #1)

3. Your DH needs to have better boundaries with BM. Your name should NEVER EVER be crossing her lips without him shutting her down quick.

sma08mommyof1's picture

I tried to tell him to find someone else to watch him problem is we can't afford daycare or a baby sitter bec he's still paying cs to her while he's here. If we get his family to watch him he won't get to see him at all so if I want him to be able to see him I have to keep him. This is all we can do right now. And she's sp high conflict saying something to her doesn't do any good

SM12's picture

If the SS is a good kid and you have a good relationship with him and WANT to keep him, then keep him during your days off. However, DO NOT stay home all day just to please BM. She can suck it!! And NO court will uphold her demand that you never take SS out of the home. Just go about your life like you normally would and ignore the whore.
If DH is also saying you can't go anywhere while you have his kid...find a sitter immediately and reconsider having any relationship with this man.
And one thing I have learned over the years...these people that post all their drama and bitching over social media make themselves look bad...not you.
Keep it classy on your end and no one will be able to find fault.

Our BM tried to bash DH one time on social media and several of her "friends" put her in her place. She ended up deleting the comment. Now she just posts non stop about how AMAZING she and her SO and what GREAT Parents they are and blah blah blah. I have them blocked so I don't have to see it and they don't have a clue what I am up to. Works out best that way.

sma08mommyof1's picture

Update: we kept his son Sunday through tuesday. Was to get him back from dh mother on wed afternoon. He asked me to pick him up and I agreed. Then dhs mother called him saying she thought I wasn't aloud to pick him up(pretty much siding with her) and that his ex wife was at her house. I've waited for over a year for him to finally stand up to both of them...and I guess he just had enough bec he did and he called me and told me what was said and that he told them I was and alll he had as far as help with ss. And now we're both so tired and fed up with the drama ex wife has been causing thay I'm not watching him any longer and thay he doesn't blame me and now thanks to both of them he won't be seeing his son as much as he could or should. It would be different if she (ex) lived closer but she moved an hour away and doesn't help with the commute. We both work long hours and we can barley afford child care for mine let alone his while he's paying child support to her. It's really a situation where this time the dad who is actually around and actually supports their kid gets screwed by the system. It's a shame but maybe since he stood up to everyone it'll change. We shall see

sma08mommyof1's picture

Update: we kept his son Sunday through tuesday. Was to get him back from dh mother on wed afternoon. He asked me to pick him up and I agreed. Then dhs mother called him saying she thought I wasn't aloud to pick him up(pretty much siding with her) and that his ex wife was at her house. I've waited for over a year for him to finally stand up to both of them...and I guess he just had enough bec he did and he called me and told me what was said and that he told them I was and alll he had as far as help with ss. And now we're both so tired and fed up with the drama ex wife has been causing thay I'm not watching him any longer and thay he doesn't blame me and now thanks to both of them he won't be seeing his son as much as he could or should. It would be different if she (ex) lived closer but she moved an hour away and doesn't help with the commute. We both work long hours and we can barley afford child care for mine let alone his while he's paying child support to her. It's really a situation where this time the dad who is actually around and actually supports their kid gets screwed by the system. It's a shame but maybe since he stood up to everyone it'll change. We shall see

Downtowncrabby's picture

Wow id tell bm to pound sand. If she doesn't want you with skid then she needs to take them and if dh puts the craps of bowing dowm to bm... id say your kids can be at our house when your home. I tried to compromise taking them more and bm expected me to be a baby sitter all the time till i stood up and said not my kids not my problem. I made dh figure something out without me helping for a few weeks and made bm mad cuz she didnt have a babysitter.