Words for DH about SD19 and this past week
So, I mentioned in Sally's massive "MOON" blog that I had gone through and captured some thoughts from all of you. DH is out running around right now, but when he returns, this is what I will read to him. Thanks to all of you for your insightfulness and outside perspective.
**SD19 coming back into the house was a big mistake. That makes the high drama of this week the norm. It is not normal and it is not acceptable. I will not live like this. I do not think it's just “the way things are,” a little cop visit here, a little busted door there, me being screamed at by both of you. I have had things thrown at me by her twice now during these last college breaks. What am I supposed to do when she picks up something heavy next time? No. Not normal. People who cause those things to happen do not live in my house. Period.
This entire situation spins from lack of parenting, lack of boundaries, lack of consequences and YES, lack of respect for me. I've told you plenty of times that you don't hear me, don't listen and then don't back me up. It's up to you to play your part now and support me. She is 19! You need to treat her like a damn adult and reign her in - or let her go. Why was she allowed back without apologies and promises of good behavior? From BOTH of you? I think this was a big mistake. She's 19. Living in OUR house is a privilege, NOT a right. If she doesn't like it here, she can leave, as she was asked to by me, even though she’s completely unprepared to function in the world on her own.
All SD19 has learned from this episode is that she is in charge. I asked her to leave and you overruled me, letting her come back. She knows that she has the power in the house. This isn't the only episode she's learned this from, either. You overrule me all the time, making excuses for your daughter’s bad behavior. Let's not forget the hedgehog issue, being messy everywhere in the house, being lazy and "tired", taking and never giving when she is here. Not contributing. This is not a hotel. I still feel for you and for the kids, even after all of this, although that is diminishing. But dating you while living somewhere else may be a better alternative.
SD19 is not welcome here now. We can't have this drama going on, esp with SD13 being so damn fragile. This isn't a good example for her at all. I told her the story of how everything happened, and she said she was scared when the police showed up. SD13 and I have been getting along great. She respects me and knows her big sis needs help. So at least SD13 and I can live together for now.
Call me naive, call me patient, call me intimidated, but call me your WIFE who still has some respect for you. You have done NOTHING to help my situation. Nothing. SD19 is a rude, disrespectful person who has no control over her emotions and anger. You continue to stand by and let her behave that way. She goes off at the drop of a hat. I was going through TRASH to dump out liquids and she had a shit hemorrhage. She is a control freak just like you say her mother was! She is not going to change. I am DONE hoping she will grow up and change. I have wasted enough YEARS waiting, always making excuses for her disrespect and attitude. I am done standing by, hoping YOU will somehow change her.
This is my house, and she has said she doesn't want to be here. Why is she here? She is a toxic, entitled little brat that you can never say NO to. But you have no problem saying "No" to me, even in my own home! I don't want SD19 EVER setting foot in this house again. I have had enough. ENOUGH. You even told her Tuesday night that it wasn't her fault! Are you fucking kidding me? I have been beaten down for months now, terribly for the past few months, and also over the past years as well. Your daughter has mental problems and Daddy issues and needed your foot planted firmly UP HER ASS a long time ago! I am not going to put up with her anymore, so take her OUT of the equation. She is bad for ALL of us in this house. If you want to see her, it will not be IN THIS HOUSE. I want my life back already! It's bad enough when SD13 acts up, but she is not like her older sister. Her older sister had issues a long time ago and she hasn't changed or grown up one bit!
What do I propose to do? You get all of her shit out of this house, since she says she "doesn't live here," including Granddad's jukebox in the garage. If she needs more room, rent her a fucking storage unit. I don't even want her picking up her sister here. If the girls are going to meet, you take SD13 up to the shopping center to meet up with her sister. I want my home back. I WANT MY HOME BACK.
We are going to figure out something NOW. I have it figured out, only because you STOOD BY and let your daughter call me a bitch and berate me. Right in front of you. And you were too scared to give her consequences! All you did was gently say, "Ok, ok enough....." and ask that I return her precious laptop and cell phone to her! I have an audio of all of that. You barely said a word to her while she was spewing at me. Then when she left the room to go search through my drawers for her cell and laptop, you laid into ME! You raised your voice at ME because you know I won't yell back, because it's not worth it. Why do you continue to think it's OK to make your wife uncomfortable in her own home, while your adult child is put on a pedestal, despite her horrible, dramatic, over-the-top behavior? WHY? Why should your wife be yelled at by TWO people when she's not the problem?
Your treatment of me? First and foremost, you are careless and inconsiderate where I am concerned, and I have put up with enough atrocious treatment from you. Every damn week! Even the crap with this horrid behavior by SD19 would have an entirely different perspective, if you treated me with even a basic amount of consideration and respect. This is personal to me to the very fucking core, what you do and how it makes me feel …. You never stick up for me, you continue to talk down to me in front of the kids. At therapy you compared me to GBM, as cold and distant. The next day you went to meet up for ice cream and left me home like a fucking housekeeper after I had cleaned all day, made dinner and my back was hurting. I could barely stand that evening. Next time say you can’t make it because your “WIFE” is not feeling well. Don’t just skip out the door, having all of your needs immediately met with no regard for mine! You continually think about yourself while the rest of the family doesn’t have our needs met. SD19 needs therapy, she needs to learn life skills like making a budget, cleaning up after herself, respecting other people’s space, contributing to a household, BITING HER TONGUE. SD13 needs you to be even more present than you already are because of her trans identity. She needs you to take her to doctor and dentist appointments, and even more frequent therapy. I've bent over backwards to make you happy, but it's TIME I made myself happy too!
SD19 is no longer welcome in this house. Period. No inviting her over, nothing. Not until you and I work on things, and only WHEN I DECIDE IT'S TIME and I am comfortable! Not you. You also need to go to therapy with your daughters. You and the girls, not me. I have my own therapist. Let’s also not forget that SD19 is legally an ADULT and ADULTS can get the cops called on them if I need help.
(Play recording) This is the reason why SD19 is no longer welcome here, I don't want to turn my back on SD13 and I don't want to see her grow up in a toxic environment. She's already a confused teen. I will stand by her even if it's difficult, as I already have, but I will not allow her to become like her sister. You need to understand there are 2 children here, one is an adult and should be going her own way now. Are you prepared to compromise your younger child's future and your marriage for one mini-wife? If so, then let’s sell the house and move on. But SD13 will become like SD19 if I’m not in her life. I think after this blow up SD13 is changed, even if it's only for a month or two at first. But it will be for her benefit.***************
Deep breath. Exhale. I can do this.
I just hope all of this
I just hope all of this doesn't go in one ear and out the other. Will he actually ABSORB any of it? I think you need to print it out so he can mull it over from time to time. Any time he disrespects you, (if this is allowed to continue), tell him to go read what you wrote to him yet AGAIN!
I pray it goes well for you!
I pray it goes well for you! I know how these kinds of conversations can go. Point is to stand your ground! Your situation has gotten to a serious level! Is is no longer about just being disrespected in your own home...this is now about feeling safe and unthreatened in your own home! And like you said, SD13 is going through a delicate time...she does not need this going on around her!
Oh I am weepy today and I am
Oh I am weepy today and I am not usually the weepy type. It's exhaustion from the week. I hear SD19 getting ready for work, so soon it will be time to have some alone time with DH. And read my letter. Wish me luck and keep praying. Thanks, GFs.
Where the fuck is Rags lol? I am baring toxic asses here! LOL
~ Moon
Good Luck Moon!!! And I know
Good Luck Moon!!!
And I know exactly how you feel. Chronic pain is exaggerated by stress. And pain can make a person very emotional, ON TOP of all the stress!
We're rooting for you!
I think this is probably
I think this is probably therapeutic and helpful for you to type out which is great but I fear that he isn't going to hear any of it. Go ahead and give it your best try but I seriously strongly cannot suggest enough that you have your bags packed and ready to go. Hearing these words isn't going to have the impact that you were looking for, unfortunately. Watching you walk out the door actually might. I hope I'm wrong.
Good luck hon!
Way too long for the male
Way too long for the male brain to comprehend. Keep it simple... This drama is unhealthy & I will not be abused in my own home. Therefore I cannot live live with SD19 anymore. Is she leaving or am I?
You might feel better getting it all off you chest, but more then likely he will tune you out & you will end up angrier. Wishing you all the best.
I just read it. He didn't
I just read it. He didn't want me to play the audio, but now he knows I have it. I was calm when I read it, had to stop once because I was getting upset. DH is still sticking up for SD19! He says he knows I don't want to hear it, but BM would always give SD19 crap and they argued all of the time! I told DH that I understood why she is so defensive and overly-sensitive, but it doesn't excuse her behavior. I told DH I wanted my home back. I wanted my marriage back.
DH said that SD19 and I need to go to counseling alone. That's not happening anytime soon. I told him I have a therapist and SD19 needs to start going for help on her own. DH said he spoke to her for an hour the other day while they were finding a therapist for her. He told SD19 that she has a problem and she needs to work on it. I see this as DH blaming SD19's behavior on BM, and now he wants SD19 and I to go sit in a room and work it out together with a therapist. DH won't have to lift a finger.
DH asked what is he supposed to do? Kick her out? I said there is one more week before she leaves for the beach, and then one day back before leaving for school. We need to figure something out for the future. He didn't seem to hear shit about me feeling unsafe in my home, or about how smashing into doors and throwing things at me is NOT NORMAL.
He is so dense he does't even realize that she will be this desperate and ill-equipped for life, for a very long time.
~ Moon
The fact that he didn't want
The fact that he didn't want to listen to the audio says a hell of a lot.
Maybe a RO against DH and SD
Maybe a RO against DH and SD based in the recording.
They may even award temporary custody of YSD based on it.
This is getting absurd. They aren't going to change Moon, so you have to. You can choose to accept your place in the hierarchy set forth by them or you choose not to be part of it...how you choose not to be part of it is completely within your control.
Damn Moon... totally feeling
Damn Moon... totally feeling your pain!
I told DH I didn't want to go
I told DH I didn't want to go to the charity benefit tonight with him, our "date." I agreed it might be good for me to get out, but after this week, I need my rest and some down time. He has "pushed the reset button" and is being sweet to me. I made it clear to him that SD19 really put the nail in the coffin this past week and I am doing absofuckinglutely NOTHING for her now. I will not go to therapy with her until she grows up. I don't see that happening. I told DH that she has to do this on her own, that he never asks anything of her and I am done! I told him I have been in my room all day today not just because I don't want to be around her as usual, but because I am SO MAD about Tuesday that I will most certainly go off on her if she even looks at me! Then we'd have a semi-repeat of Tuesday except I have NO FILTER LEFT! None!
DH left my room for awhile to run some errands. When he came back he said he is going to give her an ultimatum. I kept asking "For WHEN?" I wasn't sure if he meant Monday, September or Christmas break. Finally I made him make it clear to me. Evidently, SD19 has narrowed down a few therapists that are near school. I asked DH, "So she doesn't even have an appointment yet? WTF?! She hasn't worked all week and has been sitting ON HER ASS IN MY HOME doing NOTHING!!" And she was "tired." I reminded DH to get her happy ass ready for the real world because she has no clue what "tired" can mean!!
DH's ultimatum (so he says...) is that if SD19 does not get to an appointment THIS WEEK before she goes to the beach, then she is not coming back into the house. He also said that he needs to be in therapy with her. "Ding" DH! I asked if he knew what Borderline Personality Disorder was? He tried to scoff it off, and I said "No, you had better look that one up, because that's what we're dealing with! Oedipus Complex, much, DH? Who do you want sleeping in your bed tonight?! She has ALL of the power because you have given it to her. She is the lady of the house except she doesn't share the same bed with you! You are too scared to put her in her place because #1) You don't want to hear her shit mouth, and #2) You're afraid to hurt little SD19's fragile feelings! HOW do you think I feel? I am the only sane one left in this house!!!!"
I was talking evenly and gently, if you can call it that, but I sure emphasized my choice words. For the first time I seriously told DH that SD19 had to get her head checked. I said she has always had self-esteem issues, she's been insecure, she's been a binge eater. All of these weaknesses yet she can spew off that sassy RUDE mouth to me. He said that she and her BoyF broke up because of the arguing.
Karma's a bitch and then you get dumped. Everyone around poor widdle SD19 is growing up, getting real FT jobs, passing their college courses, MATURING......and widdle Princess SD19 just can't keep up, because the world is a scary place and she doesn't want to be uncomfortable. Uncomfortable, MY ASS. "Why can't someone just be NICE to meeeeeee?" I told you already SD19, because YOU'RE A CUNT. CUNT CUNT CUNT. CUNT!!! (sorry, fragile people.....)
I told DH I was DONE being the scapegoat and being uncomfortable with a rude, no-manners teen in my home. DONE.
We'll see if she gets her ass to therapy. Hell, I even go twice a week and I am the furthest from nuts under this roof! Thanks for the vent.
~ Moon
He probably thinks that
He probably thinks that everything will be fine once she leaves for college.
I believe he is just trying
I believe he is just trying to scare her into going to therapy. I don't see him booting her out of the house, but it's only a week until she's gone. Feels good to say that. JustAGirl42, you nailed it. Because when SD19 isn't here, things are much nicer, much cleaner, non-toxic.
I get three paychecks in July, so my savings for the month will be 50% higher than I thought. I said that when I went, I wanted to "live large." The only places that allow dogs are big single family homes with land. That is what I'm saving for. I also need to save for an attorney.
I'm not stupid, this isn't going to change. All I have is the fact that SD19 will be back at school and OUT. She boasted about not coming home for winter break because she can stay in her campus apartment. I will note that and make sure she does't come around if I am still here. I have lasted since May 20th, I will last a few more days. The difference is, I am really speaking my mind to DH and he is visibly uneasy now. I told him when I read that letter that moving out and dating is an option. He heard me, but will he act? Probably not.
I'll continue to save.
~ Moon
I am sorry moon. Men hate
I am sorry moon. Men hate conplaints; you need action. You are at the point of shit or get off the pot. He does not take you seriously, even when you moved to a hotel for the weekend he didn't take you seriously. I can't help but think, "he's just not that into you. "
Your wishy-washiness reminds me of SweetPea before she left. What was your advice to her.
I don't think I gave SweetPea
I don't think I gave SweetPea any advice because I was new here, or came on after she had moved. I'm not sure. I remember a lot of posters referencing her in their replies to others, saying how bad her situation was. Didn't she move out last summer? Do you remember when it was? I'd like to find her blogs.
Moon, I've been following
Moon, I've been following your story, and I think that you know how all of this is going to end. Question is, when? You haven't had one crumb of control in your home, but you can totally control the end of this. And go on to build something beautiful for yourself. Instead of twisting yourself into a pretzel for people who don't give a shit about you. I do feel horribly for SD13. She is probably the biggest loser in all of this. Seems like SD19 and your DH don't care about the scorched earth in the wake of their love affair. He "didn't want" you to play tape- priceless! His denial is both astounding and infuriating.
BechersBrook made a good
BechersBrook made a good point about SD19. She'll have to admit she has a problem first before she can move on. She was yelling at DH on Tuesday saying it was BOTH our faults (she and I). I think it was just to make DH feel better. So, now I can breathe a little since she'll be leaving soon. But.......
The one thing that has weighed heavily on my mind throughout this entire year, with growing intensity, is that she'll NEVER BE GONE. A few weeks ago I really thought to myself for the first time, "Do I even want to KNOW about her through DH, even when she's out of the house? Not just college, but afterwards?" I so don't give a fuck about this toxic bitch. I almost feel like a bully, laughing inside my head at how pathetic and fucked-up this girl is when she tries to act like she has it all together.
So, you all know my thoughts have changed, not to just getting her out of my home, but getting myself out of here. Because it will never change. And who nows what happy shit will come my way in the fall when SD13 enters HS? It started in March when I began saving my money and looking for rentals. Just a few weeks ago SD13 was my source of worry and aggravation. SD13 growing into an enabled, entitled little bitch like her sister. Right now SD13 is laying low and is like a deer in the headlights. We are getting along fine. DH asked me to spend some time with her last night and I replied, "After the shit you and OSD19 have put me through this week? You want me to hang with SD13? NO, I need time for me." He heard me.
DH also said that SD19 is only like this with ME. I said that's because I actually expect something from her. Respect and cleanliness in my own home! No one else has to ask anything of her except for maybe a ride somewhere, which SD19 is happy to do, since she's a wanna-be at her sorority right now. The first thing I replied to DH was that, "Her BM is DEAD. I am the other woman. I am sleeping in your bed in this home. She can't fucking stand it. Tell her to grow up and be respectful and her life will be easier. She is making me the scapegoat for ALL of her problems."
I must say it's nice with no filter, telling DH what I really think of his daughter. I've been holding those kinds of things in for so long! I need to face the facts, though and start packing. I need to go through all of my clothes and give things away, start clearing out. When I go, I want it to be swiftly, with no turning back. I am an extreme forward-thinker. I just have to accept this next phase of this fucked-up journey.....SD19 may be getting out of this house, but she will never be out of my life unless "I" do something. Like draw my line in the sand.
I am trying as best I can to be strong. My body feels like crying and then my brain is like, "Meh, it's not worth it," and I can't even get that release. Maybe I'll dance instead. As long as I don't lose my mind. I won't lose my damn mind.
~ Moon
Oh Moon, Honey, that's
Oh Moon, Honey,
that's exactly what I recommend (cause that's what I'm doing) clean out the bins in the attic. Purge the closets and get ready for the move. And you're about to lose oh 500 lbs of DH, OSD and YSD. .. . As far as the doggies go, I wonder if you can have visitation rights to them, rotating a dog at a time through your home. .. that way you don't need to extend yourself for a place that will cost more than is comfortable.
I a gave it a good go for 6 months - intensive therapy, couples therapy, disengagment with DH family, and anything I asked of DH got a defense, an offence or a temporary change. His feelings for his baby girls (34 & 30) trumped everything else and his fear of their rejection drives him more than his fear of my rejection. I'm done fighting for a man and a marriage that matters less then the blood ties with dadeeeeeeeees "girls". They were like this when I first met them in their teens and they havent' changed, they've just gotten more entitled and better at playing the victim - god forbid they recognize what they get from me is a consequence of their own shitty behavior.
It sucks to admit that giving your all didn't make a difference to your DH or skids, and it feels so unfair that your happiness was less important than the skids - that essentially they "win", but once you start cleaning out the flotsam and jetsam of home, you'll be well on your way to a more settled happiness. And one that is real.
#1 Keep it classy
#2 Don't be a dick
Any updates Moon? Do you need
Any updates Moon? Do you need us to post bail?
is there something redeeming
is there something redeeming about the husband? I don't want to be a jerk it just seems like he just takes and doesn't give back and for real you can do a lot better than that. Life is too short.
DH is funny, has a lot of
DH is funny, has a lot of energy, is deep and is handsome. He has a great work ethic just like I do.
All of these qualities drew me to him years ago. The fact that he can't parent for shit is horrible. DH got his DDs back under his roof after BM died and he doesn't know what to do with them. That fact alone is weighing heavily upon all of his good qualities.
~ Moon