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Disrespectful 17yo step daughter

vagrazi's picture

I have a 17 year old Stepdaughter who will turn 18 in 4 months. I have a 15 year old biological son. I have lived with my fiance for about 4 years. Her biological mother really doesnt have much to do with her. Their relationship is strained and she is not allowed to live with her mother (her mother's choice). Her father and mother divorced when she was very young. He remarried another woman and was with her for 9 years. His second wife would not give any attention to his daughter, only her own.
Knowing this I have done the best I could with giving her attention, giving her some of my belongings (clothing accessories etc) that she liked or was interested in. I have bought her things and encouraged her to succeed. Many times I was harder on my son than I was her. Both children are responsible for chores (cleaning their rooms and after themselves) and getting good grades in school and we do the rest. My family shows her love and showers her with affection and gifts just as they do all the other kids. My family and I have shown her more love and affection than her own biological family with the exception of her father and grandmother (on mothers side).
In the last 6 months, she has become a terrible person. She disrespects her father one minute and in the next she is idolizing him in a very uncomfortable everyone around. She had posted terrible things about me on social media, she has posted pictures and videos of her drinking and smoking and doing drugs on social media. She lies to us constantly. Her and her friends harass my son at school. She was caught at a party with drugs and alcohol and at that point I took away all her phones and internet devices except the one she uses for school. Her dad has had talk after talk with her. I have had talk after talk with her and our relationship is now strained at best. She hides in her room and will not come out unless she absolutely has to.She no longer eats with the family and her father and I no longer try to get her to eat with us. She has blamed me for everything. She now says that her father is only a "dad" when I am not around and I am taking him away. He actually spends more time with her than he did any other relationship. I do not bother him when they spend time together because I think it is important. I have spent time with her as well as my son one on one so they get my full attantion. She refuses to acknowledge anything I have done for her. When her father brings it up, she says it was just me being nice to her to get to him. He has asked her to try to fix the relationship and talk to me, she refuses. She has been disrespectful to both of us and has ruined just about every relationship she has except with her grandmother. She has disrespected her fathers friends when they come over as well. People she has known most of her life.
I have told him I will never ask him to choose between his daughter and I. I will not, however, put up with negative attitudes and disrespect in my own home. I have told her she needs to get a job and change her attitude by the time she turns 18 or she will need to consider living with her mother. Her mother will not take her. Her father will not kick her out if she does not comply because he is afraid she will fail and become homeless. I told him that is a choice she has to make, change or get out. She would always be allowed back in as long as she changes her behavior and shows us respect. It doesnt have to be permanent. He does not want to make her leave. I have told him that I understand and I would not ask him to choose, therefor I will leave if she cannot at the very least TRY to work on the relationships in the house. I will not leave the relationship with him, but I refuse to live like this. I am at my witts end and so is he. I have tried every parenting technique Ive read about and researched but it seems nothing is working. I feel like a terrible person because I do love her but I do not like her as a person at all. I have tried writing her letters and talking to her but at this point I am so beyond hurt that it has turned into resentment. I feel like she is too old to be acting like a spoiled brat. I do not want to feel this way and I want to save the relationship but I cannot do it alone. I am trying to keep this brief but this is a huge part of the current situation. Any advice?

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I have so much understanding for your many aspects of it are similar to what my life was before HHB moved back with BM. Initially, HHB was not allowed to go back to live with BM as BM's husband wouldn't allow it because they have a son about 10 years younger than HHB. I don't know what was said, but some how, HHB managed to get back to living there when she couldn't take the heat here (when DH FINALLY started laying down the law and being a parent).

HHB is only 15...but same kind of crap! Lying, manipulation, ungratefulness, back-stabbing, hibernating in the room, sneaking out, drinking, smoking pot, etc. My marriage was strained, and I found myself thinking every day that there was no way DH would make this girl launch in a couple of years...he would allow her to stay "as long as she needed to".

I know it is it and all...but you have to try to disengage if you must stay in the relationship. If that means you need to move out for the sake of yourself and your son, do it! I know at least one other lady on this board that had to do that, and another who is no longer on this board that was thinking about making preparations to do the same. Now, I was fortunate enough that my kids are older than I didn't have to worry about her being any kind of influence on them or trying to bully them in any way (daughter is 8 years older, and son is 4 years older...not to mention, a football player, so no way would he let this little girl bully him and his friends). However, before she was out of my house, I was so ready to walk away from my marriage! I love my husband, but I wasn't about to sit around and take years of abuse from HHB as she trotted around with DH's balls in her purse!

Rags's picture

Time to pull DH out of picture, rekey the locks, sit the princess down for a clarity and fact session and inform her that as of immediately she is out unless she agrees to a one time only zero tolerance return to the family home under very specific behavioral rules.

One violation and she is gone never to return.

Don't leave. It is your home, your marriage, your family. Put the foot up her ass and keep it there until she catches a clue or leaves. Either way your problems are resolved.

Zero tolerance and hold her totally accountable for her behavior. That is the only way to teach these toxic young adults the life lessions they need to avoid a long and painful path through early adulthood.

IMHO of course.

sandralynn63's picture

What if DH doesn't "allow" you to discipline? And if you try to, YOU get screamed at for doing so? This is happening in my life right now with my 17 yr old SD...and I'm seriously thinking of leaving.

Rags's picture

Allow? :? A spouse does not allow you to do anything. You just do it. And if your spouse thinks for one second that they have the power to approve or "allow" you to do what you choose to do when you choose to do it then that spouse needs to be "allowed" to GFTO of the house never to return. Allowed to depart with your foot against their backside. A spouse is notified of what you are doing, a spouse is not asked for permission.

As soon as your DH gets in your face screaming you give him a pepper spray shower, call 911 after you beat him to unconsionsness and hogtie him them have them frog march is volitile ass out of your home, get an RO, file for divorce taking everything you possibly can, and move on with your life leaving DH with a criminal record to deal with and living under the local highway overpass for the rest of his miserable useless POS life.

Allow my ass!!!

Janekades's picture

My SD for a very brief period of time used to live with us as well. Her mom kicked her out when she turned 18 ( since she couldnt get CS or baby bonus from her anymore) so she came to live with us. I was fed up after 4 months. Want to know how I got her out? I made DH start charging her rent. Lots of it. We were charging her $1000 a month. Basically her whole welfare check. And she had buy her own things including food. WHich was food stamps anyways.

She was out in a month and moved 4 hours away Smile

ChiefGrownup's picture

Why was she on welfare? Do they hand it out for just turning 18? Horrifying that Dad would even think of letting an 18 year old file for all that then live for free in his house. Glad you warned me of this possible scenario. Now I'm forearmed. No.Way.In.Hell. Not.At.My.House.

tryingtobezen's picture

Hmmmm... sounds awful and I can relate, in a similar situation.

I wonder if this kid might be freaking out about the feelings of what it means to grow up and struggling with the prospect of losing the comfort of being dependent on her father. It sounds like, if she's ruined:
"just about every relationship she has except with her grandmother. She has disrespected her fathers friends when they come over as well. People she has known most of her life."

...and doesn't have a good relationship with her mother either, maybe she's just a really scared kid with a terrible way of dealing with difficult feelings. I kind of wonder if threatening/getting angry etc. would just exacerbate the problems.

Maybe the prospect of you leaving is what she actually wants? I don't think it's personal, but maybe she's just freaking out about what her support system will be and the seriousness of becoming an adult.

Just my two cents.
I think you're doing a great job and being really understanding.