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Grandparent of SD issues

tryingtobezen's picture

Hi everyone -

I'm new to this forum. I have a bit of an unusual situation I guess. My teenage SD's mum lives in another country and her grandparents (particularly grandmother) have been heavily involved in raising her. I disagree with their parenting style (very indulgent/permissive) and we've done things (or tried to) differently since moving in together 3 years ago.

The results have been a teenager who IMO has problem solving issues and very little tolerance for what she deems "stressful" i.e. picking up after herself, rinsing her own dish before it goes in the dishwasher, turning on the fan in the bathroon when she showers, putting the sheet on her bed (not even fully making it!), not being allowed to do whatever she wants and getting everything she wants (e.g. an ear stretcher - she has been allowed to get tongue and belly ring, going out drinking and hanging out on the streets at night), being expected to treat us with a level of respect (which she frequently doesn't)... I could go on.

It has felt from the very beginning that there was a creation of "sides" - where her grandparents are on her "side" - and this then validates for her how hard done by she is (which is not AT ALL) and how awful we are (which we are not). It feels like we are the family scapegoats, when all we have tried to do is provide a safe, happy and responsible enviornment to launch this kid from - so she'll be as prepared as possible to live as an adult and have healthy coping mechanisms when things don't go her way (which will of course happen!)

Many times we have calmly discussed how we want the best for her and that does mean, if she wants more freedom etc., that also comes along with responsibility etc.

Her grandmother had a go at us both about 16 months ago about how we were "strict" and made various other attacks such as me not being a mother and being "religious" (which I don't see myself as at all - yes, I have faith - but I'm not a nun! and def don't force my beliefs on anyone else!!!). We didn't respond at the time because I was so shocked and taken aback and also didn't want to say anything I regretted. We tried several times to engage them in a constructive conversation (we all have SD's best interests at heart etc) and the grandmother refused to talk with us!

All of this has culminated in what I feel is a kid who has developed unhealthy and unkind ways to try to get what she wants - as far as her short term thinking will allow. She knows there is tension in these relationships and seems to use it to her advantage. She's said things like "I tell Nana everything that happens in this house" - wow - invasive and threatening much? Not what a new wife wants to deal with... It's stressful and ultimately I just feel like I've zipped my mouth for so long and dealt with what I think are the consequences of someone else's poor parenting decisions (my husband's and his mother). My husand was a young dad who followed his mum's advice and guidance but he can see now how he went a bit wrong. It's not all bad by any means, but definitely has resulted in a kid who is very entitled and can't cope well with anything slightly challenging. I've tried to be peaceful and accepting about it all - but I feel like I'm about to explode from anger, resentment and really fear that all of this effort has amounted to what seems like so little.

Yeah - so really, just wondering if anyone else is dealing with interferring in-laws/grandparents and how you handle it?

twoviewpoints's picture

Actually it never ceases to amaze me when I read posts like this one. Most are the same. Parent too young to raise the kid. Dumps kid on grandparents. Along comes new GF/DW to the scene to do the mommy thing and suddenly those rotten grandparents have done it all wrong. Should stop interfering. Should shove it up their ass and mind their own business. Blah blah blah.

Look. The way it should have worked all alone is 1)don't make babies one isn't prepared to raise on their own 2)don't dump the baby on the grandparent or anyone else if there is the slightest doubt you won't approve of the out come 3)children are not occasional playthings one puts up on a shelf and final takes down after the new GF/SO/DW comes along and decides everything has been done all wrong, the kid is a failure and she going to fix it all (*rolls eyes*).

I get the OP is frustrated. I get the kid is a mess...but why set the scenario up to happen (which the stories are usually always the same old story)in the first place? Stop blaming the people one dumps on somebody else and raise your own kids. Good, bad, don't leave the responsibility to someone else and then blame them you (the actual parent)f-ed up.

To the OP, I do hope you can help turn the young lady around. Unfortunately for your sake I think it's likely not going to work. Your guy failed this young lady and the only way to maybe be able turn it around this late is to cut the girl off from the grandparent and be 100% 24/7 365 responsible for the teen. It will break any relationship the guy has with his parents and the young lady will fight him every step of the way....does your guy have it in him. It has to be him (not you) and he has to accept only he created this and only he can possibly fix it.

Monchichi's picture

two is quite right. And from experience, you will lose the war. There is zero chance of breaking all contact. These men almost never want to cut the apron strings. They do not want to parent the mess they helped make. It also happens to not be your place to enter this fight. Try not to repeat some of our mistakes. I wish I had found this site 2 years ago when I began this road.

tryingtobezen's picture

Hi Two,

Totally get what you are saying and definitely agree with the "shoulds", however we don't live in a perfect world as we all know and trying to just do the best I can in this difficult set of circumstances.

My husband didn't "dump" his child - SD's mother left when she was very young, and yes, his mother (willingly and by her own choice) took on a lot of day to day care - as he was working etc. However, she has always lived with him and he is a great dad. He didn't get everything right and for sure, would do it differently given that time again, however - we're in it now Smile

I totally understand that it must be a really hard spot for the grandparents emotionally too. However - hey, it's a tough situation for us all, but we're all adults right? Surely the best thing is to admit to all that and get on the same page for the sake of the kid. I'm not going to try to cut her off from her very loved grandparents. They have been a constant in her life and, besides probably creating more drama than it's worth - and not working anyway - I feel it would be morally wrong to do that.

My husband fully accpets his responsibility in all of this - and trust me - he's dealing with a lot of consequences of his decisions daily!!!

I guess I really just wanted to know if anyone could relate to my frustration and upset and get a bit of support Smile

twoviewpoints's picture

I took what she wrote as this is his mother not the BM's parents. She does say in her profile kid now lives with them (OP and Dad) currently fulltime.

1. "It's stressful and ultimately I just feel like I've zipped my mouth for so long and dealt with what I think are the consequences of someone else's poor parenting decisions (my husband's and his mother). My husband was a young dad who followed his mum's advice and guidance but he can see now how he went a bit wrong."

2. " so really, just wondering if anyone else is dealing with interfering in-laws/grandparents and how you handle it?"

tryingtobezen's picture

Hi Echo

See post above - SD lives with us full-time and has always lived with her dad. She is in our home and I'm just trying to do the best I can.


tryingtobezen's picture

Hi LadyFace

I agree with you - however, do feel that would be putting a cat amoung the pigeons! She doesn't refuse to talk to us - the relationship are civil, but strained i would say! She refused to have a conversation about SD unfortunately, after she had a go at us and we'd had some time to regather our thoughts and get some persepctive. We were hoping for a calm, adult discussion where would could just agree to disagree on some things, but make sure we're on the same page with the big stuff.

I agree with you about if it were anyone else etc. do feel it's not going to work to cut her off - wouldn't feel right about it and would cause drama to no end! Apart from probably not working anyway. No, she wasn't a young, dumb parent.

Rags's picture

Unless they have gone to court to get visitation, GPs have no rights or say in regards to kids.

We lived a nearly constant battle with my son's Sperm Grandhag for the 17+ years of the Custody/Visitation/Support CO. I made it my goal to destroy her legally, financially, socially, in her church, in her community, and I was very, very good at it. The Sperm Idiot was useless and defaulted to his bitch hag mother on everything. She was our major blended family opposition burden to bear.

Tell GrandMa to fuck off and have your DH stop his daughter from seeing her unless GrandHag behaves.

I would.

GrandMa does what she is told when she is told to do it or she has no contact with the kid. A simple concept.