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Thought I'd share my giggle.....

Elizamen's picture

I haven't posted much on here but I am an avid reader. I had a funny conversation (in an ironic, twisted way)with my H (who moved into his parent's house about a month ago). As a brief overview, my H is a poster boy Disney Dad. He moved his 2 Ds (now 18 & 20) into my home and basically allowed them to treat my home like a toilet (food and other filth everywhere) and expected me to just accept it. After all - they were HIS kids! That lasted almost 4 years. 2 years ago, his oldest went to college for about 6 weeks and dropped out. At that point, she moved into her mother's house full-time as her mother allows the kids to do ANYTHING and I wouldn't allow guys to spend the night.

Present Day: The OSD (20) has decided to rent an apartment with her BF. They were all out to dinner celebrating the YSD birthday. The grandparents were asking the OSD about her new apartment and keeping it tidy - everyone knows what a slob she is. (Her grandparents had asked my H and his kids to leave their house immediately following the divorce because they couldn't take the filth.) OSD looks at her grandmother and says, "there will be no food allowed outside the kitchen." My H immediately said to her, "But I couldn't get you to bring the food out of your room into the kitchen when you were living with me." Her reply:

"But Dad - this will be MY HOUSE and I don't want a mess in MY HOUSE." Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!

I told him I hope he feels like an ass arguing with me for 4 years that they shouldn't have to clean up after themselves because prior to their 18th birthday - they are children. They know that they should clean up after themselves. They just didn't want to and he facilitated it. Asshat!!!


Tuff Noogies's picture

i wonder how much that will actually register with him... if it DOES, then - awesome!!!!