Final CS final everything?
Dh and I are still hanging on. I have found that when I stop worrying about what he will or won't do years from now, my anxiety goes way down. I am instead focusing on me, and what do I want. I can't change him, or control him. The only I have control over is me.
One positive update is that his ex has signed off on the emancipation order as his daughter will not be going directly to grad school, but will work. Whew......the next month will be dh's last CS payment ever.
He has reached out a few times over the past weeks to call his daughter who graduates college in a few weeks. They have been estranged for a few years now, but dh has paid well over 60k for her college. She has never called him, and last week did not return a call, yet they speak for like a half hour or so? Dh has never seen her college and it pains him greatly. So he reached out one more time today calling her. They spoke at length and he brought up the topic of graduation, asking her whom she had invited or who was going. She rattled off .....her mother. /step father and sister, and grandmother on her mother side. Most importantly, she did not ask him to attend.
So, he feels very hurt, but the writing has been on the wall with his daughters for years. Seems like a painful end. Who knows if he will ever see them again.
It is seems many kids think
It is seems many kids think of dad as shit on a stick. Yet,they have no problem spending dad's funds for their needs. BM can be a loser/user but she still is MOTY of the year in their eyes.
Your DH should call her on it in reference to graduation. I am sure he feels he should not have to ask. Myself, I would confront her. People will treat you the way you LET them treat you. She is very blessed to have a dad who could fork out that kind of money for an education.
No, he is not calling her
No, he is not calling her anymore. Clearly she does not value him, he has only been an ATM machine for years. I honestly thought she would have felt uncomfortable discussing graduation and her guests, such that she would have asked him to attend. He had really hoped she would invite him.
What an ungrateful brat.
What an ungrateful brat. Sorry she is causing your DH so much hurt, my skids treat my DH the same way and he keeps signing up for more.
She has always been the
She has always been the victim. Was extremely jealous of her sister when they were younger. Became enmeshed with her father at divorce and mother fueled the outrage when dh started dating.
Everything he has done is bashed. He sent her a beautiful 3 page letter last year for her birthday. Months later, she said it was a perversion a cheap attempt to make her feel guilty.
When he called last week, she asked him what happened....insinuating that he only calls when there is trouble.
I think she picks up the phone and speaks at length with him is because she enjoys being chased.
^^^^^^^^^THIS It's a common
It's a common theme on this board - skids that loathe their fathers and/or their SMs, but lack the integrity to stop pumping them for $$$$. I have zero respect for emotional terrorists.
Ha! Love the "emotional
Ha! Love the "emotional terrorists" comment...well said and so true!
I think he was really shocked
I think he was really shocked that she spoke freely about everyone going to her graduation, and then did not invite him to attend. What a cruel person she is, but that is nothing new.
The light bulb went on in his mind yesterday. But I have a feeling that if and when she starts calling him, he will have a short memory.
Funny how you also mention
Funny how you also mention the child abuse. If they had NOT been able to take him to court for cars and cell phones, he would have been charged with something. This daughter always made the claim she was afraid of him when it suited her. He is milk toast actually, and they know it!
Thank goodness she is not going right to grad school, because they would have pressed on for the money tree to continue.
Her birthday is today, and no
Her birthday is today, and no I do not care if this somehow gets back to her....I stand by every comment and then some.
But anyhow, dh sent her a text wishing her happy bday. I thought it was ok. At least he took the high road and did everything he could and then some. He has nothing to be ashamed of....
Now I think dh needs to
Now I think dh needs to address the behavior of his other daughter. You know the one who actually took back the first payment on a college loan that he co signed with her. And has refused all contact with him AND she has not made another payment. My suggestion to dh is to now pay it off, and send her a letter telling her this payment is the last money she will ever receive from him or his estate and it will be filed with his attorney. Because you know damn well this girl will be there with lawyers at his death. I don't think he has the balls to do this however, but I think it is about time. This was done well over 7 months ago and she has not gotten anything from him!
Who knows if he will ever see
Who knows if he will ever see his kid again? More importantly with this toxic gold digging spawn ... who cares?
He needs to protect himself from this X and their toxic spawn and let them wallow in the financial destitution that will follow his refusal to further fund their bullshit.
IMHO of course.