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Look at me! Look at me!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

HHB is going on and on and on on social media about being soooooooooo stressed over AP Theater tryouts! Theater was another one of those things that she tried her freshman year while living with us, but she quit. I wonder what happened to trying out for the dance team. I guess she just isn't a dancer any more...or maybe she already tried out and they told her they didn't want her. Who knows, maybe theater will be her thing...she is pretty good at laying on the drama. Wink

BS20 was in AP Theater...I don't think HHB will like it that much. She may think it is all acting, but it isn't. BS20 spent lots of time doing set and costume building...actual work. And the practices can be grueling! In BS20's case, it is one of his passions...second to football. He was always in every school and church play...has always had a knack for picking up voices and accents. He couldn't wait to turn 12 so that he could join the drama team at our church, and was in theater every year of middle school and high school. Even with his average grades, he graduated on the commended plan because he put in the extra fine arts credit. He discovered that they have a drama team at his university, and he has joined that, too. He actually enjoys set building, and is also rather good behind the camera and light board, as he has had to work the camera or light board when his football practice prevented him from trying out for parts in productions.

HHB is the kind that I can see not being happy unless she always gets the lead. Set building? That's physical labor! She can bedazzle a costume, if needed! And work the camera or light board or simply be a stage manager? Oh hell no! She doesn't join this kind of crap to work behind the scenes! She is too much of a diva for that!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Bwahahahaha! That sounds like when BS20 would have his friends over! HHB would bounce out in her mid-drift T's and butt shorts (you know, while she was still into guys). She would parade around acting all coy, giggling at everything that the guys would say. BS20 and his friends would ignore her...act like she didn't even exist!

I love BS20's friends. The last two times BS20 was home from college, we had game nights, and told him to invite his friends over. They make game night fun! You just have to make sure to fix plenty of food, because those guys can eat! But they are all so polite...yes ma'am, yes sir...they pick up after themselves...etc.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Same here...DH would not have believed anything anyone else had to say about HHB! Oh no...there is no way his princess is that way! I'm certain she has been having sex since she was 13, and BM currently doesn't have any problem with the fact that HHB is staying the night at her girlfriend's house, even though she is certain they are having sex! "She just got tired of the sausage, I guess!" That was what BM said about it all!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

BS20 has always had a lot of energy...was talking with a friend about this yesterday because she had posted an article about how kids aren't meant to sit for hours on end, and if they get fidgety, these days teachers want them tested for ADHD. Sports and theater helped BS20 direct all that energy...I was saying it find it funny...he never needed a nap as a kid, but he needs naps now in college because he has to workout some 4+ hours a day and is involved in so much stuff. He is finally depleting his energy Only thing that bugged me sometimes was the voices! I swear...Stitch lived in my house for 2 months after the kids watched Lilo & Stitch. BS20 picked up the voice instantly, and wouldn't stop! He was about 8 at the time...I think. He has a perfect British accent, middle eastern accent, French accent, and Hispanic accent. Every time he hears a new one, he tries to develop it. He can do George Lopez and Gilbert Iglesias PERFECTLY!

The only thing HHB has in terms of "acting" is her drama. Oh...can she lay on the drama!!! But she can't do accents, she can't do voices...she is one of those one trick ponies on stage, if that makes any sense. If there is a part that happens to fit her natural self, she can do it. But to be someone else? She fails miserably! She tried that in real transparent it isn't even funny! "Oh, I'm the good Christian girl" for my MIL. "I'm country!" for the folks at school when she lived out here. "I'm bad ass" for the kids at her old school. "I'm emo"..."I'm goth"..."I'm a scene kid"..."I'm a stoner"..."I'm a skater"..."I'm a prep" goes on and on and on.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Now that you say that..."Her excuse for not continuing with her new found passion is because we were paying for dance and told her that came before drama (which was free)." I'm wondering if theater is a last resort for HHB because BM doesn't want to have to pay for shoes, dance costumes (as the dance group has to buy...rather than make...theirs), and other fees. I make sure DH keeps making it clear that we are done paying for extras...she gets what is court ordered, and nothing else! Girl has to be on a stage, and theater is her last resort if BM won't pay for stuff!

HHB didn't take theater at all in middle school. Decided that she wanted to do it her freshman year. When she didn't sign up for it her sophomore year, DH asked her why, and she told him, "You don't need to be concerned with that!" Yeah...that is how she answered him! BS20 had gotten moved to advanced theater his freshman year, and I guess HHB figured that the same would happen for her. When she had to stay in basic theater because the teacher did not think she was as gifted, and needed to study the fundamentals a bit more, she got all butt hurt! I found out the truth at the end of the school year...HHB was on her phone the entire class period for theater, and she wasn't showing up to drama club. Funny, I remember HHB saying many times that she had to stay after school for drama club! Oh yeah...that is when she had a boyfriend, and suddenly had after-school activities every day to throw DH off of the fact that she was off making out with him every day!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Ha! I don't know why HHB thinks she should try out for ANYTHING at this point. Her phone is totally silent again today looking at the logs (I usually check on Wednesdays, because if DH starts trying to text her to come over, he starts on if I see any back and forth from them, I know to brace myself). I flipped through the last few days, and it looks like she is still texting all through the school day, but also the last week, she has been up until like 3 a.m. on the phone on school nights!!! Looking at the calendar, mid-period progress reports should have come out in the last few days...the "this is where you stand so far for the current grading better shape up" pieces of paper! I can't help but wonder if she got progress reports, and thus got grounded from her phone. Yes, it does happen Around here, you only get progress reports if you are currently failing a class at the period mid-point.

Girl should really stop thinking about what she is going to do to get on a stage, and start thinking about those grades! I, for one, will be PISSED if DH gets stuck paying an extra year of child support because the girl becomes a 5th year senior in high school for not doing her work! Stupid court order...until 18th birthday or child graduates high school, which ever comes last! UGH!!!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Too bad you cannot lock down her phone and only allow texting from 5am-8am and 4pm-8pm.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Oh, we can....but it won't do any good. We tried that when HHB lived with us. With all the apps out there these days, unless you take your home wifi down at night also (which surely will not happen at BM's house, because BM is up all night trolling the web), HHB just uses the apps on the wifi once she can't use her phone any more! Can't text those friends? Well, I'll get on Kik and talk to these other "friends". Believe it or not, there are a lot of schools with wifi these days, as well. Seriously, the ONLY way to stop this with her is to be a parent, and make her hand over that phone, only letting her have it during certain non-school hours when she doesn't have to sleep!