I'm writing BM's number on every bathroom wall!!!!!
I AM FUMING!! DH and I have known each other over 25 years and have a circle of friends that we have known just as long. Sadly as it happens in life, you have to cut ties with some due to their poor choices, drug uses, etc. Well last night DH phone is blowing up with texts. He looks confused and asks if I had any contact or ran into "j". Told him nope and would avoid if I did. The texts were from J who did not have that number since we changed carriers two years ago and never gave him the number.
I just get a text (surprise) that says Hey can you have DH call me? I miss you guys and wanted to talk to you about something. I sent back - sorry you have the wrong number. He answered with no I dont - its J and BM GAVE ME YOUR NUMBERS!!!
WTH is this woman thinking????? She knows the reasons why we cannot be friends with the man and its mostly due to the childrens safety.
I have my sharpie in hand.
Don't respond again. Block
Don't respond again. Block his number ASAP.
Done and Done!!
Done and Done!!
When BM pisses me off I wrire
When BM pisses me off I wrire her phone number on money lol So it really gets out there
If only I could bring myself
If only I could bring myself to deface money...
^^^ LOL ^^^. I need to take
^^^ LOL ^^^.
I need to take deep breaths!!! I am soo flipping pissed! Whats next - she gonna give him our address?
Pretty sure BM's number is
Pretty sure BM's number is already on every bathroom wall. And I'm pretty sure she did it herself.
Ha!! I would love to!!!
Ha!! I would love to!!!
Shoot, that would be doing BM
Shoot, that would be doing BM over here a favor!
Hey BM put my number on a
Hey BM put my number on a craigslist ad once for "services." I never considered retaliation but if I could get some retaliation from another side of the country that might not pin point me for doing it!! haha
She also signed me up for pretty much every magazine subscription known to man. It was fun calling all these companies and explaining to them that we were dealing with a psychopath and that I do not actually owe the money they think I do and to send the bill to her.
^^ I would never think of
I would never think of doing anything like that to anyone. But....give me time.
Haha I'm glad BM can give
Haha I'm glad BM can give ideas to someone. It was pretty shitty for a long time sorting out the calls and explaining the perverts taht called to DH until we wised up and searched for my phone number on craigslist.
The magazines are STILL coming to this day. Too bad they aren't subscriptions I enjoy. I keep them in a pile. I think one day I will mail her a giant ass box of them.
Bahaha. Don't you know
Bahaha. Don't you know she's a SINGLE MOM and she cannot afford a lawn all she can afford is HUD housing!! Geesh tommar!!
The BM in my life would be
The BM in my life would be the one to put her number on a bathroom wall - looking for love....
We have blocked his number
We have blocked his number and spread the word that we do not want contact with him at all. I will see BM Saturday when she wants to play nice and try to sit with me at SS12 basketball game. I dont think she will sit there too long }:)