What is dh thinking?????
I have a flat on my car so I can't go anywhere today. Fine whatever I'll deal no biggie. Dh took the other car to work ok fine he needs it. he will be working late tonight, out of his control. Fine no biggie HOWEVER we have to get ss13 back to his moms by 6pm and dh will not be home in time. HE calls me in a tissy wanting me to call anyone I can to find a ride to drop him off. WTH?? UMM NO! First it say in the papers that it is 50/50 when it comes to dropping off and picking up. HE pickes them up at her house but he drops them back off about half way. What is wrong with that? I don't agree and he knows it but he feels he should ok whatever not my gas money or my time. Until now! when he asks me to scramble to get him there when this is not his fault, just call bm and tell her life happens! I told him that too. After I called my bro but he can't do it, my neighbor doesn;t have a big big enough car. Ok I did what I could right? UM no, he wants me to ask the old guy across the street to change my tire! WHAT? he is old dh! No reason he has to come here to change it when dh can do it when he gets home and jsut be a little late. Come on! GGRRRR
No she is NOT allowed at the
No she is NOT allowed at the house however we do have a bank a block away that we have dropped off and picked up before. And NO he hasn't asked her but he did finally tell her that he can't make it and why so she said ok you can be late . whatever! Like she is giving her ok that it is ok for him to be late. I mean it is not his fault he has to work late nor is it his fault I have a flat. It is life geez! rolling my eyes!
I normally don't ask the
I normally don't ask the neighbors for anything like that. I only did it b/c dh asked me too. I also knew before I even asked her that she didn't have room, she only has a 2 seater. the only other one was the old man and I am going to ask him he has enough to deal with with his wife being in such poor health. It wasn't an emergency so i didn't understand why dh got into such a tissy about it. I mean call the bm duh!
He did call her and she had no problem with him being an hour and a half late. It just upset me that he would ask that much of me or our neighbors!
Not to mention that ds16 and ss13 was sick all day throwing up and I really didn't want to have to get anyone else exposed to it. AS it is I got whatever they had and so now I'm sick. I felt so bad for the poor boys, they didn't eat a thing nor moved form the couch all day.
They didn't even want to play the games systems, I know they were sick poor babies. But ss13 wanted to go back to his moms I understand that. He understood that daddy had to work late, he didn;t fuss or anything he just laid there.