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Anyone have over 18 SK living in the house FULL time...


Help I feel like I am losing my mind. I have an SD18 and a SS20. The SD just finally started college. The SS20 does not have a job and does not desire to get one. I find myself not wanting to even go home after work with my 8BS and 3BS. They contribute nothing to the family. We are simple a hotel for them... help this is not the life I I the only one?

Drac0's picture

Bookmarking this because my SS is 15 and I will be in the same boat as you in a few years so I am hoping to get some advice.

Drac0's picture

Well yeah, but DW is still under the impression that he can still live with us if he works 4 hours a week flipping burgers at McDonalds. But I was told that the fast food chains won't hire kids without HS degrees anymore.

SS *can* stay under my roof if he meets certain conditions:

  • Goes to college
  • Gets in a trade/apprentice training program
  • military
  • Gets a lucrative job that takes him out of state (I'm thinking something like my cousin. She travelled the country refurbishing artwork pieces at different museums. She is fully independent but up until a year ago, she still had her parents address as hers)
  • Since I know none of the above will happen, then as soon as SS turns 18, I'm giving him 30-days notice.

    MommyNotMommy's picture

    What does your hubby say when you talk to him about it? Have they always lived there, did they move in at 18? Do they do anything? Is there an age at which their dad will/would say OK, out?

    I say now that this would be a deal breaker for me, but, like Drac0, I will probably be in this situation in a few years.

    EVILSTEPMOTHER75's picture

    Mother lives in Florida. They have lived with us for the past 4 years full time. DH says nothing, say he is going to let him figure it out on his own, because yelling hasn't worked. Wait...what??? SD left for the summer because she didn't like our rules but quickly came back because she had no where to stay. They eat all the food, drink all the juice/soda/milk/coffee and leave all the dishes in the sink. 20SS said I was a bitch because I ask him to take his shoes off when he comes in the house... But im the AHOLE

    EVILSTEPMOTHER75's picture

    The 20 year old literally does NOTHING. He has no job, so no money and ran his car into the ground because he was driving like a jerk. So now no car. 18SD finally started college after taking a year off. But has one class a day then comes home and SITS.

    Willow2010's picture DH has skid living with him full time. My son.

    Before DH and I married, we discussed what would happen once kids turned 18. We came to the decision that any kid/skid over 18 could live with us if they were in college full time and had a part time job. Once that was no longer happened they would have 3-6 months to get out of our house.

    My DS is 21. Graduated college 6 weeks ago. He got his dream job about 3 weeks ago and is still working his part time job. (just on the weekend nights)

    His deadline to move is 6/1/15. But he really does not need a deadline because he is already trying to move into an apartment early next month or April. I will be an empty nester! Happy and sad all at the same time. haha

    Sit your DH down and see if he can agree to something like this above. It is absurd to just let kids not be productive at that age.

    LCBMOM's picture

    DH and I had this discussion with all of our kids at 18yo you move out or move to college their choice and whatever BM pays for college we will match. Of course youngest SD has never been held reasonably responsible for actions so her response was"daddy said i could always stay with him" i told her that was fine he could move out with her and went on to tell her not to get her hopes up because at 18 he will be ready to let her leave the nest. Theres a reason puberty and teenage years come before parents are past ready to let the kids go at 18. Anywho if the kids arent meeting the rules you set forth kick them out...this is the real world.

    GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

    This isn't my SS but my BS18. He lives with us FT, but he's in college FT and working PT. He does his share around the house, pays for his own gas and car insurance, and uses his own money for miscellaneous spending. If he was 18 and doing nothing with his life, that would be a different story.

    TheAccidentalSM's picture

    I have YSS19 living with us. He isn't as awful as some but it still drives me slightly insane. (Read my blog for a bit of background but basically we took him to live with us when he was dropping out and had just be diagnosed with major health problems)

    - He works. This is a major condition of me agreeing to this arrangement.
    - We have a study which acts as his living room. It gives us couple space in the main living room and eliminates fights over the remote control. It also means I'm not subjected to his gaming antics. I can just shut the door.
    - My DH does all the cleaning. I refuse to clean up SS's messes.
    - He is mostly polite (When he's not its awful)
    - He knows that he needs to be independant and wants to work towards getting out on his own.

    However, he is still a work in progress. Here's an example - I got home from work yesterday very late. DH is away on business. I stuck my head around the door of his living room to say hi. SS had ordered pizza with all of the extras. This is fine as he pays for it with his money. I asked him to put the boxes in the garbage when he was done. Does any one want to bet where the boxes where when I got up for work? I'll give him points for moving all but one to the kitchen but he didn't get as far as the bin. LOL. He got up out of his chair and went as far as the kitchen but couldn't complete the task...

    I have told him to his face and not in the heat of an arguement "I am not your mother. It is not my job to love you unconditionally. You have to work at making me like you. Its like a relationship with a friend/teacher/boss." This has helped as we know where we both stand.

    Also he is going to be very difficult to launch with his medical issues. When you add this to the fact that he has no life skills (cooking, cleaning, etc) so he isn't an ideal room mate.

    Finally we live in a mega city with insane rents so when he goes DH will probably have to subsidise him. This doesn't bother me as it would be worth it.

    EVILSTEPMOTHER75's picture

    Thanks everyone.. sometimes they all make me think that it's me and I am the EVIL STEPMOTHER! Nice to know that other people feel the same way. I told DH last night that 9 months was long enough.. want a good laugh... SS applied for Unemployment, can you say this is the laziest 20 year old on the planet! What happened to this generation. My Dad had my sister and I working at 14 and we haven't stopped since !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    SweetMom's picture

    I think you should give it a little Longer. Try try to encourage the kids and do t throw them out yet. 25 I see but 18 and 20 is still young to me. :/ maybe check into getting them a travel trailer and park it into a camp site. That's a cheap way to live on flipping burgers. Maybe you can find a trailer park close to the burger joint

    SecondGeneration's picture

    Right, I am one of 5. My parents had pretty simple rules when it came to being "adults" living at home.

    As soon as any of us had left full time education and were working then we were required to pay rent. One of my step brothers wanted to be a mechanic so whilst he was working he was receiving a lesser wage so rather than the rent being a fixed amount my parents did it based on a percentage. Approximately a third of the wage. This money covered rent, utilities and helped towards shopping, you had no input in what was being bought/spent so if you wanted anything specifically you were still expected to sort it yourself.
    The rent increased whenever your pay did.

    Also whilst remaining to live at home we were expected to help with household chores.

    I didnt like some of the rules so I left home shortly before I turned 19, and moved in with my boyfriend. One of my step brothers also didnt like some of the rules which led to him being kicked out, he had to sleep in his car.

    I will not say that Im great with money but I can budget and I think its down to back then. However it really does depend on the individual.
    Fast forward now, Im the youngest at 24, all my step siblings are 28-32, yet one of my step brothers is still reliant.

    Personally I want to be doing a similar thing for any older teens/adults living in my home. If they are choosing to stay on in education thats fine but they need a part time job to fund themselves. Once they are out and working they need to be paying rent. Some people say if you charge rent they will never be able to save and move out but they will if they want to.
    In my first job I was only earning 900 a month, 300 a month went to my parents for rent. But lets face it, when your living at home with your parents with all bills paid you dont need your full paycheck and your setting them up for failure if they come to expect having the whole of their paycheck to spend.

    Raggles's picture

    secondgeneration - your upbringing was similar to mine. my parents however took half my wages.
    i can budget and as you rightly said my wages now i do not get to spend all of it.
    i will be dong this with skids although the problem is them getting of their backsides and getting a job in the first place. SO wont kick them out therefore we have a stalemate situation.

    SecondGeneration's picture

    We all had jobs from when we were legally able to have part time jobs, which was when we were 14. My step mum actually drove me to various pubs/restaurants to make me ask for jobs.
    Problem is nowadays they dont really recruit so much that way.

    Its a tricky one because youve got to make home life less comfortable, more responsible to give them the incentive to want to be independent because then they can make their own rules.

    That being said, despite having the same upbringing my step brother is still bouncing from my parents and my step sisters house. He hasnt had his own place since he lost his last flat.