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Bm calls my DH and talks about her other kids

SweetMom's picture

BM calls my DH and tells him about her daughter's (by another man) welfare. Apparently my sd11 sister got hurt and she felt he had to know. I mean she talked about 30 minutes about this clumsy kid and he listened. What pisses me off mostly about it is that he wanted to ask me why am I so insensitive. It's always going to be some type of reason for her to call him to hear his voice. They mise well go live with each other . He went outside because he is frustrated. You believe that shit! Sorry had to vent

a_nessy_life's picture

Bad move. Don't ever walk away from the current wife because of the ExW's game playing and manipulating.

Why do Ex's keep believing that their old partners care about these people that they USED to know?

a_nessy_life's picture

Ouch! But true. He will go to where he finds the most comfort. And why isnt that place right beside you?

SweetMom's picture

he said he went to his friends house to help work on a car and I told hi
To pick a family and a wife because he can't have two. Good pointers Echo! He said he had a wife and that's me. He says I know she carries on and he can't help that and there was nothing wrong with his ex wife telling him about his ex step kids hospital visit. He says its a normal thing that a man still has something to do with his ex step kids. It's just frustrating to me that we have to fight everytime his ex calls and I make a comment and he disagrees

SweetMom's picture

They have another ex step dad that they call daddy. Their mother divorced him last year. The only thing we do is buy gifts so my husbands biological daughter goes home with extra clothing or Christmas s the other girl isnt without. Maybe that's were the problem started because of the fairness was with things. I just remember being little and my parents let my sister go off and they would come home with big teddy bears and it wasn't fair. It's getting worse because it feels like the BM is trying to put my husband in that place . She didn't know what she had till it was gone I suppose. When I met my husband he told me he had one daughter. He never said anything about ex step kids and any responsibilities. I feel this is a form for BM to just call him. First it was child support until he went down and had it taken out. She looses 38.00 she got every month for it to come weekly. Next it was his daughters periods that she called three times and now it's starting to be this other girls problems and she says btw..she is having her own dr appointment and it maybe cancer or her aunt this and her other aunt this and her dad, etc.

SweetMom's picture

Thank you for comments. When he came home earlier I did ignore him
For 3 hours. I said a lot to him about the situation and thank you all for the pointers. He finally came to the back and tried to buddy up to my son like planning on A movie with him in the future. He chatted up with him. He told me he couldn't stand that bitch and he hates arguing. Maybe in the future he will handle it better. I was ready to throw his stuff out on the lawn. I was so mad!

hereiam's picture

He says I know she carries on and he can't help that

Oh, but he can help that. With the push of a button.

My DH's ex would try to talk to him about stuff not pertaining to their daughter. He told her that he didn't want to hear it, and that the next time she did it, he would just hang up.

They were not on good terms at all, it was simply her way of feeling in control of him and saying, "Hey, look, I can totally shit on this guy and still get him to be nice to me. He's such a dumb ass."

And with my DH's ex, you can be sure there was a bigger ulterior motive in play.

Your DH needs to shut her down.