Switch up the Schedule?
Okay, I'm just looking for some input regarding a possible schedule change per BM.
We currently have the skids (SS11/SS16) W/TH and EOWE. We had proposed last year to switch to EOW, because we thought it would be easier on kids and their schedules, but BM said no way, it didn't work with her schedule.
Now BM is asking to switch the 2 weekdays so we would have them M/T instead of W/TH. I have been thinking about this, and think it might be nice to have a Wed-Sun free from skids- possibly enjoy a long weekend away now and then.
I enjoy sending them off on a Monday morning and feeling relieved after the end of the weekend. I don't know if I would like/could handle dealing with them again on a Monday night. Erg...
Anybody have a similar schedule or thoughts on this???
ohh i wish we had a schedule
ohh i wish we had a schedule we have SS sunday thru Friday and any weekend BM decides not to take him
we have EoWE -fri,sat,sun
we have EoWE -fri,sat,sun over night then tues and thurs overnight the following week. no contact wiv Bm as its all done after school. Only contact is every other thurs/fri when BM collects from us as we have SD after school.
holidays however are a totally different story and always a mess!!!