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Lady's picture

I posted the other day about the SD baby shower and how SDIL texted me an invite that was rude. So now SD has went into labor . DH ask me to go with him to the hospital . The reason he ask me to go is because his own family will ignore him most of the time and they do that because of me. I went to the hospital when SDIL was in labor . The rest of the pack got up and set in another part of the hospital when I showed up with DH. I was told I couldnt hold the baby but I never ask to hold the baby.I couldnt get a picture but DH could and he got to get one blurry picture. I dont know what DH will do if he dont go . His spawn will rip him a new butthole because he didnt show up so he could be ignored.As for me Im getting a massage and I have a dinner date with my best friend Smile

sandye21's picture

Good for you! Hope you enjoy the time with your friend. If your DH chooses to be a 'speed' bump' let him. I wouldn't even ask to see the picture or for any information about the birth. Just talk about how much fun you ahd with your friend. Maybe he will get the message about how much emotinal investment you are willing to place in your SD's.

rainbow bright83's picture

My DH was in a similar situation about two years ago (i think thats when the sleaze had her spawn). DH and I ended up in a huge fight about him going to see the sleaze after plopping out her welfare ticket. The reason he was going wasnt to support his demon spawn, but so people wouldnt talk about him being a "bad dad". I of course thought this was the most stupid reason ever. Since that initial hospital visit my DH has had maybe 2 times of interacting with the kid. SD19 likes to try and get what she wants by dangling her baby in front of family. Basically it goes "i want _____, and if you give it to me, I will let you see my baby"
I wont even go there. And DH is blind to it, All of DH's family is blind to it.
I laid down my feelings and in the end DH has very little to do with SD19 or her kid.

hereiam's picture

DH and I went to the hospital after SD gave birth. SD said she was going to have BM leave for a while but that didn't happen; she was there and it was a nightmare. Not for me, I was Miss Personality, but DH cannot stand to be in the same room as BM. She makes his skin crawl. Pretty sure we will never be doing that again.

BM practically forced me to hold the baby. Really, I was fine with NOT holding him but whatever.

While we waited for SD's husband to get there (who we had not met, yet) BM was talking to somebody else about HER new husband (her 4th) and how happy she was and blah, blah, blah. It was hysterical because she is so phony, she actually seems sane to people who don't know her.

When SD's husband got there, BM jumped up and literally squealed and ran and hugged him as if SHE was his wife (and in high school). Then she realized what she was doing and let go of him so he could go to SD and his newborn baby (BM had intercepted him).

Luckily, SD's second kid was born in another country. If she ever has another, we will most likely just wait until she is home and we know for sure BM is not there. Who, by the way, is now on her 5th marriage (and it's shaky).

20YearsAsAStep-Mom's picture

Don't go. Let your DH go if he wishes.

YSD had a baby last year. I stayed away. Didnt need the drama.