Wasing my hands... can't handle anxiety from BM and SD
Decided today, I'm not worrying about what the ex thinks of me. I was constantly worried that my SD12 would go home every other weekend and complain to her about me fighting with, calling her out for lying, being mean to the other people in household, leaving messes, trying to assault her sister and passive aggressively causing fights between DH and I. I was always dreading the Monday after that my DH would check his inbox and get a nasty message about me. She has no issue badmouthing me in front of SD12 on Facebook. I'm pretty sure she has taught her daughter she doesn't have to respect me.
Well I don't care anymore, I'm damned if I do damned if I don't. DH says I'm too mean to her. Last email was bout how I was going to cause her to be anorexic by telling her she would have to pluck her eye brows at some point. I'm glad her hairdressing license also counts a psychologist license. Your kid has been spoiled to the point where I'm sure she has
oppositional defiance disorder. She lacks the brain to acknowledge any social clues or empathy for other people. She twists stories and lies to make herself the victim and when she gets caught at the mall shoplifting or worse. DH can deal with the embarrassment when she decides to call party guests names and throws a fit when she's told to knock it off. (Yeah that happened at Christmas).
I'm just going to smile when she decides to argue and walk the f*ck away. She gets so mad when people refuse to argue with her. She went through a phase in the summer of following me around for a half an hour after I got out of work and looking for things to fight about. I'm going to devote my time to the younger SD who is ten times more kind, helpful and not a witch.
I'm telling DH I'm done when I get home and after a week of dealing with her BS I'll bet he'll be just as mad at her. No more Disney Dad. BM doesn't exist to me at this point. She is nothing more than the pile of cat vomit I cleaned up this morning.It's where she belongs, forgotten about and in the trash.
Sorry for the rant, I needed to vent. BM has been taking nasty shots at me since I met DH 6 years ago. I don't care anymore, she can rot in her pile of vile jealousy she was spawned from.
YEAH!!! I'm totally clapping
YEAH!!! I'm totally clapping my hands for you, and am in total agreement.
Check this, DH was fielding nasty emails on the 25th from BM and SD15, since "GASP!!!" I asked SD to put away her phone at the Christmas Eve dinner table.
DH says I singled her out and am too hard on her. Ummmm, no. She was the only kid at the table with her phone. The other person was an adult. (BTW- if an adult wants to be rude at the dinner table- go for it, he was also the host) I think a teen still needs to be coached on phone etiquette.
SD is ALWAYS the victim. I have been at the polite 'hi and bye' stage for about 1.5 years now, but felt someone went to so much trouble for dinner, that it was rude of her. I should have said nothing. More for my own sanity than anything. I truly have no investment in to how she turns out.
As for BM, my motto is 'Ignore the whore." Another poster uses it and I love it.
The issue is DH. He knows BM is pushing his buttons and he felt the need to defend me. SD then got angry he defended me and is mad at him. I told DH, "ignore the whore." I do.
Why on earth do I care what she thinks or says? I also agree with you about the lack f brain skills. SD possesses no critical thinking skills, and I think DH has lost his ability to when it has to do with her.
Love it !!
Love it !!
Cat! Love it and will totally
Love it and will totally do that. Happy new year ladies!