now we're down to 2 seater cars
So DH barely made it home with SS as the transmission blew out in his buick. So that leaves his 2 seater Nissan z with a dead mouse in the vent that he hasn't gotten out, and my jalopy mustang that has a pitiful excuse of a back seat. So now anywhere we need to go all together we have to use my car. I refuse to all squish into my mustang, so it looks like we don't have to be a happy family in the car this weekend!!! Now DH has to donate the damn buick to the Polly Class foundation or something and figure out what he's doing with the z because this isn't going to work. I now have a tension headache since the first thing SS does when he walks in and rile up the dog, which makes the parrots scream then go directly into the kitchen to make a mess. I'm leaving to my parents, I need to study for some exams.
Yea he backed the car out,
Yea he backed the car out, found maggots on the passenger side floor, now he's cleaning out the garage as its infested with mouse poop. I told him to focus on the dead one in the car first, nope....he's now taking the garage apart. Men. SMH. SS is just standing there like a bump on the log. I was really hoping that the mice got into SS12's old baby mattress and used it as their nest so I had an excuse to toss it into the construction workers garbage along with the frame, and baby backpack, and other things that should have been rehomed 12 years ago. Woopsie...... DH gets pissy with my fish tank stuff and bird stuff in the garage THAT I USE CONSTANTLY when he has tons of baby shit from ss12 that is of no use and that I won't use if we have a kid. Call me petty but we'll use my baby stuff that my parents saved for me, not his shit from his kid with his xwife. I am in such a rotten ass mood.