So as DH talks about getting a truck (after the wedding we can't afford one atm) but he is going to trade in his nissan z for probably a few year old nissan 4x4 titan so we have a 4 door large truck to take up into the sierras @ our family cabin and also with his bad back it sucks getting in and out of the z since it's so low to the ground. Plus its always nice to have a truck to move large things. Not to mention it's not practical when we bought my grandfathers old triumph tr6 to fix up. It just needs brakes......HA and some new window trim and possibly loving.
ANYWAYS...sorry rant rant the point
When we go shopping, the main mall goes right by all the major car dealerships and SS12 is always gawking at them, asking dad when he's getting his truck, blah blah blah. But it's been increasing. We drove all the way to san fran (1 hour drive)and he talked about cars the entire way ....and of course my head is like, okay he's 2.5 years away from a permit, what does he think he's going to be driving? And I know damn well BM will expect DH to buy their kid a car.
I've sort of brought it up with DH, he's not really concerned about it and I know he wouldn't buy him anything nice, in fact we should just hang onto DH's lovely commuter buick le sabre with 140k miles on it for him....It's big, it's safe and it was free! I don't know if it could last that long though without more money going into it.
The thing is, I know DH wouldn't do anything I didn't agree with, but I am scared of what BM will expect. We are paying for his braces right now, thats 7k right there. Stupid little shit doesn't even wear a mouth guard to basketball. I told him so many times to....there will be a bloody mess soon I am sure. Maybe I'll luck out and he will be too immature to ever get a license and won't get one till like age 21....
What have you all experienced with what the BM wants for her spoiled little babies car and how to combat it. I like to be prepared and well informed, I know 2.5 years is a bit off but as all the car talk is going on it does concern me.
I know we all had big dreams of nice cars when we were 15/16 and then we got the keys to mom's 1989 ford taurus, she got a new car and wanted to cry. I totally get it. The kid can dream all he wants but he doesn't have the checkbook.
What did you all do?
edit** the first paragraph
edit** the first paragraph about the truck I forgot to mention SS12 is always asking to go test drive trucks with DH even though as I said we aren't ready to get one. DAD WHEN ARE YOU GETTING YOUR TRUCK , DAD LETS GO TEST DRIVE YOUR TRUCK
Is there anything in a CO or
Is there anything in a CO or a divorce decree that says Anything about a car or insurance?
They are 50/50 so I guess for
They are 50/50 so I guess for now I just know he will cover half, sorry I should have clarified that. I was just looking to hear if other people had crazy BM's that thought their child should get a brand new car or something not practical. Just worried as ss12 runs back to mom and tells her we bought this brand new house when we just rent it, tells her I work 3 jobs, etc .... He's hella snoopy when any financial conversation comes up. I was so pissed off when DH was going through recipets and was like oh here is the one for $1200 for your parrot ....then ss12 "OH MY GAWD HE WAS 1200 DOLLARS" *eyes bulging out of head* Then I quietly take DH aside and say well , now that gets taken back to mom too, good one, reeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaal smooth. So I am pretty sure she thinks we have way more money than we actually do.
But as he actually doesn't keep him 50% anymore due to his 12 hour a night job, he picks up for other things such as all sports costs, braces, clothing, school stuff, camp fees, like all extra curricular or misc expenses ....which is why I am expecting her to think DH should foot the ENTIRE bill for a car, insurance, registration, driving school, etc.
Okay see I didn't even
Okay see I didn't even consider something like that, and as we live 2 hours away from BM where ss12.5 goes to school ....why would DH want to give him a car that would only benefit BM so she didn't have to be a taxi when all we do is drive. We wouldn't let him drive to us and back as a new driver on the freeway up here. I like your limitations!
And oh yea....I worry a lot
We don't have combined
We don't have combined finances, so whatever DF and BMs decide to give their daughters will not impact me. As long as DF can cover his share of the household expenses, I don't care what he does with HIS money.
The same applies to what I spend on my son. DF has no say at all. MY KID, MY MONEY, MY CHOICE.
DH let me quit work to focus
DH let me quit work to focus on my last 3 quarters of college so I am completely relying on him and then after school is over we want to have a baby. We havent decided if I will be a full time mom as we want more than 1. So him spending a few grand on a car will impact me. But maybe after I am done with school I will be way to excited and want to start my career first, I don't know!
... Ok, so they each have the
... Ok, so they each have the kid 50/50 but what does the paperwork say? Because if the paperwork is silent on the subject, it doesn't matter What BM may want or Expect, you and DH can tell her to shove it. If he doesn't want to buy the kid a car, doesn't have to.
BM in our situation didn't try to go the buy the car route, but she tried to make DH pay for car insurance. She basically got told to suck it. So she took it to court. Court told her not their jurisdiction. BM in our situation Expected a hell of a lot, she got CS and that was it. Thank god she never thought or DH wouldn't agree to include college, cars, insurance, etc in the divorce decree. And because it wasn't in the DD, BM got told to move along entitled one, move along.
Costs are supposed to be
Costs are supposed to be 50/50 too but they worked out their own thing with DH covering all costs for misc expenses IF BM asks him too, he usually does with no problem as he now only gets him every other fri-mon. They used to also switch off years claiming him on taxes and she just started claiming him every year and didn't bother to tell him. It's really sketchy because you never know what she's going to ask for next. She just this weekend tried to sign him up for a THIRD basketball team which involves going to church every sunday as a requirement when we live 2 hours away, DH actually grew a pair and told her NO. He just went into jr high, he's going to have more homework and 2 different teams is enough!!! But he will grab the third team in spring with baseball. That's a lot of money to join, plus all the costs of equipment.
Then I continue, if there
Then I continue, if there isn't a court document that says he Has to, then no buying a car. Regardless of what SS and BM expect, a car is not a necessity. And if the kid has a ride to his life necessities (school, visitation) and the agreed on life enrichment (sports or whatever) then he can live like thousands of other kids without a car until he can buy it himself. And I'd tell her insurance needs to be 50/50 particularly as she's claiming taxes every year.
Cause the other part is gas, repairs, regular maintenance ..... I think maybe you and DH need a rule that until a kid can afford to support having a car, you don't even discuss buying one. It's an adult responsibility, why should a parent be totally responsible for funding it? Ad if they start, then at what point would they expect to cut SS loose on it? What about possible tickets, accidents etc, who pays for that?
He may not want to worry about it now, but starting the conversations may help him keep track of his backbone when BM brings it up rather than being off guard and just agreeing without thinking.
Thank you! That makes me feel
Thank you! That makes me feel so much better, I forgot about oil changes, tires, broken parts, fender benders. Ahhhhh......sigh of relief.
I feel more prepared now when we do talk about it again.
There is no document saying that Dad has to buy him a car. BM just expects things you I just worry and now I have a headache from worrying about it. Ugh.
But thank you, these responses are really putting it into a different light for me that stepson DOES NOT NEEEEEEEEEEEEEED it.
Buying a car for a kid is a
Buying a car for a kid is a poor idea. First almost every kid doesn't appreciate it. They'll abuse it, perhaps not maintain it plus its dangerous. Unless a kid is driving alone their chances of an accident go up by 10 fold or so because they want to show off to the passengers.
Insurance does not cover a major injury or death completely. If he should seriously harm someone they will lien your home, car and paychecks. Now they can't take your home or car until you die but a part of your paycheck can disappear down that drain for the rest of your life. Then they grab social security and whatever employer retirement you may have. You'll never have enough money to pay into a retirement plan of your own such as an IRA.
It's irrelevant what the BM says, wants or needs. If she wants to take complete custody and buy a car and insurance and take the chance its up to her but don't let the 50/50 arrangement stay in place if she buys him a car. The liability is just too great. You must relinquish full custody.
Better yet have him get a job and buy his own when he's 18 and a day.
Make sure you have any
Make sure you have any agreements in writing if your DH does buy a car. My DH bought SD a car when she turned 17, and he told me that BM would pay for the insurance. It wasn't in writing, so she refused. She also refused any maintenance on it as well. There was so much drama related to that vehicle that finally (a year and a half later) I convinced DH to either sign it over to SD and let her figure it out herself or sell it. He listened and signed it over, and that was the best thing he ever did. If only he had a written agreement.... *sigh*
Why does a minor need a car?
Why does a minor need a car?
Why should any kid get a car
Why should any kid get a car they don't pay for?
I agree with all of you, and
I agree with all of you, and like I said it wouldn't benefit us at all to let him have one anyway, it would just benefit BM around her town, but we do all the driving anyways. She won't even meet us halfway to make our trip 2 hours instead of 4 hours.
I'll tell you what, I bet grandma and grandpa buy him a car.....that would make sense since we don't have the money for an extra car to take care of. Grandma took ss12 on a full paid trip to hawaii last summer, just the two of them. *rolls eyes* She plans to get him diving certified for their next trip...Grandma also has a wedding band set ready for the first grandchild who wants it for their bride, which ss12 is the oldest by far.
My mother said the same thing about probably not even getting a license. Shes been working at the high school for like 20 years or so and said its surprising how many high school kids have no interest in it these days.
Why would you give a shit or
Why would you give a shit or waste one pico-second of brain time on what BM's expectations may be for DH buying the SKid a vehicle in 4 years? When the time arrives you and DH can discuss it then do what only the two of you decide. What BM wants or thinks is irrelevant.
Of course the SKid will want a cool vehicle. Just about every kid fantasizes about what their first car will be. Corvettes, sports cars, 4X4s, classics, etc.... They get what they get it and guess what , they will love it no matter what it is. It will be nicer than the cars of some of their friends and classmates and not as nice as others. They can hope and dream and demand all that they want but unless they buy it for themselves they get what they get including nothing if that is what is decided by you and DH. If BM wants to buy the Skid a car, by all means she can.
Like most teens/HS kids I had delusions of grandeur for my first car. I ended up with a '69 Ford E-100 cargo van that was functional but not flashy. It had two seats (driver and passenger in the front), and a platform bed in the back. In the middle was just space. It was carpeted on the floor, ceiling, and walls with remnants from a local carpet store. If anyone wanted to sit in the middle they sat on the beer coolers or brought their own lawn chair. Some of my friends had brand new Camaros (early 80s), BMWs, Benzs, junkers, and everything in between. Guess what vehicle everyone wanted to take on outings, wanted to borrow, etc... ? Yep the trusty "Fuck Truck”. It was big, had a bed in the back and could take a half dozen or more teens and all of their crap on spring break skiing trips to Colorado, to the lakes, parks, bars, drive-in, etc… on the weekends and it probably got more mileage in the school parking lot than it did on the road.
There were many evenings when I was studying in my room in the barracks (Military boarding school) and a friend would sneak to my room to borrow the keys. Rule #1 was if you borrow it you fill it up even if the tank was empty when you borrowed it. More often than not the person borrowing the keys would say “Oh, we aren’t going anywhere.” then would grab the keys and head to the parking lot with their clean set of sheets. Rule #2 was if you have sex in the van you use your own sheets and leave the van the way you found it.
I got to drive some very nice cars because of that van. Often when I would pull in to the driveway to pick up a date I would meet their father would toss me the keys to his car and say “Here, take my car. Leave that thing in the driveway. Have her home by midnight.” }:)
That van still has legendary status at alumni reunions. Some of my school mates have made it a tradition to bring pics of the van’s adventures to alumni gatherings even more than 30 years after graduation.
No one talks about the new sports cars, etc.. they were driving in high school.
Your Skid will have stories to tell of his first car regardless of what it is.
I suggest a 12+ year old van. It will be cheap, safe, and the memories that SS and his friends make will be nearly infinite and priceless. If it gets flipped in an ice storm, driven in to the MO river, stuck in the wine cellar ruins of an old winery, the roof dented by having too many sunbathing girls on it during spring break at Lake Havasu, gets smoke stains on the paint from building a fire too near it when the regulator goes out halfway across Kansas on a spring break/beer run road trip to Colorado and you and your 5 closest friends are waiting in the snow for a tow truck to show up before you freeze to death, etc...... it won't really hurt the beast and will only add to the legend. There is pretty much nothing that can happen to it that a few hours of remodeling after a trip the carpet store for remnants won’t fix.
This is a non issue. Don't turn it in to one or let BM or the Skid turn it in to one.
IMHO of course.
LOL trusty "fuck truck"
LOL trusty "fuck truck"!!!
I guess this all should just be a non issue unless he has a job, which he won't when he's 15. He's smothered in too many sports teams to have time for school and a job on top. Plus teenage boy insurance in california is expensive as hell! I'll just relax, dh has too many things on his want us buying a house in the next few years to mess with a car for ss12.
Thanks for all the helpful responses!! My blood pressure is already down! lol

SheSloth is 15, and has
SheSloth is 15, and has started bugging to learn how to drive and wants a car for her 16th b-day! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! And no, she doesn't want an old beater like BS19 had for a first car...nope. She has this nice little list of cars she wants!
DH keeps trying to say that it is time to teach her how to drive. MIL keeps asking when SheSloth will get her permit, so that she can start taking her driving. I keep reminding DH:
1) BD23 didn't keep her grades up in school, and thus, did not get her permit/license until she was 18...after she left home! We never bought her a car! If she couldn't handle the responsibility of school work, she couldn't handle the responsibility of a least that was the rule.
2) BS19 got his permit late 17, and didn't get his license until about 18. We HELPED him get his first vehicle, and he got a job to pay for gas and such. BS19 didn't get into trouble, kept up on his school work, etc. He showed he was mature enough to handle driving.
3) SheSloth can't follow simple no showers over 15 minutes, not using certain apps that DH has deemed inappropriate but she uses them anyway, doesn't clean up after herself, hangs around questionable people, has a history of lying, has a history that involves alcohol and pot, treats everyone like crap, etc.
I tell him that based on the above, I can't see how he could ever consider letting SheSloth drive any time soon! If she can't follow the simple rules already put forth, how can she be trusted to follow the rules of the road? If she can't follow the rule of not staying up until all hours on her devices, how can she be trusted to not text and drive? As parents, we have to fully assess a child's maturity before we allow them on the road. It is our responsibility!!! We are not only putting our child at risk if we allow them to drive before they are mature enough to make good decisions, we are endangering the lives of everyone else out there! It is not a decision to be taken lightly! 16 does not mean automatic right to doesn't mean we have to hand over the keys to a car! Too many parents don't get that!
SD19 has two cars. T-W-O TWO.
SD19 has two cars. T-W-O TWO. DH was offered a company car when SD turned 15. We still had payments to make on the used car, but I suggested we hold onto it for SD. She failed her first driver's test because she rolled through the stop sign. Rather than wait 4 months for the next available test date, DH drove her 85 miles one way to another county to take the test again 8 weeks later. We told her she would have to pay insurance on the car and she did for about 1-1/2 years. Then she went to college in Fall '13 and DH said she couldn't pay insurance since she was in school and the car was at home anyways. SD had 5k in her savings then. BM had made her save all of her birthday and Christmas money for a new car from about age 12 on up. We were generous and gave SD the car for free. We put her on our insurance even though the car was parked in front of BM's every night where SD lived FT. BM died in early 2013.
BM left her car to SD as well, so we added another car to our insurance. DH drove it and it served him well, it was a newer model. We joked that BM was turning over in her grave because DH was driving her car, but SD liked her first car better. Then it started having probs and DH got another company car. So SD19 has been driving BM's newer model car for the past year and took it to college this year. Both cars are full of trash and crap and she doesn't take care of them. The Skids are 6 years apart and I am not going to double up on cell phone costs, cars, insurance, etc. SD19 will have to start paying her own way in the next few years. DH has spoiled her rotten so I have my work cut out for me.
Oh, and this summer SD19 said she wanted to trade in BM's car and get a convertible. I said, "Oh the insurance will sky-rocket." SD19 has no clue about money. BM's car trade-in value is about 7k. A cheap convertible would be maybe 35k? The payments would be horrendous. Yeah, shot that idea down and did some quick math for SD19 who doesn't like to pay for anything except clothes that she buys online. She is in for a rude awakening. Gotta work FT SD19, and even then, you prob won't make enough. }:)
~ Moon
Thanks for the replies!! I
Thanks for the replies!! I really appreciate hearing your stories! Hopefully DH won't buckle when the time comes, or the grandparents.