had a funny discussion with my fiance last night post-party.
we talked about SD's feet and how they reek. her little cousin smelled them and said pee-you! i then said "i dont get why she doesnt bathe every day". Fiance said "i dont know". then i said "well, at least she wipes her ass with toilet paper". he said "why wouldnt she?" and i said "apparently there are ALOT of teen girls who dont wipe". he then says "why the hell dont they wipe?" And i said "there is an ENTIRE CHAT ROOM full of women trying to answer that very question."
I think the "used tampon"
I think the "used tampon" scenario is a combination of laziness and territorial behaviour.
Kind of like male dogs
Kind of like male dogs marking with urine.....Female skids mark with used lady products. SD13 managed to wipe her "mess" onto the seat while wiping herself last week when her "Aunt Flo" was in town. The only reason I checked the basement toilet is because I had an electrician coming over to do work. He is a guy I know from work. I had to clean that awful toilet, ugh. DH turned off the water to the Skids toilet because he was fixing the water line, so SD13 had to go use the bsmt toilet. Of all weeks!! I would have been mortified if my electrician friend found that mess down there!
~ Moon
We had this same debate at
We had this same debate at Military School. Fortunately we had the means and the will to fix the problem. When one of our fellow company Cadets had a problem with bathing we could just throw them a shower party. There is nothing like 20 pissed of fellow cadets who just got gigged on an inspection because Cadet Stinky won't keep him/her self clean.
Grab the kid, carry them to the shower with various cleaning products, scrub brushes, Brillo pads, etc.. turn on all of the shower heads in the communal shower (hot, cold, makes no difference), toss Cadet Stinky in, squirt them with whatever cleaning products are at hand, scrub them down, give them the option of getting naked or being made naked, reapply cleaning products and scrubbing utensils, lather, rinse, repeat until they catch a clue and fix their hygiene issues so that they no longer are a detriment to the team. A shower scrub party has the interesting consequence of making Cadet Stinky’s skin rather red, raw, and painful.
Hey, Cadet Stinky has chosen to feel rather than listen and learn.
End of problem.
The stories from the female barracks were far more aggressive than what the guys would do to Cadet Stinky.
So this is why the Europeans
So this is why the Europeans have those fancy butt washing toilets....they are ahead of the American's by far....and they probably invented them for their nasty kids!!
I grew up with a bidet next
I grew up with a bidet next to every toilet in the house. A bidet is not too bad. What I hate is the butt sprayers in lieu of a bidet. To keep costs down they are now putting a dish sprayer hose next to the toilets here and public stalls are eternally drenched in who knows what. Using a public stall doused in water teaming with who knows what kind of bio bass just makes my skin crawl. And I am far from a germophobe.
Our current villa has a bidet next to every toilet except for the servants quarters bathroom. That has the dreaded butt sprayer. We keep the door locked. Shudder!!!!!
Give me good old fashioned paper over a butt sprayer any day.
I also agree with your tag
I also agree with your tag line. Parrots are far more appealing than many children. Ours rulled our home for nearly 20 years. Sadly we had to get him a new family when we went on international assignment. I miss the Max. He is an awesome bird.
I had a parakeet. It could
I had a parakeet. It could power spray shit on the wall near its cage. At least SS shits in toilet. Still liked bird better.
haha thanks! Yea the african
haha thanks! Yea the african greys like to pick up all the bad words or burps/coughs/ loud beeping like the microwave or anything electronic first, just like the step son learning anything about financials or plans, made up things, anything you don't want her to know about your life or your home, anything useful to take back to BM ......they are so similar but so different!
Our parrot Max is a Senegal.
Our parrot Max is a Senegal. His vocabulary is far smaller than a Grey but his is not too bad. He too picked up all of the things we did not want him to pick up.
He was a rescue bird when we got him. He was 17mos old when he took over our home and family. A coworker of mine called me at work one AM and asked if we would take a parrot that one of his night shift team mates was about to pluck and stuff for dinner. The original owner bought Max as a fledgling and hand raised him. The problem started when he went to night shift and moved into a home that was in a sub division that was built in a former Pecan orchard. The grackles roosted in the Pecan trees so the parrot did an amazing repertoire of grackle screeches. When the owner would come home from night shift in the AM the bird was getting started. Grackle screeches are not conducive to sleep. So, we took the bird and renamed him Max.
For the first two days he sat in his cage without moving, made no noise, nothing. On day three my bride called my work phone "Do you know what your bird just said!!!" For two days the bird and the kid (Then 3yo)just stared at each other. On day three the bird finally yelled "SHUT UP GOD DAMN IT!!!" So, when we got him he could scream and screetch like a grackle and scream "SHUT UP GOD DAMN IT!"
The funny part is that to Max screaming shut up actually meant "It is too quiet in here. Talk to me."
Over the 15 years he lived in our family his vocab increased and changed significantly. No more God damn it but lots of equally spicy things.
Shut up! -Always meant that it was too quiet and Max wanted to talk or play. He only said it when it was quiet.
Damn it! Damn it! - When he was frustrated he would hunch his shoulders and neck and march back and forth saying Damn it, damn it. Always twice in a row. Over and over again.
Whatcha doin? - Exactly what it says. When DW, Skid, or me were doing something Max found interesting he would ask this question.
Gimme Kiss! - Kissing sounds. Gimme hugs!!! - He liked kisses and hugs. Hugs were when he would jump on a shoulder and nuggle his head and beak in the crook of your neck and snuggle and the people would cover him with a hand and snuggle our neck against him. He would chortle and sigh.
Where's (Skid), or (DW), or Daddy?. He called me daddy because that is what the Skid called me when we first got Max. He would ask where the person not in the room was and if they did not show up he would start calling them "Daaaaaadddddddeeeeeeeee!". If he was in a room alone and he knew someone else was home he would go through asking where everyone was, then he would call them by name. After that he would march through the house calling people and hunting them down. He is people. His people had to be doing what he wanted to do when he wanted to be doing it.
Gimme a grape! - Max likes grapes.
Gimme bites!. - He wanted what we were eating and we always shared part of our dinner with him. No avocados or chocolate of course but he was people and he ate people food in addition to bird pellets and fresh veggies and fruit.
You are a pain in the ass!!! - One day I walked into the kitchen and my bride sprayed me with the dish sprayer. We got into a major water battle. Since I had no water at one point in the battle I told DW "You are a pain in the ass." Max heard it just one time yet for a couple of years after that anytime DW would walk into the room Max would proudly proclaim "You are a pain in the ass!"
Hello! - When the phone would ring he would answer the ring by saying "Hello?" Often followed by "Whatcha doin?
He had a decent vocab but he also did all kinds of beeps, and noises. The microwave buttons, the phone ringing, my blood tester beeps. He would do the blood tester noise when my BG was either high or low. He knew that it was time for me to test.
Every evening when it was time for dinner to be prepare he would start calling my DW's name. She would always respond Whaaaaaattttt!!!!. So, he came up with is dinner time routine. DWWWWWWWW!, Whaaaaattttttt!!!, Knock, knock,knock, Ha, ha, ha! He would call DW to the kitchen, say whaaaaat, make the sound of a wooden spoon knocking on the side of a mixing bowl, then he would laugh. DW and the bird did this routine for years, and years, and years.
He got up to about 35 words and phrases and dozens of beeps, knocks, etc... He would combine them in all kinds of ways. He also liked to sing. My dad is his favorite people. Every time mom and dad would visit Max and dad would sing and dance together.
We all miss the bird. But, he has had a great new family for the past 3 years. Two young girls in the home and a buddy African Grey rescue mate. I am sure that is one lively and vocal household.
When we took an international assignment the quarantine and transport costs were $8K. Way too much for a $350 rescue feathered rodent with wings.
"you are a pain in the ass"
"you are a pain in the ass" is the best!!!
Awwww he sounds so amazing!!
Awwww he sounds so amazing!! I rescued a 24 year old African Grey and my blue crown conure and peach front conure. DH bought me our baby african grey whos photo I use here as my wedding present. Wow 8k ....that's nuts. Maybe someday you can have another! Chloe really likes saying "No no no no no no no no no no no!!!" We were in a restaurant a few weeks ago, and a toddler broke down and started screaming, NO NO NO NO NO NO NO !!! DH, SS and I all looked at each other and busted into laughter and tears because it was just like our grey having her tantrum!!!! DH looked at me to make sure it wasn't our bird doing it lol. I bring our baby grey Jet everywhere I can. He has a little travel cage. He's very attached to me and doesn't like DH at all. I feel bad but it's his own fault for not spending time with him like I did. Our rescue grey is a girl and Looooooooooooooooooooooves men. So that's his bird. Our baby is DNA'd a male so he's mine. And the conures are in love with anyone that will give them attention and scritches. One night I was making dinner, and DH and SS came over and started picking at the dinner before it was ready so I let out a ARghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhragrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!! in frustration to them picking at dinner before it was ready! The next thing I know is the 24 year old african grey loses it and makes the same noise that I did!!! Then I had bug eyes wondering how often I make this amazon warrior princess call in frustration LOL!!!!!
The only bad words is the older grey says "ohhhh shit!" She also burps, farts, yawns and has a smokers cough. She apparently had stellar previous owners.....
My blue crown conure talks in the voice of mickey mouse, constantly telling himself to "step up"
My little baby greys first word was, "poopie" ....great. LOL
The peach crown just cackles like me and is Houdini.
It sounds to me that you have
It sounds to me that you have an amazing feathered family. "Step up!" of course. How could I forget that one. When Max wants to be picked up he very assertively stays "Step up!" and lifts his foot up. If no-one picks him up he starts being very cute and if that does not work he starts his "Damn it, damn it" back and forth frustrated marching and throws in an occassional "Step up damnit!", stops and glares at you and lifts up his foot. He is in charge. No doubt about that.
Thanks for the smiles. I miss my Max. He now lives with the family of the ladies athletics director for a major SW university. They have younger kids (preteen/early teen) and another rescue so he is no doubt one very happy bird with all of the people and activity in his new family (3 years).
We should all start leaving
We should all start leaving giant value tubs of baby wipes in their rooms/bathrooms. When they ask why just say "Oh, I just thought that since you didn't know how to use toilet paper, this would help. Its for your butt!"
I have to buy "special"
I have to buy "special" toilet paper for SS. Apparently what is perfectly fine for DH & I is "uncomfortable" for SS.
:jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can almost see it now......are you going to use the fine grain or the large grain??
So when Cesspool ran out of toilet paper, what did he use for his #2?? I complained to my parents about him, my dad told me to check the towels to see if he used them and folded them differently to hide it..........WTF DAD?!!?!?
My mom and dad just have NO
My mom and dad just have NO freaking clue LOL!!!! My dad's comment was pretty priceless. I will be sure to let SS's first girlfriend know about his toilet paper and soap mishaps. My mom so far is more useless than my dad lol! Dad only cares about talking shit about Obama or telling me how he didn't raise me right to talk so poorly about Cesspool. He claims "I cannot believe I raised a daughter to say the things that come out of her mouth!" oops? Sorry dad I cuss like a sailor and raise hell like one too, must be from mom's side as they were all sailors. I mean come on, russian and irish, what does he expect????
I'm sure when I see the light
I'm sure when I see the light I will laugh more, I mean my dad is a crack up as is. Mom is more serious, but she's funny because for her birthday I bought her 50$ worth of hamster stuff and spent an hour setting up this play pen and house thing for her hamster. Dad gets Darth Vader shirts, mom gets hamster and bird toys, and yet they offer me the weirdest advice.
I am just glad that they are not running around bragging about their step grand son, unlike my grandparents bragging to everyone at the damn boat marina, OMG THIS IS OUR NEW GREAT GRANDSON !!! ...............NO.NONONONONO.NOOOOOOOOOONONONONONO.NONONONONO!!! So these people look at me liike damn, you were like 12 when you had this kid??? NO NO NO NO NO !!!!1 SCREW YOU GRANDPARENTS!!!!!!!! My response "I didn't even have to push him out!" Whatever. I wish I could have pushed him off the dock then and hopefully a catfish would have eaten him.
SS12 soon to be 13 still
SS12 soon to be 13 still sometimes goes for a number 2 and "forgets" to wipe /flush despite numerous chats about the importance of toilet hygiene. The last time this happened after a particularly "wonderful" skid wkend I did blow my top and told DH that he needs to start checking the toilet after SS has been as I find it incomprehensible that my cats cover their mess as soon as they use the litter tray without anyone having to remind them yet SS constantly has toilet hygiene amnesia. DH was quite taken aback to be told SS toileting habits wouldn't be out of place in a zoo!
I went to "zoo camp" as a kid
I went to "zoo camp" as a kid to the Oakland Zoo here in Cali. One of my main jobs was cleaning up Abdul the camels poop. My parents paid money to make me clean up freaking camel shit. Maybe SS needs zoo camp, and ask the keepers to sign him up for the lions so there is a very GREAT chance they will spray him in their night area.
Duct tape her skid mark
Duct tape her skid mark underwear to her bedroom door skid side showing.
Score one for Raindancer and
Score one for Raindancer and a Skid picking up his skid lol!
I feel for this SD in OP's
As for my SD, I washed skid marked underwear once before I showed her pictures on Google of skin conditions that arise from improper cleansing techniques. She cleans herself now so she doesn't get necrotizing fasciitis.
If any of that made no sense,
If any of that made no sense, forgive me. My dentist is a Sadist, had a wisdom tooth removed today and he gave me a scrip equivalent to hopes and wishes for pain management.
So here I lie awake while DH snores away beside me. My face killing me. 5 mg of hydrocodone... about ready to drive to Canada for OTC codeine.
my SD does not have foot
my SD does not have foot fungus. she doesnt not bathe regularly and never wears socks. if she did those things and still smelled, id maybe see if there was an issue. she's just a grub.
Ew... You would think SK all
Ew... You would think SK all had Alzheimer's with their extreme aversion to water. My SD will lie about being in the shower... Like she will just run my hot water down the drain and wet her hair. I've gone to the bathroom after one of her showers and found shampoo and conditioner in the toilet, not flushed. It has gotten better in recent months, no thanks to DH's unsupportive family and a BM that pretends nothing is wrong, but she is actually showering.
Oooooh, my SD13 pulled that
Oooooh, my SD13 pulled that crap ONCE this past summer and that was THE DAY I disengaged! She was in the bathroom way too long and I could tell there was ZERO movement under the stream of shower water. Now I don't care if she is clean at all. She is a skinny thing, doesn't stink yet, but soon....... }:)
~ Moon
Ew...just ew! Walked down the
Ew...just ew! Walked down the hall to the dogs' room to let them out, and what is peeking out from under the bathroom door but a pair of massively poop-stained panties! Proof girl doesn't wipe!