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finally feel like i am not alone!!

stlstep's picture


I googled "why does my 13 year old talk like a baby?" and stumbled on this amazing site!

Oh thank you great land of google for your glorious search engine!


Kes's picture

Sorry that the first response you got was from Mr Spam! Welcome to Steptalk, where we cling to the wreckage shouting encouragement to each other to try and stay sane! Hope you will be able to find, as we have, lots of support here.

Auteur's picture


You'll read about manipulative stepchildren, their psychotic, hate-filled mothers and the "go-along-with-it-all" and "look-the-other-way" biodads. And how the stepmom copes with it all.

mama_althea's picture

Yep. Mine was "I can't stand my stepdaughter". Praise Google.

Welcome and good luck!

Oh man, Kes, this was beautiful: where we cling to the wreckage shouting encouragement to each other to try and stay sane

Soon-to-be-Step-Mommy's picture

Welcome!! I come here to say things I need to say that would otherwise hurt peoples feelings if said out loud!