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Things may get worse

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

DH was talking to BM yesterday. Seems BM has been having issues the last couple of months, and the doctors are sending her in for tests for colon cancer. BM has been severely obese for years now, and I was reading there is a link between obesity and colon cancer.

Though I don't think any child should have to go through losing a parent while at such a young age, I can't help but think how much worse the situation will get if this girl's mother dies! The way she is already? I could easily see her going into this state of depression that will cause her to never leave this house, and DH will get all "she has lost her mother...give her a break" on me. Pray that BM can get past this, because I seriously do not think my marriage would last the woman dying! I don't have the patience for SheSloth to use such a thing as a crutch for the rest of her life!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Exactly! She is the kind of person that would totally use this as an excuse to not do anything with her life! She will be too depressed! I am not supporting this spoiled brat the rest of my living life! Oh hell no! My plan is to do everything I can to make sure she gets out of this house after graduation in about 2 1/2 years so that DH and I can actually have a life without someone thinking that she is the center of the universe!

This whole thing is scaring the crap out of me!

Calypso1977's picture

youve already done this in some ways with that raise you've been hiding, but honestly, id start your contingency planning now. if when she becomes an adult she doesnt leave, you want to be able to go and start over on your own with plenty of money, etc. and a plan.

as much as i cant stand BM, id be so afraid of her dying because even tho my fiance is adamant his kid will work, contribute, etc. if she were an adult living with us, i know the reality is that she will never hold FT gainful employment.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I'm so hoping it is treatable! Must keep BM around long enough to get SheSloth out of the house, and us on our way enough with living our lives so she can't come back! You know...get the house sold, move into a nice 1-bedroom condo or something like that where we can tell her, "Sorry, we simply don't have the room!"