Another small udpate and rant
Well, we did go to court. BM2 and her man are in dv counseling, court ordered. BM2 is ordered to counseling, on her and own and later with my dh. Skids are in counseling currnetly but not with the court ordered center, so they will go there too in addition to their current help. We are revisiting months from now. Frustrated, disapointed, upset dont really begin to cover it. All we want to do is help the kids and bring them to a safer home. Where people are high functioning and safe. We would like to improve their physical and mental health and raise them with out all this fighting and crap they have to see each day. BM2 takes the kids out for drives and tells them she is leaving her dh and she is so sorry they had to see/hear all this etc. Then she never sends him away or ends her relationship with him! She is in a toxic marriage and that is fine for her, but kids do not deserve this way! She has changed homes yearly, changed jobs almost as often and is late on any payements involving kids. Kids are dressed like clowns and dirty more often than not. DH does not get to talk to them daily like co says he can. She just wont answer phone for him! I have taken glasses to school since it started back up again due to BM2 bringing kids in late all the time, unprepared. She was also told to stop giving out our numbers to her friends and family to call kids and ask them to come over during our time. What a bunch of nuts! "Hey do me a favor and call my kids at their dad's who I have many problems with and invite them over to your home instead so dad can say no ok? Sure!" People should not be doing that! DR referred sd to a program for obese, BM2 ignored it! Just totally ignored it! Our attorney found it in medical records. She was again ordered to notify of any dr visits, notify of any school that is missed and reminded to contact us through email only and to let dh call the kids daily. It has never been enforced before we will see what takes this time. Once again kids were asking why we want to take them away from their mom and put her in jail, how sad.
Awwww how awful!! Its
Awwww how awful!!
Its terrible when you see the Skids being treated so bad and knowing you and OH can give them EVERYTHING, yet your unable to ah the same time. I know how it feels, we had so many problems with SD7 BM.....things seem to be improving a little at the moment. Hope things improve over time....big big BIG (((((HUGS))))