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Oh....YAY! (sarcastically)

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Emo friend is over today. Apparently, DH said she could come over after school and didn't bother to consult with me on the issue. Yes, I know...I don't care...about what SheSloth does outside of the house or the fact she is even home. However, there is supposed to be a "no friends over when I'm working" rule AND a "no friends in the house when we are gone" rule. First is already broken, as DH knows I'm working until 6 pm at job #1 today, and then right after heading to job #2 at the gym until about 9 pm. DH is still 45 miles away from the house downtown in the city, and is just now trying to leave there in way he is going to make it home before I have to now both rules will be broken! Thank goodness I have a lock on my bedroom door!! Yeah...I know...just tell the friend to leave...but DH already said that it was okay completely undermining me.

SheSloth came bouncing into the house with Emo friend loudly declaring that she was home and that the friend was with her, as if to say, "Ha! Your rule doesn't matter because dad said it was okay!" They have been extremely loud in SheSloth's bedroom since (yeah...don't know how Emo friend can stand the sty). Let's just say I have music on in my office with my door closed...SheSloth's door is closed, and I can still hear her voice she is being so obnoxiously loud!

Calypso1977's picture

cant...serious question.

does your husband really love and respect you? do you really love and respect him?

Aeron's picture

And Dad isn't here so.... Too bad, so sad, hit the road jack. And she sloth can follow along behind when the hissy starts.

Orange County Ca's picture

I would have tossed them. It's your place of work. Dad can give permission for both of them to go to friends house. Ask Dad if he appreciates your income because if it happens again you're quitting your first job.

The others are right you have to seriously question this guys attachment to you. Either jerk his chain or one of you leave.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

@Sally...yes, I verified with DH. Didn't even acknowledge SheSloth or her friend when they came in, but called up DH and asked him point blank, "Did you say it was okay for ________ to come over?" "Yeah, she is only supposed to be there for a little bit until it is time to pick up her sister from cheerleading." But get this...that is what SheSloth told DH, but turns out the little sister was NOT at cheerleading...wasn't even at school yesterday because she was sick, and the friend was at our house until 9 pm! Thank goodness I was at the gym and the girl was driving away as I was getting home, or I would have been even more furious! DH already knew I wasn't happy about the friend being at our house yet again!!! Seems here lately, SheSloth is having someone over every evening! Same two friends, and I'm not sure either of them do her any good!

As for how DH feels about me. He says he loves me, and I do love him. His biggest problem is that he is too afraid of SheSloth wanting to move back to BM's, that he bows to her every demand. When she isn't around, things are awesome between us! She's around, and it's "gotta keep the princess happy!" When she goes to BM's, we have a great time together doing things. When we go on vacations, things are awesome! When we were up for BS19's orientation weekend, things were awesome. But once SheSloth is around, he caves.

And funny thing this morning...SheSloth got up on her own! Right after yesterday morning giving DH the excuse that she simply can't hear the alarm on her new-to-her phone and that is why she hasn't been getting up. **cough**BS**

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

LOL...sending a virtual glass of wine your way! The more I'm on this board and see post by folks like you and TGIHB, I think it is a scary world we live in that there is more than one of these dads, and that there are more teens out there like SheSloth! It is really scary to think of the future of this planet!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

LOL!!!! Man, I would have loved to be a fly on the wall to see your SD's face as the water kept going on and off! I could picture it, because I'm sure I've seen that face when SheSloth has been asked to take out the trash or actually pick up after herself.

Calypso1977's picture

sometimes i just feel so sad for you that he constantly puts her and her wants before you. you deserve better.

i guess for both of us, its just waiting for them to grow up. my SD will be 14 next month. i cant wait to change my siggy. LOL

then i just have general sadness for all of us here that things are even like this. these kids are missing out on some positive and potentially life changing relationships. and some of them are clearly children who were never wanted in the first place (i really dont think my SD was).

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Ahhh...don't feel sad! Now that my bios are out of the house, I no longer get wrapped into the "Well, you have to do for _____ anyway!" For example, I used to always check on my bios to make sure they heard their alarms and go up. Most of the time they did, but I would always check, because there were those couple of cases they would turn the alarm off in their sleep or something. Because I was up anyway, I DH would make no effort to wake up SheSloth! This school year is much different! I will peek out the bedroom door, and then kick DH out of bed, letting him know that SheSloth is NOT up and that he needs to deal with her! He hasn't been happy about it...welcome to last school year for me!

Same with any kind of thing having to do with SheSloth's more that I have to be up at the school for BS19's stuff anyway, I have to log into the system for BS19 anyway, etc. I have NO reason to ever go to the high school again! No project grad meetings, no fund raisers, no more, "Can ____ just come home with you when you are done?" DONE, DONE, DONE!

DH is already getting worn out by this school year! He is also getting more frustrated with SheSloth, as I've taken to doing my personal trainer work now that I have no responsibilities of my own. It is actually stress relieving! I'm getting my personal time in the gym again...which I hadn't been able to do over the last year as I would like to, because there was so much going on BS19's senior year. I'm also getting the satisfaction of knowing that I'm helping people, and that is why I started this in the first place! Seeing people get healthy, seeing older people make gains in movement and mobility that they had previously lost...people getting their quality of life back!

But, is sad! These kids are missing out! Because their parents aren't caring enough to make them productive humans, their futures are not looking very bright! I know SheSloth will have a hard time in the real world! And I'm not just talking about holding down a job and taking care of her self, but relationships! The real world is cruel! Yes, dear daddy may bow to her hear at home, but when she goes out there, that will not be the case, especially with so many being raised to believe they are center of the universe! When everyone is the center of the universe, there is very little to give to others!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Yes, the skids miss out and I think that's sad. IMHO, plenty of us go into relationships with skids hoping to get along reasonably well and possibly do activities together.

My DH is working 10-12 hour shifts and he is exhausted all of the time (and they expect this BS to go on until end of year!!). Our plan this summer was to do things OUTSIDE and AWAY from the house - go fishing at a really nice preservation park, take some short 1-2 hour road trips and spend the day spelunking, fishing, rafting, visiting historical sites. If DH was working normal hours, we STILL would not be doing these things for the simple fact that PrinceSS15 is such a lazy, computer-game-obsessed pussy. Yes, I said it. The boy is a complete pussy. :O

Rags's picture

My Skid (SS-22) was very similar to your SS at that age with the difference that we did not tolerate the game obsessed pussy crap. He had to be in a sport. Usually either HS swimming or football or both. He was a high performing swimmer but it was more work than he wanted to do. He sucked at football but he did play for 7th/8th/9th grade.

On vacations we left computers and games at home and we locked up his cell phone. We hiked, swam, climbed, camped, caved (spelunked), etc….. his ass off on vacations. He has many great memories of those vacations and not one demonstrable memory of playing video games either in our home (not allowed after 7th grad) or with the Sperm Idiot.

Now he is a devout game head but he also goes hiking, etc... with his friends and coworkers and even with his Sperm Idiot spawned half sibs on the rare visit to Sperm Land these days.

I know my perspective is a bit fascist but kids don't get a choice. Particularly when they repeatedly demonstrate that they can't make a good one. Those kids are told and have no choice. Kids that demonstrate regularly the ability to make good choices get a choice.

As it should be IMHO.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Rags, I totally agree that kids should be involved in outdoor activities and, if possible, sports. Only one of my siblings never played a sport, but she is so clumsy she would have been in a body cast playing chess. Wink

Believe me, I do NOT agree with allowing any kid to be game obsessed. PrinceSS15 spends more time gaming than he spends at school. 24 hour weekday is 7 hours of school, 8 hours of sleep, and 9 hours of gaming. Weekends, all he does is sleep and game. You should have seen the look on his face when DH told him he had to go out and spray the weeds in the driveway and around the house. PrinceSS15 was TICKED. Tough gazongas.

DH cannot and would not force PrinceSS15 into a sport. This skid is horribly uncoordinated - I swear, he doesn't know his knees bend unless he's sitting at a desk. He cannot even ride a bike.

It's going to be a VERY rude awakening next summer if we (God help me) take the skids on vacation. No cable, no internet, no neighbors. This is a remote area with a LOT of outdoor things to enjoy: hiking, swimming, fishing. PrinceSS15 will be miserable.