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What to think??

Newimprvmodel's picture

Ok, I had to peek at SD Facebook page. You know the one who spent past year in Middle East? I see she was in her glory hanging out with various guys there...all seem to be young professionals. However, I see from THEIR Facebook pics, that they are Palestinians who have pictures of hamas militants marching and rallying on their walls and comments They support this group??!!!!! Now clearly SD does not have pictures of this group on her page, but only through friends is it visible. This really concerns me. However, none of my business. Just shows her political leanings I guess. I might add that a good number of my close family are Jewish.
I guess will dh even know his daughter? And will she return there after college graduation? If it were my child I would be concerned beyond belief!

AllySkoo's picture

"some parts of the world view Americans as terrorists"

What, like ALL Americans? I thought we were pretty universally viewed as the dumb, rude tourists?

Sorry, OP, not to hijack your thread....

Newimprvmodel's picture

Yes I hear your thoughts strep. I know there are many viewpoints in the world, but I have strong beliefs of my own. It sickened me to see that one of her Facebook buddies had pics of swastikas, bodies of Jews in camps, and gleefully loving hitler. That was a bit shocking, and I saw thatseveral of her friends had liked those comments.
But it is a red flag for me I guess. She is filled with baggage that could lead her to men who will be abusive just like her mother and sisters. I saw that in her.
Honestly it would break dh's heart if she converted and moved away......he already has tons of guilt.

Newimprvmodel's picture

Yes, and the sick thing was several of her close friends LIKED the comments about Jews and hitler !! And yes I could not read the Arabic, but the message was clear.
The only reason I give a shit is for my dh. I really do not know this girl. We share her father, that is it. However, I recognize danger signs here.

Newimprvmodel's picture

I mentioned to dh, who said not a word. No comment. But hey, she is going to work for OUR government in diplomacy???

Orange County Ca's picture

Hey she had some flings with some bad boys. None of you did that at that age? I knew some bad girls and I'm all the better for having known them. Heh heh heh.

If she posts a picture of herself wearing a belt with cylinders looking like flares then worry. Stay away from her FB page. She didn't invite you, she would block you if she knew and although its public its an invasion of her privacy.

Newimprvmodel's picture

I do not think it is an invasion of her privacy, but you are right, I need to not look anymore.
And I go for long periods without, but dh paying 10 k for her college yesterday brought it to my mind.
We really know how to mess up ours kids don't we? Divorce is ugly business.

Easylikesundaymornin's picture

My instant thought is ~~~ your DH has no idea what his daughter is all about. Of all things that wouldn't sadden me. Not truly knowing who my daughter is ~ with all her beliefs n such. It's like she leads a double life ~~

Newimprvmodel's picture

I don't know. It could be as simple as Orange County says. She was getting lots of attention this summer from these guys. She didn't get into politics with them. But I do think she is enamored with the Middle East. Not an emotionally healthy girl, so I question this interest.

Newimprvmodel's picture

Well if she goes back, here's hoping her mother and siblings join her!
Kooky stuff huh?

Orange County Ca's picture

It's an invasion of privacy if she has no expectation of you viewing the pages.

I know its all viewable and she can shut it off from public view with passwords and such but she's not thinking that you'd even be interested. Maybe invasion is too hard a word but she's an adult now and has reason to believe her (step) parents will not be nosing into her life.

Also from your description those guys sound like wannabe terrorists who would puke at the sight of blood.

Newimprvmodel's picture

Well when she is off dh's payroll for good, I could care less.
Let me tell you, by checking Facebook, dh and I found out info that saved us thousands in the courts.
So, you don't want anything to do with us except grab daddy's money........I will use anything I can to sink your ship!! Lol

Pilgrim Soul's picture

I could not agree more, notasm. This is not a grey area at all. NIM's SD has no morals to begin with. Case in point: her treatment of her father. She must have been corrupted by BM since an early age.

Her falling in with scum is too predictable and natural.

But i do not think people who want to work for the State Dept. would have those pictures up on FB.

Newimprvmodel's picture

So dh calls his estranged daughter (NOT money wise, of course). She is back at college, planning to go to grad school next year, and then get big paying job at UN because she speaks Arabic, and spent a semester in the Mid East and has good grades. Yeah, well so do a lot of people. Yes, I'm cynical. They chatted on for an hour, yet as per past conversations, SD does not ask one question about dh and his life, including her grandparents. Par for the course. When you have been brought up thinking that the world revolves around you, why think of others, esp your father.
DH asks her about her small student loan for semester. And surprisingly he told her she better think twice before she repeats last year---- sticking a copy of book bill receipt in envelope and sending it to him. He says she had no reaction when he mentioned it.
And yes, no acknowledgment he paid 10k of this semester.
So, is the chase now on? Clearly dh called out of guilt and concern.
I think he is deluding himself. Their " relationship" is like their phone calls, totally one sided. He is her ATM machine, and years ago, he was her soother.....stroker of her ego.
However, she now goes back to a nothing special college student whereas she was hobnobbing with numerous guys the past year who must have thought her exotic. She might need daddy's adoration again.

Newimprvmodel's picture

Yes, SA, my dh is way too invested in someone who has zero interest in himself, excluding his money.
So dh calls SD, he reached out numerous times her past year away. No response for his birthday, Father's Day.
At dinner with his parents, his father brings up this phone call, saying isn't it wonderful, I am glad it was so positive! Now what was on the tip of my tongue was to comment about what precipitated dh's concern. She was cavorting with militant supporters this summer!! Get a load of her friends's FB pages!! But I simply smiled and nodded......
However, just this morning we are watching news shows. I make a comment about Middle East, and dh says, " oh, SD said the same thing yesterday. ". I looked at him and said "wow, I didn't have to spend a year there and I came up with the same thought!" He told me stop being negative but I will NOT suffer through hearing about this brat. He can hang on her every word himself. Geez......

Rags's picture

I have spent more than 20yrs in the ME and it is far from a cut and dry situation when it comes to the Israel/Palestine issue. Both sides are at fault and both sides are victims of violence and injustice.

Hopefully your SD will make it home and move on with her life. If not, she is an adult and there is not much you and her dad can do about it other than not give her access to any support from the two of you.

Newimprvmodel's picture

Because she is a victim, along with her mother and sisters. It now has influenced her career choice as well. She wants to be a bureaucrat at the UN. Help the downtrodden all the while making big bucks. Dh and I scratched our heads over how she came up with UN staff making lots of money??? But that is what she told him a few years ago.
In her mother's family, men are only used to get pregnant, and / or pay lots of money. I kid you not!