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New Nickname

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

TGIHB has piglet...think I'm going to use sloth from now on in reference to SD15! Nearly noon...still has not emerged from her room. Good for me, sure! I guess she has figured out that there isn't any junk food left in this house...or she is still so deep in her "starvation" that she doesn't care.

Since BS19 has been gone, the mess has continued...only now, it is obvious where the mess is coming from. The sloth can no longer blame BS19, but that doesn't stop her. Yesterday, she had a bowl of cereal and a sandwich (and those counting calories knows that is only about 400 between the two "meals"), and didn't put ANY of her dishes in the dishwasher! Again...empty sink, but dishes are left on the counter. I mention it to DH, and his response is, "I'll do them." OMG! I straight up told him, "You NEED to make her get off of her butt and do them, and quit doing the crap for her! She is 15! She is perfectly capable of cleaning up after herself!" DH still did her dishes for her. It is so hard to have any respect! She treats him like crap...treats our home like crap...and he walks behind her picking up the mess because he doesn't want to hear from me. It's pretty sad!

So, new name for the princess is sloth! She lays around all day, doing nothing! She doesn't really show that she wants to go to the $3000 camp, or do anything else for that matter. I mean, seriously...if color guard were that important to her, you would think she would get up early to get some practice time in before it heated up outside! I know during the summers BS19 would get up early to run, because football was that important to him! I can promise you that the girls who made officers get up every morning and get some practice in, and that is why they are officers! Oh well...guess she really doesn't want it as bad as she claims to!

BTW...the position at the gym is full speed ahead! I've been shadowing the other trainer this week, and next week I get to train a couple of his clients next week, and then I'm on my own. There is already one client which I will meet next week that the existing trainer is going to pass to me, because he really doesn't want to get up that early...LOL. I'm also going to start bugging a couple of my friends who want to train with me to get signed up. Until I get a full client load, I'll be hanging out at the gym offering help or working out myself during my free time...gotta be seen to get clients. Wonder what this place will look like then?

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

LOL!! Wink

HeSloth and SheSloth. Dare you to say it 10 times fast!

Orange County Ca's picture

All of the above is normal teen age stuff and the medical profession can tell us now that teens need more sleep so its actually better that they be left alone to sleep. It's the brain that needs sleep, the body is just a machine. Feed it fuel and oxygen and it'll go forever. The brain uses about 90% of our resources and teen brains are developing so fast they need time to catch up.

You want to lose weight? Doing math problems burns more calories than other forms of moderate exercise.

Laziness is also routine but breaking it up isn't bad for their health. Once awake they should participate in the chores and self cleaning but it won't happen by itself.

Personally if Daddy is cleaning up behind her I'd leave both of them alone. Remember you're not responsible for how this girl turns out.

DaizyDuke's picture

I agree that teens and growing kids need more sleep... BUT, at least in my SD16 case, the reason that she sleeps til noon or later is because she was up until 3 a.m. texting, twittering, snapchatting and every other dumb ass thing that does NOT contribute whatsoever to her brain "development"

Personally if Daddy is cleaning up behind her I'd leave both of them alone. Remember you're not responsible for how this girl turns out.

and I STRONGLY disagree on this one. No, CantKeepDoingThis is NOT to blame for how this girl turns out, but her SD is sure as shit going to be HER problem when she is 21, has no job, no income, still living at home, being a sloth and having dear old daddy and SM supporting her.

DH and I fight about this all the time. Dh thinks I am just being a bitch when I ask that SD clean her toxic dump of a room, when I ask that he not allow SD to frivolously spend all her UNEARNED money every month, when I ask that she contribute just a tiny shred towards the household. And I do it just for that reason. I DON'T WANT TO BE SUPPORTING HER STUPID, LAZY ASS INTO HER TWENTIES because her father doesn't have the balls parent.

our job as parents is to raise our children to be responsible, independent adults. Children can not learn how to be responsible, independent adults, if the dumb ass adults in their lives are doing everything FOR them.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Let's not forget how it affects mine and DH's relationship! By him bowing down to SheSloth all the time, I find I'm losing respect for him as a man. I thought a married a man...not a doormat! Also, what is he teaching SheSloth? DH always tries to say that SheSloth is nothing like BM, but he is enabling her to be just like BM! I seriously feel sorry for the man that impregnates this girl! She is going to treat him like crap for a very long time, even if they don't stay together! Why? Because like BM, SheSloth thinks the world revolves around here which means everyone is here to serve her. BM literally said at one point in the divorce that she felt SHE deserved the child support money for birthing SheSloth! Not that the money was needed to raise the child, but that BM felt she was entitled to whatever she asked for simply for spreading her legs and having a child! By picking up for SheSloth, DH is only reinforcing this kind of thing. Any man that is crazy enough to be with SheSloth better know how to cook and clean, and be willing to work all day and allow SheSloth to stay home, and not have a single complaint about it! That is what SheSloth's step-dad does! Everyone wonders why he drinks heavily and hangs out in the garage all the is because he is putting up with a king-sized load of crap! He probably doesn't get a divorce because he is afraid of BM pulling the same kind of crap on him that she did on my DH...he already knows what kind of ex-wife she is, and figures it is less ugly to stay married to her!

From what I can see, SheSloth is turning out the exact same way as BM!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

UGH...she's up! Bouncing around in a sports bra and butt shorts again...the SAME ones from yesterday (I wonder if she even showered). Guess she finally decided she needed something to eat. I was in the kitchen cleaning my bowl from my lunch, and filling up my water bottle (from the tap of course...because I'm not picky). I told her, " need to go put clothes on! I don't care who is home or not home. This is not YOUR own little apartment, it is inappropriate for you to walk around half naked!" She just gave me an "OK" and continued to get herself something to eat.

Now this part is hilarious!!! SheSloth has decided on tuna for lunch...ONLY tuna (yeah, 150 calories a can). She will probably opt for another sandwich for dinner...she may get a grand total of 500 calories today! The hilarious part, watching her try to use a can opener! OMG!!!! Girl is totally right-handed, and so is the can opener. She was holding the can opener closed with her right hand, and trying to reach over with her left hand to turn it! It took her like 5 minutes (not exaggerating) to open the can! I just wanted to do a face-palm! I told her she was doing it wrong, and that it would work much better if she held it closed with her left hand and turned with her right. I just got a, "Well, it's working this way!" I just turned around, shook my head, and came back to my office!

Sorry, OCC...I have to laugh. If I had to sell SheSloth's brain, I could get a prime rate on new, hardly used! I'm not buying that they need more sleep because of brain development! Especially with our school systems these days! Things are dumbed down so much from when I was in school, and I didn't need all the sleep teens these days claim to need! I was in all the honors and advanced classes...would be up until 1 a.m. for my job, and was up at 6 a.m. on my own for my school day! On the weekends, I was never in bed past 9 a.m., regardless of how late I was up the night before. I'm also not buying that one's failure to clean up after themselves is a normal teen thing. If it is these days, it is the fault of the parents! My kids picked up after themselves, I picked up after myself (if I didn't, I earned extra chores), my friends picked up after themselves! We were taught to respect our PARENTS' home that they worked for. SheSloth has NO chores...NONE! Dear daddy can't doesn't want to inconvenience the princess with chores. The very least she can do is clean up after herself! And the only problem with letting it be is that it affects MY space during the day when she leaves her mess all over my counters, and DH isn't here to follow behind her to clean up. I seriously cannot wait until she is back in school, and I get this house back to myself during the day!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Also not buying into lots of sleep biz. I read where 8-10 hours IS normal for teens, but more than that as in 14-17 hours every DAY? That is NOT normal. SS15 goes to bed around 12-1am. He sleeps until 2pm and grumbles about it - has even gone BACK to bed to sleep until DH takes the skids back to BM. SS12 has told DH several times that SS15 sleeps until BM gets home from work (4:15-4:30pm). So at home, he is sleeping 15-16 hours a days. SS15 does absolutely NOTHING physical except walk back and forth to the kitchen, bathroom and bedroom as FEW times as possible. He whines when we all walk to get an ice cream and it is only 3 blocks. How he thinks he'll ever pass a military physical is way beyond me.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

That's been SheSloth every day this summer that she didn't have band/guard! Stay up until 12-1 a.m...sleep until noonish...goes back to sleep around 3 p.m. claiming she is SOOOOOO tired until DH gets home from work and makes her get out of bed (which is 6-7 p.m.). If she isn't doing guard practice at school, she LAYS around...can't sit, always lays. Only gets up to look for something in the kitchen or to go to the bathroom.

And she keeps going on and on that she plans on being a dancer! She wants to study dance in college, etc. Really? Doesn't she realize that real dancers practice HOURS a day, and that is on top of doing other workouts such as running and strength training? Dancers are athletes! Something SheSloth is far from being.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

We were not allowed to stay in bed past 8am unless we were sick - and you had better be sick!! In his opinion, we were young and if we stayed up too late - TOUGH! My Dad would have literally tumped us out of bed if we weren't up and at 'em by 8:15am.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Yup yup! And Saturdays where the days my parents would clean house and do projects...all the more reason I couldn't stay in bed! I was expected to dust, vacuum, mop, clean the bathroom I used (tub, sink, toilet, mop)...and when I was done with that, I was expected to help them with whatever project they were doing. I've helped build decks, paint, garden...I lived there, I was expected to help! I couldn't go anywhere with my friends if I didn't at least have my basic chores done, so it was in my best interest to get up early and get the crap done!

These days, you can't tell kids to do anything. Oh, and try to tell them they can't leave the house until X, Y, or Z is done? Yeah, that never sticks! I don't know how many times SheSloth was told she couldn't go somewhere until her room was clean, but the second her ride arrives, there she goes...out the door...and DH lets her!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

OMG, are we sisters?! LOL!

We all helped garden, take care of the animals, replace the fence (and paint it), paint inside the house, yardwork, help Dad when he fixed cars and plumbing and anything else that needed fixing... None of us even thought to ask if we could go/do until our chores were complete.

My parents started us early with chores. 4 was old enough to dry and put away silverware, and so on. All of us were expected to help at the grocery store by age 8 (even if it was Get 2 cartons of eggs, Aniki). As we got older, each of us got a portion of the list (number of items based on age) and headed off to get things. I was calculating price per ounce at age 10.

By age 12, all of us were capable of doing any kind of laundry; any kind of housecleaning; and cooking a 3-4 course meal for the entire family (2 parents, 5 kids, and any foster kids - 1 or 2 at a time). Good thing, too, as both my brothers married princesses who can't even make Kool-Aid.

Basically, our parents raised us to be self-sufficient, productive members of society capable of earning a living and living on our own by the time we graduated high school. Most 18 year olds these days believe they should get the world on a silver platter just because they exist.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Exactly!! Was required to help with dinner...I usually had to make the salad, peel and cut the potatoes if we were having them, etc. When dinner was over, mom and my step-dad would get up and go to the den. It was my job to clear the table, put away any left overs, and do the dishes. And kids these days gripe and complain if they are require to wash their own plate or if they are asked to put the butter back in the fridge? Really?

Aniki-Moderator's picture

My parents did that, too. We alternated who put away the leftovers and cleaned off the table, who washed/dried the dishes (1 washing, 2 drying), and who swept the kitchen and dining room after dishes - EVERY NIGHT. Heaven forbid we should think it was okay to dirty a glass or plate and leave it ANYwhere but next to the sink AFTER rinsing it. We were not allowed to eat in any rooms other than the kitchen and dining room.

SS15 grumbles when he has to get up and put a water bottle in the recycling. DH had to get on his butt about throwing out half-empty bottles of water because "the water got warm and I hate warm water!" Poor PrinceSS15!. There is this new-fangled thing called "ice cube" that you can put into a glass and add your beverage and it ~gasp~ keeps your beverage cold. Miraculous!! Then again, the ice cubes come from the tap and PrinceSS15 can't drink that nasty ickle tap water...

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Yeah, what is it with this royalty and water? We used to drink water out of the hose outside when we were kicked out to play! Talk about warm (especially where I spent my summer...had to let it run a minute before getting a drink). SheSloth only likes bottled water, until she was told that she was to leave the bottled water alone. She was getting a new bottle like every hour, taking like two drinks, and be done with it. They were being left all over her room. I haven't seen her get any water all week...wondering what she is drinking. I know she came out of her room at one point with a bottled water, and I noted that she was not to get the bottled waters any more (I buy them strictly for DH...he grabs a couple on his way out the door as he is in his car all day for work). She said it was one of the half full ones from her room. Maybe that is what she has been living off of. I use a reusable bottle for tap water through the day...have a couple of them, so if I want cold water, I will put one in the fridge while I drink the other. Simple as that.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I swear we're related! LOL

NO idea what the big hoopla is about bottled water. IMO, most of them have a horrid chemical taste and I'd much rather have tap water. DH buys them for himself and started buying more because PrinceSS15 (his new nickname!) won't drink tap water, but he won't be drinking it this weekend. DH was not at all happy that I just threw out half a gallon of whole milk (I only drink skim).

DH: WTH are you throwing that out??
Me: Honey, it's spoiled - take a whiff.
DH: OMG that's nasty! PrinceSS15 asked me to buy that. Wasn't he drinking it last weekend??
Me: Weeeelllll, noooo. The only dirty glasses were yours, mine, and SS12. I only saw PrinceSS15 drinking pop. ~bats lashes innocently~
DH: Was it GOOD?
Me: Yes, SS12 drank 2 glasses.
DH: Dammit. I paid $5 for that milk! Aniki. Didn't you throw away milk a couple-three of weeks ago?
Me: Yeesss.
DH: Dammit! How much?
Me: Weeellll, almost the entire gallon.
DH: WTF?? DAMMIT!!! Remind me to lock up the pop and bottled water before PrinceSS15 gets here this weekend!
Me: Whatever you say, honey. ~turns around and Cheshire grin spreads across face~

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I've moved to half gallons with BS19 gone, and I threw away half of one of those Monday! Otherwise, SheSloth would have poured it down the drain and clogged my kitchen sink! If I throw any of this one away, I'm going to have to see if I can find quarts. I HATE wasting money by throwing food away! I'm of the waste not/want not frame of mind. Yeah, the money may be there, but there is no sense throwing it in the trash.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

That will be the next step, and when she complains about the taste, remind her that she is the ONLY one in the house that wants milk (I'm lactose intolerant), so if she wants it, she will not let any of it go to waste!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

My Mom would add a little vanilla extract (she mixed powdered milk with fresh to make it stretch) and it tasted fine. But don't tell your skid I said that!! lol

Aniki-Moderator's picture

We give our dog organic vanilla yogurt (he has a sensitive tummy) and he loves it.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

SheSloth was quite the talkative one last night, but the whole time I was wishing she would shut up!

First we were watching So You Think You Can Dance. The whole 2 hours, the girl is sitting there critiquing the dancers. SheSloth thinks she is an authority on dance, because she was in it for a couple of years in middle school, and is now in guard. My favorite was when she was criticizing one of the girls for not being able to do the splits, as it did look like she was having difficulty in doing the splits in her end pose. This is something she goes on and on being able to do the splits defines you as a dancer! She criticizes the other girls in guard for not being able to do the splits all the time! So she is going on and on and on about this and the girl on the TV. I wanted to look at SheSloth and tell her, "Really? Her normal style is ballet! Can you dance on point as long as she can? Oh, and she is in the final 6 on the show! Can you even get through first round of auditions?" Seriously, the girl calls herself a dancer all the time. She NEVER practices outside of guard, and when she was in middle school, she NEVER practiced outside of school. Dancers put a lot of hours in to their craft, and she spends all of those hours laying on her back side! But she is the authority...

Then the news came on, and then it really got to the point that I wanted her to shut up! She was going on and on about issues she knew nothing about, and sounding really stupid about it. You know those videos during the elections where they question people on the streets to prove that they have no clue what they are voting for, and you just want to face palm? Yeah, it sounded about like that! There was 0 intelligent things said by SheSloth. And then she says the thing that really makes me want to puke..."Maybe I should try to be the first woman president!" OMG, if that ever happened, I think I would have to move to another country. If anything, to hide the fact that this girl could be connected to me in any way!

Oh, and she failed at making 500 calories yesterday. All SheSloth ate last night was a bag of animal dinner. DH wasn't even paying attention!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

LOL@Sally! She will be ruler of the gumdrop gairies and the unicorns! But if you can't do the splits, you will be run out of the kingdom!

Seriously, SheSloth takes great pride in being able to do the splits...brags about it all the time. I find myself thinking, "That isn't something to brag about, honey!" I can only think of a couple of jobs that you are guaranteed if you can do the splits, and one involves a pole!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I'm middle-aged and overweight and I can still do the splits...

Cant, you should encourage her to try out for SYTYCD. Let those judges laugh her out of the audition so she can slink back home.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

She doesn't meet the age requirement, but yeah, she thinks she wants to try out when she gets to the right age. She calls herself a contemporary dancer...yeah, she can do splits, but she doesn't have any of the strength and power for all the leaps and such. She doesn't think she needs to do any kind of strength training to dance! She doesn't realize how much strength is important to be a dancer.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

All that talking last night must have worn SheSloth out! Nearly 1 p.m., and she hasn't emerged from her room! Not even for food! Oh yeah, she posted on Facebook that tuna is her new favorite food, and since there isn't any more, she doesn't want to eat anything. There are plenty of other things to eat...whole grain cereal, whole grain canned pasta, peanut butter and jelly, ham and cheese, all kinds of vegetables. I'm sure she is telling everyone there is never any food in the house! Sorry, SheSloth...I'm not spending good money on junk food just to please you! I'm just waiting for SheSloth to use "nothing to eat" as an excuse why she is starving herself!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Junk food will be missing in our home this weekend. When DH realized that the only thing PrinceSS15 ate the last time was chips, snack cakes, and soda, he's on a mission. All junk food will be removed from skid access until he takes them back on Sunday. PrinceSS15 is going to be HIGHLY upset when DH tells him NO pop. If he wants a sugary drink, we have Kool-Aid. }:)

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

SheSloth seems to be so desperate to eat as little as possible! She has finally emerged from her room. I conveniently went out to put my lunch dishes in the dishwasher and found her fixing a pouch of chicken noodle soup. Asked her why she was eating that for lunch, and she tired to say, "I'm trying to get it out of the pantry." Really? There are about a billion other things to eat in that pantry, and you pick the thing that is only 75 calories? There are cans of hearty soup in there (like beef and potato), and she picks the dehydrated chicken noodle soup to make! Wonder if she is going to only eat animal crackers for dinner again!

Bad thing is, that soup was in there for DH. I keep it around because when he gets sick, that is all he wants, and I don't want to have to make a 30 mile round trip to the store to get a $2 thing of soup packets! Guess I'm going to have to get some more and put them in a hiding spot. She already had the packet ripped open, so I couldn't tell her she couldn't eat it.

Now SheSloth has plopped her butt in front of the TV. Gone from one extreme to the other...last two days, sports bra and butt shorts. Today, flanel pj pants, a sweatshirt, and a beanie! I have a fan blowing on me because it is warm, and she is wrapped up like it is the dead of winter.

Oh, and the beanie...I seriously want to send that to TGIHB's boutique. The girl has not showered all week, and has has that stupid beanie on her head! I can imagine what her hair looks like under it!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Either that, or mal-nutrition. I mean, not eating any red meat or green veggies, I can promise you the girl has iron deficiency!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Supposedly, SheSloth has color guard practice tonight, and made DH come home early to take her. At least she is learning to not ask me. Smile However, DH is PISSED! He took off early because she said last night she needed to be there at 6 pm. Then, her friend drives up at 4:30 pm. DH asks why the friend is there...and she says, "Practice is at 5." "So, you mean I took off of work early for nothing?!" And SheSloth didn't say anything to him about it when he walked in the door at 4 pm! Nope...friend arrived at 4:30 pm, and he just gets an "I'm leaving!"

Still hasn't eaten anything besides that 75 calorie soup. She also hasn't had but a half a cup of water. Practice should be interesting, as it's 100 outside, and it is the hottest part of the day...with the sun beating down! No food for electrolyte support? Like I said...waiting for her to fall completely out during practice.

Oh, and when she came out of her room, she was in butt shorts, sports bra, and a cami. DH said, "Please tell me you aren't wearing that?" She just rolled her eyes and kept walking.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I definitely brought up the eating thing again last night!!!

I made spaghetti for dinner before leaving for the gym. I made separate gluten-free pasta for me, and regular pasta for whoever else was going to eat. DH was eating a bowl when I left. SheSloth had left for guard practice without eating. DH tells me that when SheSloth gets out of guard practice, he needs to take her to BMs. And that is what he was doing when I called him to let him know I was on my way home. He said he had to first go back to the house so that SheSloth could get clothes and stuff.

I get home, and there are 2 bowls in the sink. So naturally, when DH gets home, I mention that SheSloth didn't do her dishes again (assuming that DH made her eat something before going to BMs). He tells me that is not SheSloth's bowl...that he later wanted more dinner, and since his other bowl was in the sink already with water in it, he got a new one (yeah, I know...he has his own level of laziness which drives me crazy). So I then tell him, "Oh, so that means SD15 didn't eat ANYTHING today." He says, no...that only means she didn't eat dinner, at which point I pick the soup packet out of the trash where he could plainly see the nutritional information and told him, "No, that means she really didn't eat anything today, because this is all she has eaten!" I pointed out that it was only 75 calories and told him, "No way that is enough! I burn that breathing for an hour!" He just shrugged his shoulders and went on with washing his dishes.

He truly is not getting the severity of the issue. Some say to get him a book, but really, I don't think that will do any good. He just says, "I'm tired of fighting with her about food." Really? Are you going to be tired of fighting her about food when she lands in the hospital? I can promise you that SheSloth did not eat when she got to BMs! She has come back from BMs several times reporting she really didn't eat all that much when she was there...various excuses...didn't get up until 3 in the afternoon, wasn't really all that hungry, etc. I'm pretty sure she is probably giving BM some sob story that there is NOTHING to eat in our house...EVER! Yeah, that is why I just threw away a butt load of left overs from the fridge. I guess peanut butter, jelly, ham, cheese, bread, torillas, ramen (left over which BS19 didn't take with him), canned multigrain ravioli, organic toasted O cereal, milk, breakfast bars, all kinds of veggies for salad, eggs...yeah, none of that is edible! I sincerely hope that if BM calls DH yelling about the food that is in our house, he stands up to her and makes it clear that it isn't that there is nothing to eat...that SheSloth doesn't WANT to eat, and she is making this as an excuse to defend her not eating. I refuse to load up on junk frozen food just so SheSloth thinks there is food in the house!