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Today is SS's wedding

Amber Miller's picture

Wish me luck everyone. Today my SS is getting married. I have a good relationship with both of my SS's and I am really happy for him that he has finally found a lovely young lady that he wants to spend his life with. Smile
The problem?--SD and BM will be there. SD told DH about a year and a half ago that she never wants to see him again nor will she ever talk to him again until he divorces me. I have been with my DH for 8 years and in the beginning SD seemed to like me but as the years progressed, she started problems with me that my DH couldn't see. He had blinders on when it came to his precious, little daughter as she had such a hard life due to her making one bad decision after the next. Daddy had to clean up every mess his little precious would make so that she would "love" him. I could see from the beginning that she was an entitled, spoiled brat who used her father as an ATM. He paid for everything for her: car, car insurance, rent, spending money, paid for all of her parking and speeding tickets, and even bailed her out of trouble when the bank accidentally deposited $1,000 in her account and she decided to go on a shopping spree. Daddy didn't want princess to get in trouble with the law so he paid back the $1,000 and paid all of the bounced check charges and fees that accrued to the businesses that she wrote bad checks to. I think you all get the picture, she was coddled and he used to kiss her ass as often as he could to win the love and adoration of his precious little princess.
She began verbally attacking me about 5 years ago. I made the mistake of defending myself and my DH to her when she went on a tirade against us. Of course after I told her that she was and ungrateful, spoiled brat, she immediately contacted daddy and he got mad at me for "attacking" his poor, defenseless daughter. He refused to speak to me for about a month. This is when their relationship took a turn. He would sneak around and call her (they had to talk everyday), take her out to lunch ever few weeks (she lived an hour away); it was like he had a mistress. He would lie and say he had to go shopping as I could see him in the parking lot talking on the phone. You see, daddy had to coddle princess because SM was so mean and evil. She sent emails to me, calling me all sorts of names, saying how evil I was, accusing me of dressing like a slut, being a gold digger, etc. My DH refused to see the abuse. This was really hard on me. I felt abandoned by my husband. She got pregnant from a one night stand and then DH told me that I better hope that there is nothing wrong with the baby when it was born because it would be my fault as I caused princess so much pain and stress. Well, the baby was born with cerebral palsy as a result of a rare genetic disorder. He is now 3 years old and can't walk or talk. This was obviously not my fault as the "stress" that I was accused of causing her could in no way cause this type of problem for the poor little baby. He is extremely developmentally delayed and I feel sorry for him that his mother is so crazy. I asked DH if he remembered saying to me that if the baby was born with anything wrong with him that it would be my fault. Lo and behold he didn't remember saying this to me. Ok, I think I have set the stage and you all get the idea. It's been a long hard road with her and she and DH had made my life a total hell.
So, time went on. DH eventually requested that I send an email to princess and ask for forgiveness. :sick: I did it because he had been so mad at me for such a long time and I wanted it to end. I apologized and princess decided that I was worthy of being in her life again; lucky me.
I don't know why but somewhere along the way, princess decided that she was mad at me again and started to now attack DH directly. She was ignoring me in my own home and even went so far as to go on our computer when she was staying with us and go to the county court family law website. She printed out divorce papers and entered my DH as the plaintiff and me as the defendant. She cited irreconcilable differences and put in the forms that my DH was requesting that I be cut off financially. We found the papers and my DH was shocked. He said he would never divorce me as he loved me and that he thought this was a very mean-spirited attack against me. It upset him very much that she was still trying to cause trouble in our marriage. He said this is a new "low" and a very cruel, inexcusable act. Did I mention that SD was 30 years old at the time?
Then the lightbulb went on in DH's brain. He finally believed me that I had done nothing wrong towards her and that she was the one that had caused all of the problems. He apologized to me for all he and his crazy daughter had put me through. It took years for me to get over this as he and his daughter had hurt me so bad but I eventually got over it. Now my DH saw his daughter for what she was; a manipulative, spoiled, cruel, selfish, sociopathic liar who only cared about my DH's checkbook. She would call DH screaming at him, blaming him for her failures in life, accusing him of being a bad father, told him he loved me more than he loved her, accused him of treating my children better than he treated her, on and on and on. DH's thinks that she started acting this way because he had cut her off financially.He finally had enough. One day when she called screaming at him because we mailed a graduation announcement to her (I graduated from the university last year with my Bachelor's degree) . She told him she wanted nothing to do with me and how dare we send her an announcement. We knew she hated me but we sent announcements to the entire family and we felt that if we excluded her that it would be the wrong thing to do. In a way we were acknowledging that she is family and we were not acknowledging that she had a problem with me as we both felt that I had done nothing wrong to warrant her bad behavior.
So today, we have to attend SS"s wedding. Princess and crazy BM will be there. I haven't gone into any stories here about BM because this is getting too long but she is a narcissistic nut job. Even SS told us that he needs to keep reminding his mother that this isn't her wedding and to respect that this is his wedding. Typical narcissist; it's all about her. She did this at the other SS's graduation (he graduated from the university with honors). She was texting him constantly thorough the ceremony and was running around telling everyone what they had to be doing, where to sit, what pictures to take, etc. I's sure today's event will be the same if not worse than the graduation.
I am sure princess will be there, standing next to her mommy so as to be protected against mean daddy who won't leave his wife (me) in order to appease his lovely, crazy daughter. Princess has already resorted to calling my DH's sisters to let them know that her daddy abandoned her as he has chosen to stay with big,bad SM. She has ignored the family for years, but all of a sudden, once she had the opportunity to trash DH and I to the rest of the family, she got on the phone and started calling everyone whom she hadn't spoken to in years, in an attempt to make us look bad. It didn't work as everyone already knows that she has mental problems and my DH's sisters told DH that they love him and they love me too and they didn't believe what princess was doing. Princess has also been diagnosed as having borderline and narcissitic personality disorder just like her mother and I am sure there will be lots of dirty looks and commentary as we will all be seated at the same table for dinner and I am guessing that BM will attempt to separate me from DH in the church as I am not a blood relative. If she does this, I will quietly sit down next to my DH as I don't care what she says. I am there for SS, not for her. I am sure psycho princess and mommy are going to make this as uncomfortable as possible for DH and myself. I wanted to enjoy this day but it looks like it is going to be rough. My plan is to be polite, cordial and to ignore princess and mommy in an attempt to make sure no trouble breaks out. I would hate for SS's beautiful day to be ruined by his mother and his sister but this is what they do. They make every event about them and will try to draw attention to themselves. I want no part in this nonsense and I refused to be sucked into their evil, nasty orbit. I have class and they do not. I will not engage them no matter what they say or do. I am sure they will make fools of themselves. I feel bad for my DH that he has to be exposed to these 2 first class bitches and their craziness.
Well, I know this was long and I thank you for reading. I don't post very often but to me this is a post-worthy story. I am a little nervous as I am anticipating how we will be treated. I really don't care what they think of me but its hard to be in the presence of pure evil and not have some sort of reaction to it.
If any of you have any advice on how to deal with dirty looks and snarky comments please tell me how you would handle this. My plan is to ignore them but I would like some insight into how I can best deal with them and still have a good time. After all, this is about SS and his new bride, not these 2 foolish, crazy bitches.
Thank you all and wish me luck.

Amber Miller's picture

Hi catlettuce--
great advice. I was too tired when I got home to talk about the wedding. Finally, I have found some time to report how things went. I will make a separate post below but I first wanted to thank you personally for taking the time to read my long story and give me advice. Read my post below for an update.

Amber Miller's picture

Thanks for your thoughtful comment. I am glad I waited for my DH to come around but for those few years it was really difficult. I felt that his adult brat took precedence over me and it was painful. This went on for years until last year when he finally came to accept his DD for what she really was. I am glad that I stayed with him. I did know that I had the choice to leave but I didn't want to. He's a good man who got sucked into his daughters craziness. I actually now feel sadness for him. It must hurt to realize that your adult child is a complete failure and a bad person. Thank you for saying that my DH is a lucky mad. I feel as if I am a lucky woman to have him. He is loving and devoted and it is these qualities that made him so susceptible to his daughters nonsense.
StepAside; I always read your posts. You always give such great advice and I think you are super intelligent. Thank you for reading my story and I appreciate the good advice. When I was face to face with BM I actually said "hello" but I held my DH's hand and barely smiled. I had my super dark, big framed sunglasses that have rhinestones on them. My DH says I look like an italian movie star when I wear them. I held my head high and didn't react to her at all.

toywas's picture

Make sure you look damn good! Drink but don't get drunk. Take lots of pictures. Slow dance to every slow song with DH, every do a special dance request of your guys songs and have the DJ say it's in honor of "so and so". SMILE as if you're having the time of your life. You and DH talk to people as a couple.

I did all of this several years ago at SS wedding after SS told me what to wear, not to talk to anyone, I couldn't dance, etc. So I made sure I did everything 100% opposite.

Amber Miller's picture

Hey Toywas!!!!
Always a pleasure to hear from you. Your advice made my DH laugh. I read it to him this morning. We did dance quite a bit. I had a huge smile on my face. My DH and I took dance lessons for a few years so we ripped up the dance floor by doing east coast swing, west coast swing, and the fox trot. I could feel the photographers taking our picture as we danced.
I was horrified when I read your post that your SS had treated you so poorly. I mean telling you what to wear? What a jerk! I would've been horribly offended. Good for you for ignoring his idiotic requests! I thought of you when I was getting ready. I did my hair in this nice up-do that I learned how to do on You-Tube. I did look nice. DH looked amazing and he wore this fabulous white fedora (SP?). He looked scrumptious and I could see his ex wife checking him out, She did try hard to get his attention. HAHA--it didn't work. I will elaborate in a separate post below where I sum up how the wedding went. Thanks for taking the time to respond to me. You always make me laugh and I love your attitude. Have a great day.

toywas's picture

I am so glad you responded; I was a little worried lately with no response from you. Too bad ST didn't have pictures to post like FB so we could all see how great you looked.

Amber Miller's picture

You know I was so stupid and didn't take pictures of us! I guess we will have to wait until the professional pictures come back. I have been upset abut my looks because I had been on prednisone for 4 years so I gained a lot of weight from it. I finally stopped taking it 3 months ago and the weight is peeling off (thank god). Its an awful medicine but it saved my life. So, I must have been delirious that SD did not show up and forgot to take what teens call "selfies".
I tried to make a new thread and it won't work. I posted the details of the wedding below. I have been so busy moving that I couldn't get to my computer and last night my computer was shanghai'd by my youngest to watch netflix. I couldn't wait to post about the day. Well, it was good to hear from you! I hope the golden eggs have been staying away

toywas's picture

Girl, it doesn't matter how much you weigh, your confidence will outshine any weight problem at any time!!! I gained 15 lbs since the winter because of my foot problems then foot surgery. I don't care. I'm trying to get motivated again but with this heat, I'm not worried about it!

As long as you were happy, and DH was happy, that is all that matters!!

Please start a new thread and give us all the details (juicy ones too!)

As for the golden eggs, their presence is expected this weekend (it's going to be a guys weekend) so I get 2 days vacation. Towards the end of the month they're all making a surprise visit and that will be my motivation to go and start walking outside!

Love ya!

Amber Miller's picture

Thanks for saying that. It was 60 lbs over the past 4 years; a well known side effect of the medication and its awful. I have to agree, it is hard to get motivated with the heat. It's hot and humid out here and I am moving and it just zaps your energy.
Gosh, I tried to start a new thread several times and it wouldn't work. I posted all of the details below.
Sorry to hear that the golden eggs will be rolling in but it sounds like you will have 2 days with yourself. I hope the weather is nice and you can have some fun.
I bet it will feel good to start walking again; I assume you were in a cast and then a boot of some sort? I know that injuries like yours can be hard to recover from.
Thanks for saying hi and lots of love to you too! Take care and I hope we can talk again soon.

fedupstep's picture

You must be a freakin' saint not to have killed DH after the comment about hoping the baby is fine or it would be your fault. Wow.

About today...I would just keep you and DH busy talking with other couples and family. I would totally ignore SD and BM. If they approach you, walk away. Don't even make eye contact. If there is a female family member that is familiar with her craziness, I would ask them to go to the lady's room with you so you aren't ambushed alone. Not kidding! I've seen it happen!

Since SD has made it clear to all who will listen that you and DH are 'evil'...eyes will be on you for any reaction. Keep your head up, smile, and try and enjoy yourself.

Can't wait to hear how the day went!

Amber Miller's picture

How sweet of you to say that. I wish I was more "saintly" but I do the best I can. I cannot tell you how badly it hurt when DH made that comment about the baby. I know its hard to believe but my DH really did say that to me. This was at the point in our relationship where his defensive behavior toward his precious princess has escalated at an exponential rate. Well, princess smoked cigarettes throughout her whole pregnancy. In fact SS told DH and I that he wouldn't be surprised if the baby was born with a cigarette in his hand. How sad. I am a smoker and I did sneak a couple cigarettes during my pregnancies so I am not trying to act like I am better than her but seriously, chain smoking during pregnancy? To me, this is a selfish act but yet again, we are talking about princess and she is as selfish as they come. She was also having sex with different partners which in my mind had put her baby at risk. I mean, what if she had contracted a sexually transmitted disease? I find this behavior to be absolutely disgusting beyond belief. Smoking and having indiscriminate sex; what a great mother.
Yes, eyes were on us and we looked good! He held my hand, danced with me and introduced me to everyone as his sons stepmother. I will write about the event below in a separate post. Thanks for your advice and your time. It feels so good to be able to come here to Steptalk and have the support of others who have been through a similar situation.

Amber Miller's picture

Thanks for the suggestion. I will start a new thread and tell you all what happened. A little hint; we had a fabulous time. Smile

peacemaker's picture

A great book I am just finishing up right now is called "It's all your fault" by bill eddy...Teaches about High Conflict People with personality disorders on top of it....Also teaches how to cope with such personalities...teaches about target of blame people and how this whole toxic psychotic culture works...

it addresses people who absolutely never take responsibility for themselves or their actions and how they target the blame for everything they do on others...How they keep the conflict alive to stay in the center of attention..and prolong issues by deflecting they are part of the problem or the solution...I have a much better understanding of how sick some of my Adult step kids are (in their 40s for pete's sake)...and why life has been such hell for so long...and now the answers to empower myself to get on with it...because for those of us that chose to disengage...when the person you are disengaging from has personality disorders...they fear abandonment to being ignored...then disengaging seems to escalate their irrational behaviors to a point of danger and risking the safety of yourself and your own family...

Powerful read and well worth the time and money...

This culture these broken families live in are not only toxic to others. but most of them view their behaviors as "normal" because they have had a lifetime of conditioning to act this way...that is why many of us step moms do not engage well with them because we can see how abnormal the behaviors that have been accepted far too long by the parents who raised them to be this way...making excuses for them enabling them ...never challenging them to become better in any way...everyone having to acclimate themselves to their psychotic way of being....Hope you enjoy the book and hope it helps you as much as it has helped me...

As far as the snarky looks and high school behavior...Just engross yourself in conversation with someone else...i wouldn't talk about them and keep the subject on the person with whom you are low enough in your conversation that they cannot hear you and laugh a lot if possible...Enjoy yourself absolutely pretend they are not on the face of the the life of the party on a low keyed note...Enjoy yourself..and every time your thoughts wander to them re-adjust your thinking...try to find someone you have something in common with...and do not even acknowledge them...

The last time I tried this technique at a party...I left the room the BM was in and was having a private conversation with someone else in another drove her so nuts, she actually had to come in the room I was in and try to eavesdrop on my conversation with the other person...She was so insecure, she thought it was about wasn't...but she was lurching around to the point that she made a complete fool out of herself in front of the others...

Just go and have a great your charming self...but be unavailable to both of them the entire evening.....

Amber Miller's picture

Wow, thanks for the recommendation. I read your response to DH this morning and he wants me to order the book ASAP. His ex-wife and his DD both are narcissist and borderlines. He has always wanted to learn more about these disorders and is looking forward to getting this book. Your description/book summary really helped us understand what the book will be about and that was super helpful of you. There are other books that people on here have recommended and I typically buy whatever is suggested reading. I am positive that we are going to enjoy the book and I am sure we will find it helpful. A big thanks to you for taking the time to read my post and offer a resource that will help both of us understand what we are dealing with. My ex-husband was also diagnosed with borderline and narcissistic personality disorder and literally, everything was my fault. At the time I was in my mid twenties and I had never dealt with anyone who was so full of insecurities that had blamed the rest of the world for the chaos that existed in his life. It is sad because at the time, he had me believing that everything was my fault. I would cry for hours, I was a nervous wreck most of the time. I had 3 small children with this man and he had turned my life upside down. Oh well, I have 3 beautiful children and none of them exhibit any of the personality traits that lead me to believe that any of them inherited their fathers disorder (thank God).
I really can relate to what you said about the "culture" of these families. In regards to SD, the "culture" was as follows: she makes a mess out of her life, she lies and cheats and manipulates. When she gets caught, daddy and mommy come running to clean the mess. Amazing. Yes, from the outside looking in, I could see the enabling and the bizarre way that she had the entire family wrapped around her finger; especially her parents but also her brother. Her other brother wants nothing to do with her craziness.

I laughed reading your story about how BM would follow you around; hilarious. You had so much power over her. Isn't it amazing how these people are so threatened when you walk away from them? It's like they want the fight to keep going. Unbelievable!!!!! It sounds like you carried yourself with class and grace. I am sure that BM must have been squirming as she followed you around to eavesdrop? Good for you!
Thanks again for responding and providing the recommendation to the book. As soon as I am done responding to everyone, I will order the book. I might order it in the electronic version so I can read it on my nook. Have a great day.

AVR1962's picture

Try to concentrate on your SS and his happy moment and try to not look at bio mom and SD s this could bring a cloud to your feelings towards this special occasion. Feel lucky that you were invited. When my youngest SS married his dad and I were not told he was getting married or invited to the wedding. we found out about it thru husband's dad who called and asked if we were attending the wedding. When husband asked his son why were had not been invited he told his dad that he was having the ceremony in bio mom's town and the reception was at her house and he didn't think she would allow for us to attend.

My husband had always favored his youngest son and pretty much could forgive anything he did. For many years I felt my husband felt I was too hard on the boy because I didn't allow him to use me as a door mat. Like your SD, young boy in his mid 20's at the time, tore into me and his dad and told us off repeatedly over a span of a week, telling us what terrible parents we were, how he never wanted to see or speak to us again, that we would never know his daughter as our grandchild. Until his son blew up at him my husband could not see what I had been dealing with for years. Husband did not take his son's actions well. He was hurt, he was angry and he stayed that way for a long long time. Husband has since emailed with his son....this all happened almost 4 years ago but no real relationship. We have not seen the little girl since just before her first birthday.

I wish your husband could feel what your SD has put you thru, what has happened by them going behind your back (in a sense) is just as hurtful as her acts against you.

Try to not think of all these things on your SS's wedding day though. This is his day and a day that should be remembered with good thoughts and feelings toward the occasion. Try to make that possible on your part and enjoy!

Amber Miller's picture

You know, I think my DH finally realizes what he and his daughter have put me through. Im so glad it's over. Ever since the royal brat has left our life, things have been better. How sad that you and your DH were not invited to the wedding. That is really sad. They couldn't have it in a neutral place but had to have it at BM's and she wouldn't let you attend? That is ludicrous and cruel. Sounds like your DH and my DH had similar situations with their adult brats. I guess its not uncommon for these crazy kids to call their parents and scream at them. I would never dream of calling my parents and treating them in this manner. This behavior is inexcusable and shouldn't be tolerated. My DH says his brat daughter owes him a HUGE apology and even then he may not forgive her for the horribly nasty things she has said to him. He finally saw the light thank God. That's sad about the granddaughter. How cruel of these brats to deny their children a relationship with their grandparents. That's selfish and horrible. Princess tried to do something similar and accused DH of not being a good grandfather; whatever. She is nuts.
Yes, when they go behind your back it is very hurtful. It made me resent them so much. He would run off to have his little relationship with princess. My therapist said that he was hiding it from me because DH knew that what he was doing was wrong and that his daughter was making a fool out of him. It makes sense. We always spend the weekend together but when princess wanted to go out on her expensive lunch dates with daddy, he would make the date and then tell me the night before because "I would get mad". Well, of course I would get mad. They make their little plans and I am in the dark unable to make plans to spend with my family as I would find out at the last minute that daddy would be gone all day. She lives an hour a way and doesn't drive so daddy would spend 2 hours on the roa, 2 hours for lunch and then additional shopping for baby food and formula and diapers. :sick:
We had a great time and thank you for sharing your experience with me.

Amber Miller's picture

HAHA--she "punished" us by not showing up! Smile
Im going to do what OCC suggested and start a new thread to tell everyone what happened. We had a great time

Amber Miller's picture

Hi Cat--Im going to take OCC's advice and start a new thread Smile
see you there

Amber Miller's picture

ok. I have Hi there everyone. So, here is the update to what happened at the wedding. Things went really well and DH and I did have a really good time.
So we arrive and I am of course apprehensive. We walk in and there is BM and let me tell you, I was shocked when I saw her. Typically I am not the "fashion police" but oh my, she looked silly. Seriously, she is not an ugly woman and she comes from "money". Both her parents were wealthy and died last year so I am sure she got an inheritance but I suspect that she spent it all on princess. Oh my goodness, she was wearing this dress from the 1980's that looked old and worn out. I was thinking that perhaps it was vintage clothing but it just looked really bad. She is the mother of the groom and she was dressed like she was on the set of "Little House in the Prairie" I'm sorry if I sound petty but even my DH thought it was strange.
Se we are walking up and BM instantly steps towards my DH and tries to give him this big hug. I stood back with my dark sunglasses on so no one could see what I was looking at and watched as he tried to stay as far from her as he could, only extending one arm to place on her shoulder. Mind you, this is the woman that made his life hell for years and stole thousands of dollars from him. Ok, so we get through the hug and she begins to talk with him. I was of course ignored but DH grabbed my hand and held it. I excused myself to the restroom. I didn't have to go but I went into the building and there were windows. I just watched to see what she was trying to do. I could see DH try and get away from her but he couldn't seem to do it so I went to rescue him. He told her "well, we are going to go and look for SS to say "hi" and that was the end of her for the time being.
We went to find SS and he greeted us with a huge smile and a big hug for each of us. I was introduced to the wedding party as his stepmom which I thought was really nice. We found his other son and we said "hi" to him and he hugged us both as well and was very friendly.


Now that we were away from everyone and we were on our way to the bathroom together, DH told me that princess was upset and wasn't going to come. She has pulled this type of thing before where she says she's coming and makes up some lie about being sick so she doesn't have to attend. I was thrilled to say the least. So far, BM seemed pretty benign and now I didn't have to deal with his daughter. When I left DH and BM together, BM informed DH that princess went to a friends wedding recently and something bad happened where she couldn't handle it so she decided not to go to her own brothers wedding. I think she's really jealous that her brother was getting married. Apparently, SS was going to meet her and his other brother for lunch a few months ago and he wanted to bring his fiancé and princess had a cow and refused to go. It's odd isn't it? I am starting to suspect that her mental problems are getting worse so that is probably the cause. Actually, I am not so heartless that I don't feel sorry for her; she is really mentally disturbed and she refuses treatment and medications so I guess that this is the inevitable result of this. Our concern is her baby. As I said, he has some rare genetic disorder and can't walk or talk at 3 years old. A special needs child is hard to take care of, even for the strongest individual. Care givers need respite and as far as we know, she has 50 % custody of him. I feel bad for the poor little guy. She can't even take care of herself let alone a child, special needs or not. I guess that's better saved for another thread.

So, the ceremony is ready to begin. SS has DH and I sit in the front row and DH sits in between me and his other son and then BM comes over and sits next to me! Wow; she was polite as well. Ok, that's cool. Things are going really well now. The ceremony ends and then the big family picture is ready to be taken. BM invites me to be in the picture and says "well, you are his SM; why don't you stand next to DH". Another WOW. DH is now sandwiched in between me and his ex. How funny OMG. They began to take other family pictures of just the parents and such and I quietly excused myself. I made it into the big family picture so I was good with that. In fact, I enjoyed watching them take pictures and I could feel I had a big smile on my face. I was having fun.

We then go to eat and there was no assigned seating which was great. BM retreated to sit with her side of the family and DH and I sat with this really nice couple and we laughed and had great conversation. We still have no idea who these people were but they were so nice and fun to talk to. My DH was called on to give a little speech and he looked so beautiful and proud of his son. I loved watching him; so eloquent and touching. It was wonderful.

I went to the restroom and found out the next day that when I left that BM tried to get DH to leave our place at our table and to go and sit with her while I was gone. Haha, didn't happen. }:)

After dinner, we walked around and met people and I was introduced to everyone as SS's stepmom. That made me feel good. We danced and tore up the dance floor. BM disappeared. My DH and I took dance lessons for years and we were doing east coast swing, west coast swing and fox trot. People were watching us and smiling. I felt like I was on top of the world with my beautiful DH in my arms. We haven't been able to go out and have fun because of my disability. Needless to say, I am still disabled and I am still paying for all the dancing but it was worth it; who cares. I felt so connected to DH and the family and there was only one thing that made me cringe. There was this table and there was a floral arrangement with 2 pictures that were being displayed. It was the brides parents wedding picture and you guessed it; my DH's and BM's wedding picture :sick: . I could feel my blood pressure go up. The brides parents are still married. I don't know, my sister thinks it was inappropriate and DH blew it off but I was mad for a few minutes. I would never display my parents wedding picture at my wedding as they are divorced.(we are having our wedding next year as I was too sick to have our wedding when we got married; we had a civil ceremony). Now that I think of it, I bet BM did that. Tramp. Oh well, if that was the only thing that irritate me all night, I have to consider myself lucky. No princess, BM looks frumpy and can't get my DH's attention, we had a blast and danced our asses off; who cares about a little picture, right?

I wasn't able to write about the wedding yesterday as we are moving and we worked so hard all day after dancing all night. Oh my goodness, I can barely move today. I wanted to thank all of you for your advice, sharing your stories and offering your support. I can't believe what a success this wedding was and how much fun we had. My DH looked like a million dollars too. My SS's have always been good to me and even BM behaved. I can't wait to dance with DH again Smile

You all have a great day. 3 times to create new content per the recommendations of OCC and it will not let me do it! I will post the follow up to the wedding here.

toywas's picture

GIrl, I am so proud of you! I was hoping and praying the best for you. I'm so glad you and DH danced and showed the others that you were a united couple. I'm sorry about the picture of the "mom and dad" - very tacky and tasteless but please remember whose idea it came from you. Family pictures - awesome!!!

You helped make this wedding a success; you should be very proud of yourself; I know I am!

Amber Miller's picture

Oh good, I see you found my story. Thanks for caring about me and how things went. I appreciate the opinion about the stupid picture but like I was telling DH last night, it was probably a ploy by BM and that's all she has is her stupid picture. She has no one to share her life with and no one to dance with. I am the lucky one, she lost her chance. If DH treated her half as good as he treats me (which I am sure he did) then she lost out. Her loss is my gain. DH told me last night that she was looking at him with sad eyes as if she was saying "come sit with me" when she looked at him and then looked down at the empty seat besides her at the table. Too bad lady!
Thanks for what you said, that you are proud of me. That made me feel good. I took a potentially weird situation and had a blast. My DH and I spent last night talking about how fun it was to dance again and we started planning our wedding/vow renewal for next year. I am so excited. It seems like the wedding really got him in the mood to start planning and talking about what he would like for our special day.

Amber Miller's picture

Thanks for reading my summary of the evening. It was a great success and I am so happy. My DH was asking me last night if I liked being called SM of the groom. I said "of course"! I am proud of his son and being made to feel like part of the family always feels good. I think it shows a lot of class on SS's part and of course DH too.

Amber Miller's picture

Thank you. I appreciate that. I am lucky and definitely feeling inspired about planning my wedding/vow renewal for next year. DH is excited too. The wedding really put us in the mood

Amber Miller's picture

I agree with you about the class and manners. It really meant a lot to me to be treated like family. I will always be grateful to SS and DH for making me feel like part of the family. I've read so many horror stories on here about how step parents (even bio-parents) get mistreated and I was expecting the worst. I guess I learned that my SS's are a different caliber than SD. interesting, they have the same mom and dad and the boys are so nice and the daughter is a mess. This would be an interesting psychological study. I guess the boys modeled themselves after their father and the daughter after her mother. That's the only explanation I could come up with.

Amber Miller's picture

Hi Catmom2--
You know, I think DH treated all of his kids the same when they were little. I think that when she was an adult that he gave her more financial and emotional support as she made herself appear more "needy"; my DH has acknowledged this. Yes, irresponsible narcissist is a great way to put it. I think she followed her mothers lead and copied her. She was given thousands upon thousands of dollars as DH thought if he did more for her it would finally help in making her a success. It did not work and he finally figured out that he was enabling her. She was lying about going to school. She would sign up for classes and then withdraw or fail thus accumulating a great deal of student loans that had to be paid off. Guess who paid it off? You're right--DH did. What a waste of money and not even worth it as she can't complete anything that she starts. She is a total loser and DH has acknowledged it. One time she told me that she was going to marry a rich man and be taken care of for the rest of her life. Well, she's in her 30's and that has yet to happen. In fact, it will never happen. She even told me once that she was rich as she was entitled to her parents money and assets; what a buffoon. She's in fantasy land. Her mother taught her how to use people and how to lie, manipulate, steal and to sleep around. She's already had 4 abortions that we know about (birth control?)
Isn't your boyfriends daughter the one that pregnant? I hope she gets her act together. God knows she will use the baby as a tool the way my SD does. Due to the fact that SD's son is severely disabled, she uses him as a sympathy tool. Everyone is supposed to feel sorry for her, look at how hard her life is, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH.........................
I told DH last night that she is making her son responsible for her problems and feelings, just as her mother did to her. I am sure how to articulate what I am thinking but its like when a child feels responsible for their parent, for their feelings, making them happy, etc. In fact, SD's mother one time had their picture taken together, put it in the local newspaper as some sort of announcement and changed SD's last name to her last name. Kinda sick isn't it. Why she would do this, I don't know. They are enmeshed with each other and its really bizarre.

Amber Miller's picture

Thanks Cat. I appreciate you and your support. Yeah, I think BM did that and it occurred to me today when I was writing about how the day went. It was a lightbulb moment and I said to myself "OMG I know she did that". Especially because she seemed to have a fascination with my DH during the event. Haha. He was polite to her but had ZERO interest in paying her any unnecessary extra attention. I feel like you were rooting for me. Thanks Cat so much.

Amber Miller's picture

OMG StepAside, you are hilarious. That would've been great had I taken the picture and replaced it. Brilliant comment }:)

Poodle's picture

No-one else but BM will remember the photo, EVERYONE will remember the classy dancing Italian film star. Love it.