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Father's Day??

JustAgirl42's picture

OMG - ONE HOUR is all he asks! FDH wants to go to church and SD is giving him a hard time about it. Can you make ONE DAY, if not just one hour, about somebody else and not about what YOU want!?

Ugh, I know she's only ten, but this is the epitome of entitlement!

Now they're both mad at me for reminding her that it's Father's Day, and I'll have to watch them be all lovey dovey while I'm the bad guy.

Some days this really sucks!...Just had to vent.

JustAgirl42's picture

You're too funny!

I don't go to church, this is something that FDH wanted to do with SD.

If I weren't cooking for my dad and SM, I probably would make myself scarce today!

JustAgirl42's picture

exorcisma Biggrin

They went, and she took a book along to read, so unfortunately she won't learn anything about selfishness etc. That WOULD NOT have been allowed when I was young. It's kinda like your slapping Jesus in the face!

JustAgirl42's picture

If the pastor was talking about something that we couldn't understand, my mom would give us some paper and a pencil to doodle on during that time, but we didn't completely engross ourselves in a book!

SugarSpice's picture

when a man is used to letting himself get whipped by his daughter and bm, it comes natutally.

vent away. we can relate.

JustAgirl42's picture


Thanks, I would probably be banging my head against the wall right now if it weren't for this place. Sad

JustAgirl42's picture

You're absolutely right, and I regretted saying anything as soon as it flew out of my mouth. This kind of stuff is so difficult to ignore, it's like, SOMEBODY say SOMETHING to make this kid understand that not everything is ALWAYS about what YOU want!

I'll have to keep a ball-gag (?) handy for next time!

JustAgirl42's picture

'An easy target' is right! It just sucks when you feel like you're trying to help, and then you just get shit on...better not to say anything at all. I'll have to go buy a ball-gag since I don't already have one (I'm not THAT kinky).

wth was I thinking's picture

A lesson I learned last night. I am no longer going to voice anything when I see even the most blatantly disrespectful behavior towards him, because he will always defend them, and take it out on me. No more.

wth was I thinking's picture

Flip side of that is you tend to lose respect for your DH, seeing him allowing himself to be treated like shit. I feel like there is no winning in this. Sad

toywas's picture

Only 1 golden egg sent a Father's Day card and only 2 golden eggs called. What happened to the other 3 wonderful kids? Nothing. He was looking forward to going to work today and check his email; he's really doing to be disappointed since I got to work before he did.

Last night DH said "do you know what I didn't get on my birthday (which was 2 weeks ago)? So foot in mouth I said "birthday cards and gifts from your kids?" Truthfully, I spoke without thinking but I did not apologize - it was the truth and I stated the obvious. DH was quiet for about 5 minutes then said "No a call from a childhood friend (it's been a tradition for over 30 years."

Oh well!