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tonight's visit should be fun

Calypso1977's picture

so BM went and told SD13 all about the vacation they are supposed to take this summer. the one my fiance is currently denying her. way to go BM, tell the kid all about something before its final.

ive subsequently learned that the vacation she requested is for 10 days - under the agreement, she's only allowed to take her for 7 days at a time (2 non-consecutive weeks total). when he pointed this out to BM and told her she's only allowed 7 days she says "no where in the plan does it say 7 days" to which he replied "in my world a week is 7 days". }:)

im curious to see what if anything SD brings up tonight about the trip and what my fiance's response will be. this could be a popcorn night....

Dizzy's picture

BM is just setting your DH up. He either gets pressured by SD, or blamed by SD. In her twisted mind, she wins either way. Ugh...