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wow, just wow

Calypso1977's picture

we have learned that BM copies her lawyer on every.single.commmunication she sends via text or email to my fiance. she also forwards her lawyer every communication from my fiance no matter how trivial. their divorce is final. this was happening even before the recent custody battle started.

does this woman have a lifetime retainer with her lawyer? this must be costing her a fortune!

we always knew BM was a simpleton, never grew up, and cant make any decisions on her own. but this takes it to a whole new level of moronic.

its also interesting that she tells fiance that she only checks her email "every few days" (yeah, right, she has an iphone) yet she forwards his emails to her lawyer usually within an hour of receipt.

oh i cant wait for this woman to be deposed... SHE will have to answer the questions HERSELF and she will fall apart not to mention perjure herself big time. she cant bring a friend/relative with her and she, not her lawyer, will be forced to talk.

QuailCreek's picture

I'm just curious --How do you know she does this?

I have Law insurance so I could essentially forward every written conversation between my ex and I to my assigned attorney and only be charged a flat fee of 9 bucks a month but what attorney would want that kind of bitter annoyance? Seriously, I'd be blacklisted from the legal community.

Calypso1977's picture

see below - we were given copies of various emails (most of which we had actually provided to her) as part of an interrogatory response. she neglected to delete the forwarding header showing she sends it. they were clearly all forwarded at the time they were sent, not forwarded later, all at once, as part of the response.

Calypso1977's picture

we cant figure it out....

he will send her stuff like "ill be dropping off SD at 4pm". and she forwards it to her lawyer.

we are now going for 50-50 custody, but this stuff has been going on for long before this battle started. we just discovered it when we reviewed her interrogatory submissions.

Calypso1977's picture

the forwarding info was not redacted before she submitted her filing.

in one of them there was even commentary between and and her lawyer (protected, attorney-client privelege) that they neglected to redact. that was entertaining.

Generic's picture

She probably has a filter on her email that automatically forwards everything from fiance's email to her lawyer. It kind of sounds like something a lawyer would suggest and show her how to do it.

Calypso1977's picture

would there be a delay tho? the time between receipt and forward varies from email to email but most are within the hour.

Calypso1977's picture

im guessing the latter...although her lawyer isnt too bright either, and she's actually a GP/real estate attorney - not a family law attorney.

jumanji's picture

On the flip side, if there IS something worth forwarding and there is no backing history? She'd be blasted for cherry-picking only his transgressions. I kelp every email between my ex and I for years, so I could produce it if needed. Would have been easier to do it at the time of receipt/sending.

Rags's picture

Actually total documentation of the behavior of the blended family oppostion is a sound tactic for protecting the best interests of Skids and protecting your family if the opposition is toxic.

This worked well for my bride and I in protecting my SS from the toxic Sperm Clan and their polluted and shallow gene pool.

We recorded every telephone call with any member of the Sperm Clan once we realized that they were manipulative, toxic and detestable. We kept a journal of every conversation, saved every email, saved every voice mail and kept a copy of every court order, every police record, every Private Investigator report, etc....

It was provided to our attorney only when the Sperm Idiot or Sperm Clan forced our hand and we for sure did not forward anything to our attorney unless we were preparing to shred the Sperm Clan in court. In our case there was criminal activity in the Sperm Clan, there was toxic manipulation and there were things that needed to be addressed regarding protecting our son (my SS) from inappropriate Sperm Clan actions and behaviors.