When my SD keep telling me please get us a new baby so I can stab him shall I take it seriously
When my SD keep telling me please get us a new baby so I can stab him shall I take it seriously. She sometimes say I want to flush him in the toilet. When I asked her why?? she said I want to see how he dies! Is this her mother or older sisters effect. I am not pregnant yet, but need to know your advise . Her age is 7 she has three brothers
11 9 8 and two sisters 20 and 19
that's fucked up.
that's fucked up.
Does she exhibit other odd or
Does she exhibit other odd or disturbing behavior?
That is seriously disturbing.
That is seriously disturbing.
well she is the least
well she is the least friendly among the kids of my husband.....her brothers keep telling me when get back home to her mom ........she keep saying about me stuff I am a maid or waiter sometimes butler....Once she came from her moms house with little wound on her hand, I asked her who did this to you.........She said YOU...It was not me..In a family trip to beach her cousins noticed that she keeps staring at others people bodies very frequently :O

I would make sure you are
I would make sure you are NEVER and I mean NEVER alone with this child. She is already lying about you hurting her. Not good.
I would let her know that
I would let her know that what she's saying is SICK! The first time she said that...I would have been totally astounded...the second time, I'd let her know that little girls who say things like that end up in hospitals with padded walls, no toys, no TV's, and no mommy or daddy to come and see her. Scare the piss out of her. Kids may push boundaries and say foul things, but I let them know what's acceptable and what's not. Talking about how you would kill a baby is unacceptable.
Thank you dear ! I think this
Thank you dear ! I think this what at least I can do if she says it next time. I am new step mom, I do not want to cause a misunderstanding with the DAD and family. I just need to know if kid saying this mean it or just imagination!
My sister in law told me that when this kid was born,her mom had PPD and she had ideas to let her baby sink in the bath tub!
Not normal. I would no doubt
Not normal. I would no doubt tell your DH and if he does nothing, I would call the school or CPS or something else. I don't care if BM is feeding her this or not, if she is, she is harming that kid…if she's not, the kid is already a psycho.
Ironically she said that she
Ironically she said that she would be very happy to have a baby of her sisters! That would be nice and she will take care of the baby
You mean that it is the Dads
You mean that it is the Dads way of raising the kids
I'm with Scubed. Most of th
I'm with Scubed. Most of th e Crews are just ridiculous. This one is sick and hits close to home.
A six year old boy and seven year old girl were stabbed in an elevator here (Brooklyn) on Sunday. The little boy died and the girl is still in the hospital. An 18 year old girl was also stabbed to death in the same area last Friday. The police believe the same man is responsible for both attacks. I work in the area where at attacks occured. My students (first grade) are really having a hard time dealing with this.
Frankly, I do not understand
Frankly, I do not understand why it is so weird if I ask if I should take the SD comment seriously. When kids get jealous they say many stuff. As me with no parental experience I asked for advise. It is not a toller at all. I am asking your experince then why such forums are present!?
I love my husbands kids and take care of them and enjoy it! But the girls question stopped me as I am planning to be a mother and also I am new to the country and do not know very much about the way of kids thinking! my friend was pregnant with new baby and the school called her as the teacher heard her other son talking about hating the new coming baby! EVen the kid mentioned that he might kill him if he will play with his toys! Yet now the boy love his brother and takes care of him!!
YES and exuse my weak English it is not my native lanauge
Ignore them. They just don't
Ignore them. They just don't understand when someone thinks differently to them and don't have the imagination to think beyond their own circumstances. Your question is perfectly reasonable and understandable.
Without knowing the child and the context in which it is said it could either be that your SD is indeed some sort of psychotic serial killer in the making (unlikely for a 7 year old) and requires immediate therapy, or she hasn't learnt that saying things like that can really upset people and has no other way to cope with feelings of jealousy. I would say the last one is much more likely, unless she has exhibited other disturbing behavior. The concept of death and killing can be alien to a child she may not truly grasp the full meaning of what she is saying but is expressing her own insecurity at her place as the youngest being replaced. Being told how bad saying those things is and told not to repeat them together with some careful nurturing and talks with her dad and you about how she will always be loved and looked after could go towards helping ease her insecurities. If it continues though she would probably benefit from talking to a therapist.
thank you
thank you
thank you
thank you
thank you
thank you
thank you
I would questions too and
I would questions too and look into a 7 year old saying that stuff. However, agree that doesn't mean she is going to be a serial killer.
Sounds like the 7 year old is expressing some anger and also insecurity feelings about the idea of a new baby. Open line of communication and listening and love and asking "oh gee honey - why are you saying that - what are you worried about??". Questions lead to answers & explanations & it may comfort you to hear what the 7 year old says to you. WE as adults have to ask questions...understand their angles.
I agree a inexperienced
I agree a inexperienced person doesn't know for sure and is asking for help.
The mother suffered from PPD. Paranoid personality disorder (PPD) is one of a group of conditions called "Cluster A" personality disorders which involve odd or eccentric ways of thinking. People with PPD also suffer from paranoia, an unrelenting mistrust and suspicion of others, even when there is no reason to be suspicious.
The kid is obviously strange. I agree that Daddy, not you although you can be present, should sit the kid down and in strong language explain why the threat is unacceptable and scares people. Then if it continues consider psychiatric intervention.
Do I understand that this kid has siblings, actually step-siblings and I'm guessing from two other women? Girl you need to seriously reconsider having kids. He's a ex for good reasons and two women have already agreed he's a non-keeper and threw him back. You really should move out of this and find a guy without children. You simply don't need to volunteer for this. No way.
Thank you very much for the
Thank you very much for the answer. No their mother get the first two daughters. Then she for fertility problems came on her way stopped, She wanted deadly boys she seeked therapy and have the other boys and the girl.
My husband did not want too many kids but she insisted that she wants
I don't think what she said
I don't think what she said is normal AT ALL and her parents need to address this asap. It's normal when two people are joking around pretending to fight and one says something like, "I'm gonna kill you!" Haha. You can tell it's a joke. It's not normal to describe stabbing and drowning and infant to see how they die. That is MORBID. Most little kids don't understand death, but on the other hand, most little kids don't fantasize or even talk about committing acts of cruelty. I would never have a child with her in he picture.
Adding to this and this is so
Adding to this and this is so ironic! That my husband told me that his ex told the psychiatric after she got depression after this kids birth ,,,that she thought she wanted to drawn the baby while she was giving her a bath
oh you poor lady! My kids
oh you poor lady!
My kids have expressed a real dislike for their step mom trying to have a baby and have sobbed over it. My attitude is their step mom doesn't have any kids of her own and so I have supported them having another child and told my kids everything will be okay. I gave them some different perspectives and that everything happens for a reason.
WELL - Step mom is now complaining to my kids about paying me child support as she is staying home for a year now and still trying to get pregnant and $$$$$$ going out for fertility treatments and my x husband now saying he can't commit to college.
So interesting how here I am supporting positively them having a new baby and this is my repayment!!!!!!!
I feel for you Punkin....to have to sleep with your eyes open is terrible. My kids would never hurt a young child - that is wicked!!!