How much responsiblity am I to assume when the X wife wants to assume NONE!
I’ve been living with my BF for 7 years. No kids of my own. He has two boys now 17 and 16. Divorce papers say JShared custody but there is NO visitation schedule on file with the court. He is ordered by the court to pay child support. He and the x wife have worked out a 50/50 split with the schedule. Its been that way for the last 16 months. She changes the schedule when she sees fit. When she has a BF she wants us to take the kids more often. When she feels like being a mom she pulls them back. I have willingly helped out throughout the years doing my part as transporter, cook, and guidance counselor. I enjoy doing things together with the boys and we all get along quite well. We take them on out vacations with us and have never had a vacation just ourselves since we've been together. And I have to say it's getting old. Especially when she doesn't make any effort in taking them on vacations at all. Now my BF has to work out of town for a few months and now she doesn’t want to deviate from her schedule. He cannot be here for 5 days of the week. She insists on dropping off the boys ANYWAY and either have ME watch them or have him drive 160 miles back home every night to care for them. She REFUSES just to keep them and deviate from HER schedule because this is HER TIME and she says she has plans for those nights. >
I am NOT responsible for watching his boys- for either of them. I am not the parent. I am NOT listed in any of the court documents as a care giver or guardian nor do I want to be.
This woman has crossed so many boundaries during our relationship and this is one of the big ones. Again no visitation order with the courts..she makes up the schedule and he obeys…on top of it she changes it and makes her X husband take the boys extra nights because she is going out to fancy dinner parties…and she wants to be alone when she comes back home..he says of course he would love to have the boys extra time…all this and he gets to pay HER child support on top of it when she makes 5 times more than he does. They are 16 and 17 and should be able to cook and care for themselves anyway at HER house when X husband is out of town…yet she insists on inconveniencing me. I’ve had it. BF is not willing to take her to court to get any kind of schedule documented. I want to know if I have any legal stand as they are not my kids. I feel its not my place to cover for her- she needs to step up and think of HER kids first. She is the parent. She should cancel her "plans" to have the house to herself instead of making it inconvenient for everyone else, including her own kids.
I’ve told him I REFUSE to sacrifice MY time for her. I have done my share over the years in accomidateing HER schedule changes often enough. She needs to STEP up and assume responsibility for her kids when he is out of town working to pay her support.
Please help
Not your kids, not your
Not your kids, not your responsibility. HE has to stand up to her. HE has to say no. Care arrangements are on him and her. Not you. You are correct, they are old enough to care for themselves while she is at work or play.
^^^THIS exactly. She cannot
^^^THIS exactly.
She cannot force YOU to take her kids. Your BF cannot force you to take his kids. Just don't be around. What would she do? If she drops them off and they have no way in, you call CPS and tell them she abandoned her minor children on your doorstep.
Your BF is going to be a real problem if he can't set boundaries with BM. He is more willing to inconvenience YOU than her. That can't sit well with you, does it?
Your BF needs to explain to
Your BF needs to explain to his ex-wife that when he is out of town, the boys will have to stay with her. Period. She is the parent, you are not and you are under no obligation to care for them in your BF's absence.
If she has plans, so what? They are 16 & 17 for one, and they are HER kids.
As the PARENT- yes it IS her
As the PARENT- yes it IS her responsibility to cover if the DH cannot. He has covered for her SO many times with no issues. She needs to STOP playing "i don't want to be mamma now" and suck it up. I didn't have these kids she did. Wanting to be alone is NO excuse and as long as these kids are under 18 SHE is obligated to care for them...NOT ME. If DH can't physically be there due to his job then SHE needs to step up.
They are no longer a couple.
They are no longer a couple. Neither is obligated to cover for the other.
If he can't be there during his scheduled time, he has to step up and figure out a plan A, B or C that doesn't include you or BM.
It shouldn't be a matter of
It shouldn't be a matter of one covering for the other. It should be a matter of being a PARENT no matter what and picking up the slack if the other parent is not able to...not for the other parent's sake but for your KIDS' sake.
You sound like the crazy BM
You sound like the crazy BM in my world. She's famous for playing the for the kids card on DF when she isn't able/willing to meet her parental responsibilities.
EXACTLY!! I keep saying
EXACTLY!! I keep saying that..they both need to stop thinking of themselves..especially HER...she bumps these boys around for her convenience...not thinking how they feel about their OWN mother saying.> "nope..i don't want you here with me tonight Im too busy"..
Total bullcrap!
He needs to figure out what
He needs to figure out what to do with his kids if he's out of town during his scheduled time. It isn't BM job to fill in for him. He can arrange for them to stay with a family member or friend.
not your kids - not your
not your kids - not your problem. This is BF's problem 100%. You have a life that didn't include making these kids, why take ANY responsibility for them?
Need new clothes? ask daddy
Need a ride somewhere? ask daddy
Need to go to the doctor? ask daddy
No you didn't read correctly.
No you didn't read correctly. Not his scheduled VACATION time.. His job has requested for him to work at a location out of town for more money. This is something that at he had to do as his present income was barely enough to cover bills and child support. So he is doing the right thing.
Then he needs to go to court
Then he needs to go to court and have his visitation schedule changed. BM isn't doing anything wrong by making him take responsibility of the kids during his scheduled time.
seriously...they have no
seriously...they have no intentions on getting a job either..I agree.
I wish we could send them to
I wish we could send them to grandma..BF's parents live across the country and BM's parents are part of why they are so self entitled...they aren't helping...serve in the military NO WAY!! they would NEVER go for that...poor babies need comfort and care to prepare for college MAYBE...poor babies can't get a job now...