Skids and your amazing animal's instincts?!
I'm doing well with my disengagement strategy. So much so that when SD23 came over recently, I made sure I had another "appointment" and wasn't there for her grand arrival and to witness the effusive warm welcome by my SO (blech).
Anyway, I've noticed for some time that when SD comes over the dog WILL NOT stay in the same room with her. The dog slinks away and disappears until SD leaves.
I've always believed animals can "sense" good people and bad people - and when given a chance will avoid those they don't like or sense danger from. Of course, the more logical folks would argue that the animals just pick up the undemonstrated vibes their owners may be putting out and act accordingly.
For example, SD and I are always visibly pleasant and polite to each other - but I honestly can't stand the kind of person she is (thus my new posture of disengagement). But my dog has ALWAYS avoided her!
When SD came over the last time, I wasn't even there. But my SO mentioned later that the dog hid the entire time SD was there. So I wasn't there for the dog to pick up my "vibes" - but perhaps the dog has already learned to avoid SD?
Anyway, wondering if any of you have had similar experiences where your pet sensed a dislike for skids (or others for that matter) and their instincts were right-on? Also, do you think animals "learn" to dislike others from us, or do they sense it on their own?
Wonder if your SD has slyly
Wonder if your SD has slyly kicked or poked the dog when no-one was looking? As a way of getting at you?
I agree, she has probaby done
I agree, she has probaby done something mean to the poor dog.
My cat won't leave my room
My cat won't leave my room when they are over unless they are asleep. She also poops in front of their door in the middle of the night. I love that cat so much.

Also, wanted to mention .. my
Also, wanted to mention .. my SO and I adopted the dog together. My SO loves her to bits and the dog feels likewise. They have a very affectionate relationship.
All the more reason I'm thinking animals make up their OWN minds about people. Since my SO LOOOVES his daughter, then why doesn't the dog pick up on that? Instead, the dog hides! I'm thinking it can't just be my sense she is focusing on - because she could also focus on the lovey-dovey feelings my SO exhibits towards his darling daughter, right?
Oh yes! Before all three
Oh yes! Before all three PASed out, my two cats would run under the bed and not come out until the dead of night to feed.
I recently found out that "Annie Oakley" SD shot my older cat in the behind with her BB gun. My cat has a BB embedded in her hindquarters that shows up on an x-ray. Hope the vet doesn't think that I did it! I caught middle child SD and YSS shoving, pinching and kicking my cats when they thought it was safe to come out of hiding.
I have a 3 year old boxer
I have a 3 year old boxer that is my shadow. He is my boy and so loving and well behaved, he is friendly to all people and animals. But when my SD8 comes, he hides in my bedroom because that little brat is so annoying and won't leave him alone. She pulls on his ears, his nub, constantly aggrevating him. He also will poop in her room from time to time and this is a dog who never has accidents in the house. Maybe he senses how tense I am when she is there or he can just sense she is a brat? Is it bad that when she is all in his face I wish he would bite her?
I'm definitely becoming a
I'm definitely becoming a believer in this - our dog certainly knows that SD is to be avoided and it must be her nasty, self-absorbed nature that is sending signals.
Wow, I am getting chills up
Wow, I am getting chills up my spine reading what these horrible steps have done to some animals. My fiance's son's girlfriend once roughly shoved my dog with her boot, and screamed at her. She did this with my fiance and I in the same room. I can only imagine what she would do if we were not around. I told my fiance I did not want this horrible person in the house at all anymore.
my cats will pee on PBs' bed
my cats will pee on PBs' bed every other weekend BEFORE he shows up.... }:)
I agree that outright cruelty
I agree that outright cruelty to animals is a sign of a truly deranged mind. It's no wonder that any living thing would avoid such monstrous "humans."
But what I'm talking about in my case is the instinct that animals seem to develop on their own, without outright cruelty involved, that this human is not good to be around.
Since SD usually plants her butt in the living room during her visits and only moves to use the bathroom, she is never in the proximity of the dog where she could do something without us seeing it. So I honestly don't think she's ever done anything physically to the dog.
I think this is a case of the dog instinctively KNOWING that SD is not a nice person and should be avoided.
It is interesting that in many of the cases you all have shown, the dog's "owners" have conflicting emotions about the person. In our case, SO clearly loves his daughter to pieces and think's she's wonderful, while I don't care for her at all. The dog, even though being close to both SO and I, seems to be of the same mindset as me and does not like to be around SD.
The dog could have adopted my SO's attitude - that SD is the greatest thing since sliced bread - but seems to have determined that SD is to be avoided at all costs. Like me.
That's what's interesting to me - that the dog seemed to have determined this on her own!
When SD was an older teen she
When SD was an older teen she got a thrill out of blowing in my dog's face until the dog sneezed. That dog was like my child. So SD could tell when I told her not to do it again that there would be consequences. SD stopped blowing in the dog's face but the dog never went near her.
I'm luvin' these pets that
I'm luvin' these pets that poop and pee in skid's room!!!! In my case, YSS (at the time stb 7) crapped all over my house on PURPOSE because he didn't get his way. I would have LOVED to have one of those pets back then! :evil:
You had a 7YO HUMAN CHILD poop in your house?? I would have lost my mind, and had him sleeping in a dog crate, or in the yard for at least a week, wtf..... :O :sick:
OMG! Your skid SHIT in your
OMG! Your skid SHIT in your house? Is the SKID still alive? My SD8 shits on the toilet seat repeatedly but she hasn't done it on my floors or furniture. How in the world did you stay with that going on? I would have SHIT in SO suitcase and threw them both out LOL
Yep and by the next day
Yep and by the next day (Sunday) Mr. Guilty Daddy was rewarding him with donuts and toys.
Guilt Daddy, his donuts and
Guilt Daddy, his donuts and Mr. Shitty Pants would have been OUT! You have WAY more patience than I do girl.
Now I understand the Lysol in
Now I understand the Lysol in your pic...
I don't even... wtf...
I have to keep an extra
I have to keep an extra bottle of Lysol wipes in the bathroom SD8 uses because she repeatedly shits on my toilet seat!
How do these skids make it
How do these skids make it past pre-school and not learn how to poop in the proper place?? And what is wrong with their parents to allow it?? Poop anywhere other than IN the toilet would be a tipping point for me.
SD8 acts perfect at school,
SD8 acts perfect at school, she waits until she gets to my house to be nasty. I've emailed her teacher and straight up asked her if she had any "difficulties in the bathroom" at school.
They're all PASed out
They're all PASed out now--OSS 17.5 for 6.5 years now (not counting the brief "reuniting" half hour counselor visit in April of '12 where he tossed biodad's phone number and email address), SD 15.5 (the devil with boobs--stood him up thrice on April of '12)6.5 years and YSS 11, 4.5 years.
Yep he was toilet trained (if you count not wiping, flushing or washing) but he did it out of anger and negative attention seeking.
In addition to breaking the co-sleeping habit, biodad would "extend an invitation" to YSS, at the time, stb 7, by opening YSS's bedroom door at 3 or 4 a.m. on a Saturday morn and have the bright light from biodad's laptop screen wake him up. Together they would web surf for toys in a sleep deprived state. This caused a VERY miserable child by 1 or so in the afternoon. He had no set bedtime at MOTY BM's. I told biodad that as an experienced parent, he shouldn't be waking a young child up at 3/4 in the morning just to snuggle and web surf (read: to fulfill biodad's selfish need to spoil and buy his kid's love).
First attempt to break this bad habit, YSS got up round 4, peered into our bedroom to see if biodad was up, went back to his room, played for about 2 minutes, peered back into our room. I then said "YSS, you need to go back to bed, it is very early and you need your rest" YSS went back to his room then promptly started to gag and make himself vomit. Biodad bolted out of bed and believed that YSS was actually sick; I knew this as the oldest trick in the book. He was fine enough to demand "DONUT SHOP!" But of course, biodad couldn't see through the ruse. As biodad went to get dressed, YSS started to make himself gag again, I quickly informed him that he wasn't fooling me. Deer in the headlights! Biodad bought him a donut on the way to BMs.
Next weekend, same thing only this time a bad smell wafting throughout the house. Sure enough, YSS wasn't happy that dumbass biodad wasn't web surfing with him at 3 in the morning. He had crapped all over the house and rubbed it into the furniture.
What was your DH's reaction
What was your DH's reaction to SS crapping all over the place?
He was upset at first and
He was upset at first and asked him why he did such a thing; YSS response was a tearful (fake) "I don't know!"