O.M.G! "PUP" Are you serious? I am over here dying laughing. See I would give my DH hell over that one and it would be so hard not to bust out laughing everytime I saw her! That is seriously nasty!
C.D. thought she could talk to anyone like a dog and she had gotten away with it until I came in the picture. I gave her one warning to not contact me and to stop texting me. She didn't listen and I got her 1 year supervised probation for communicating threats and cyberstalking. She had to come to court knocked up with baby #3 and sit there while I testified all the horrible things she had sent to my phone which I had printed by Verizon and were entered into evidence. Some of which included that she would run me over with her car, that she knew where I worked and where my daughter went to school, that I was a whore, slut, cunt. And I got to read this testimony with a straight face in a full courtroom while she sat there mortified! It was a good day!!!!!!
It only takes you responding to a crazy or threatening message ONE time and saying, I am letting you know that you need to stop contacting me or I will have no other choice than to report you to the police. Then the first time she does it, file charges at your local magistrates office. These crazy bitches need to get their power over us taken away.
And thank you for saying I'm your hero! I used to let my ex-husband run all over me. I got my strength back and then met SO. It felt like my strength and control were taken away again because of BM. I honestly think that by me taking control back of that situation it did help SO realize he didn't have to take her sh*t anymore either. Of course SD8 still controls him and he's her little bitch
I call the BM C.D. which stands for Cum Dumpster. It is totally appropriate since she is on baby #3 with baby daddy #3 and everyone in the small down has dropped his junk in there. My best friend I refer to her as that all the time but once I slipped up and called her CD in front of my SO. His face got so red and I thought he was mad until he bent over laughing. So now we can say it in front of each other but never anyone else.
For my ex-husband, I just call him dirtbag. I call him that to anyone that knows who I am talking about and it is just simple and fitting for him.
I love hearing that so many of you have nicknames for these people and they are so creative and crack me up!
We don't really have clever names for BM or my Ex. It's usually just a sarcastic "so guess what MOTHER OF THE YEAR/FATHER OF THE YEAR did now..." to each other. In front of the kids we don't even use their names- BM is referred to as "OSD and YSD's mother...." but we really don't talk much about her anymore and never have in front of the kids unless it was relevant like "your mother wants you to bring such and such to her house Monday"
I don't have a name for BM or SD, but I refer to BM's boyfriend as "Barbie Car" and SO refers to him as "Mr. Soul". He drives a bright green Kia Soul. Enough said.
We call BM boyfriend "Thug Life". She is 35 and is 24 and the only thing I've ever seen him wear is baggy jeans and a white wife beater tank top. They live in a low rent area but he drives a super nice car that he has pimped out, it's a two seater so I don't know where all the kids sit??? But he has "thug life" tattooed on his arm which I spotted at one of the drop offs and that's been his name ever since. My daughter (11) also refers to him as Thug Life when SD8 isn't there LOL
We NEVER say her name...if we have to refer to her in conversation, "that bitch" is generally used.
My SO tries to refer to her as "My Children's Mother" so as not to associate himself with her craziness. But clearly his sperm didn't magically dive into her gaping, worn-out vagina, so when I'm not calling her "Crazypants" or "The BM" (which he knows means "bowel movement") I call her "YOUR Ex"...and that gets under his skin since it highlights the despicable choice that he made in banging the elephant.
Oh, and we also call her "the elephant"...because, well, there's a STRONG resemblance.
oh blayze I like you!! I can tell we have a lot in common!
That is awesome she looks like a damn elephant, at least you will never feel physically inferior to her. One really horrible thing about Cum Dumpster is that she and I look like we could be sisters. She is a lot taller than me but we have the same complextion, same color eyes, same hair color and style. I even started growing my hair out and then saw her and damn if she wasn't doing the same thing LOL. Obviously my SO has a certain "type" when it comes to looks. I guess even though she is attractive on the outside he couldn't see how nasty and ugly she is on the inside, of course I guess none of the 100's of dudes she banged while she was married to him knew it either!
My boyfriend and I refer to his second wife as BC for Bitch Cunt. We always laugh after. I usually don't use the "C word" but she deserves it. Plus he's English and that is a more commonly used word there.
It's funny you say that and call them "skids". I just joined this site about a week ago and find myself referring to SD8 as the skid. But trust me she is a skid mark on the panties of my life!
"BM and the Skidmarks" sounds like the name of a punk band.
(...I called them that to a friend today and it is definitely NOT something I would say in front of SO. }:))
My friends all call me SMILF (Step Mom I'd Like to.....you know) because I'm an attractive almost 27 year old with 14 and almost 11 year old skids to be
I know we all have to vent and I never would think anyone would call these horrible but well earned names in front of the Skids, but it is still fun to have the nicknames. And if you call the skids POS, I'm sure they have earned it.
I came up with BMs nickname after she came by wearing a HUGE t-shirt and even BIGGER yoga type pants telling everyone at the house how she hadn't showered and wasn't wearing underwear.
When SO and I first got together he mentioned that his ex traded her food stamps for something. (Classy, classy, BM.) Anyway, later, we were arguing about her and I blurted out, "Well since you're so STARVED for affection, maybe you should just go get back with Welfare Cheese!" We're both a little nerdy, so unexpected puns are like a day at the amusement park for us. We ended up high-fiving and laughing hysterically. Fight was over, and for the next few months that's all we called her. We bonded over "Welfare Cheese"
I like that! I may have to use that one myself if you don't mind. BM is leaching off food stamps, medicaid, anything that NC can offer someone. She constantly tells us she has no money when things come up for field trips, year books, etc... The custody order reads that each parent have SD8 50/50 and if the child is with you then you are responsible for her financial needs. But Cum Dumpster just doesn't see it that way. She is knocked up again and they are broke and since we have a nice house then we should pay for pretty much everything. And of course SO (Mr. Disney Dad himself) won't let his daughter do without! I dread when she gets in the real world and someone finally tells her little ass NO!
Dip Shit, the Sperm Idiot, Toothless Moron, DipShitIot, etc.... My Skid's bio dad is a worthless POS and his earned titles are nearly endless.
As for the true bane of my blended family existence, Paternal Grandma, she too has many earned titles of honor. Bitch From Hell, Sperm Grandma, Sperm GrandHag, etc.....
As for my Skid, just his name or "The Kid" or "The Spawn". He truly has been a pleasure to raise for the most part and is a young man of character that I am proud to call mine. Other than the usual trials and tribulations of raising any boy along with the associated brain farts we have had little trouble with him.
We call DH's ex The Hag. I have also begun calling SD20 Hag Jr and DH's SIL *insert DH's Brothers name* Hag. All three act just alike! Too bad my BIL hasn't learned from his big brother's mistakes or else he would know the tell tale signs that his wife is a whore too!
Oh this is fun lol. Skids BM known as "Cow" normally played with the sound on my DH phone.... Normally in front of the kids we just call her by her name. DH already used that one before I met her, then met her and realized why. Yes she is a big girl, but that isn't the reason for calling her that.
All though I have asked him how that went. Considering that she is like 5'6, as big as a NFL football player round, maybe more. While I am only barely 5'0 and currently 183lbs, at end of pregnancy. He is 5'10, but when he stands next to her he actually looks as small as I am. Its really weird.
As for my ex I normally call him "dip shit" or "prick" (prick is an inside joke with me and DH) With my kids he still gets called that. They really have no idea who we are talking about. Unless we say his name. If not they have no clue.
We call his ex "Weed". I heard on a motivational talk that there are things that come up in your life, that try to ruin your garden - they just pop up. He said to call them "weeds". We loved it! We also call her "Donkey" b/c she's a literal ass.
I call DHs' kid "princess
I call DHs' kid "princess boy"...it speaks for itself.... }:)
I bet he really "farts
I bet he really "farts glitter" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
O.M.G! "PUP" Are you
O.M.G! "PUP" Are you serious? I am over here dying laughing. See I would give my DH hell over that one and it would be so hard not to bust out laughing everytime I saw her! That is seriously nasty!
C.D. thought she could talk
C.D. thought she could talk to anyone like a dog and she had gotten away with it until I came in the picture. I gave her one warning to not contact me and to stop texting me. She didn't listen and I got her 1 year supervised probation for communicating threats and cyberstalking. She had to come to court knocked up with baby #3 and sit there while I testified all the horrible things she had sent to my phone which I had printed by Verizon and were entered into evidence. Some of which included that she would run me over with her car, that she knew where I worked and where my daughter went to school, that I was a whore, slut, cunt. And I got to read this testimony with a straight face in a full courtroom while she sat there mortified! It was a good day!!!!!!

You're my hero. I have
You're my hero.
I have all crazy messages saved as well as 3 police reports...I wait anxiously for the day when justice is finally served! It will be lovely.
It only takes you responding
It only takes you responding to a crazy or threatening message ONE time and saying, I am letting you know that you need to stop contacting me or I will have no other choice than to report you to the police. Then the first time she does it, file charges at your local magistrates office. These crazy bitches need to get their power over us taken away.
And thank you for saying I'm your hero! I used to let my ex-husband run all over me. I got my strength back and then met SO. It felt like my strength and control were taken away again because of BM. I honestly think that by me taking control back of that situation it did help SO realize he didn't have to take her sh*t anymore either. Of course SD8 still controls him and he's her little bitch
I call BM Pycho Bitch and I
I call BM Pycho Bitch and I absolutely say it in front of my husband.
I call the BM C.D. which
I call the BM C.D. which stands for Cum Dumpster. It is totally appropriate since she is on baby #3 with baby daddy #3 and everyone in the small down has dropped his junk in there. My best friend I refer to her as that all the time but once I slipped up and called her CD in front of my SO. His face got so red and I thought he was mad until he bent over laughing. So now we can say it in front of each other but never anyone else.
For my ex-husband, I just call him dirtbag. I call him that to anyone that knows who I am talking about and it is just simple and fitting for him.
I love hearing that so many of you have nicknames for these people and they are so creative and crack me up!
ahhhhhh cum dumpster...one of
ahhhhhh cum dumpster...one of my all time favs to call a skank....
And all this time I thought I
And all this time I thought I was creative! hahaha
But being on this site has made me realize that their are so many CD's out there trying to make us as miserable as they are.
Veruca Salt Tinkerdouche
Veruca Salt

Funny ~ I know right !!!
Funny ~ I know right !!!
Fiancé called his ex wife AH ~ for asshole.
We don't really have clever
We don't really have clever names for BM or my Ex. It's usually just a sarcastic "so guess what MOTHER OF THE YEAR/FATHER OF THE YEAR did now..." to each other. In front of the kids we don't even use their names- BM is referred to as "OSD and YSD's mother...." but we really don't talk much about her anymore and never have in front of the kids unless it was relevant like "your mother wants you to bring such and such to her house Monday"
askYOURdad, you should really
askYOURdad, you should really think of something clever for the BM, it will make you laugh anytime you have to refer to her
I tried to once and came up
I tried to once and came up with cum-guzzling-uterine rental spectacle but it got to be a lot to say
yeah that's a mouthful!
I don't have a name for BM or
I don't have a name for BM or SD, but I refer to BM's boyfriend as "Barbie Car" and SO refers to him as "Mr. Soul". He drives a bright green Kia Soul. Enough said.
Mr. Soul! hahahah I like
Mr. Soul! hahahah I like that.
We call BM boyfriend "Thug Life". She is 35 and is 24 and the only thing I've ever seen him wear is baggy jeans and a white wife beater tank top. They live in a low rent area but he drives a super nice car that he has pimped out, it's a two seater so I don't know where all the kids sit??? But he has "thug life" tattooed on his arm which I spotted at one of the drop offs and that's been his name ever since. My daughter (11) also refers to him as Thug Life when SD8 isn't there LOL
We NEVER say her name...if we
We NEVER say her name...if we have to refer to her in conversation, "that bitch" is generally used.
My SO tries to refer to her as "My Children's Mother" so as not to associate himself with her craziness. But clearly his sperm didn't magically dive into her gaping, worn-out vagina, so when I'm not calling her "Crazypants" or "The BM" (which he knows means "bowel movement") I call her "YOUR Ex"...and that gets under his skin since it highlights the despicable choice that he made in banging the elephant.
Oh, and we also call her "the elephant"...because, well, there's a STRONG resemblance.
oh blayze I like you!! I can
oh blayze I like you!! I can tell we have a lot in common!
That is awesome she looks like a damn elephant, at least you will never feel physically inferior to her. One really horrible thing about Cum Dumpster is that she and I look like we could be sisters. She is a lot taller than me but we have the same complextion, same color eyes, same hair color and style. I even started growing my hair out and then saw her and damn if she wasn't doing the same thing LOL. Obviously my SO has a certain "type" when it comes to looks. I guess even though she is attractive on the outside he couldn't see how nasty and ugly she is on the inside, of course I guess none of the 100's of dudes she banged while she was married to him knew it either!
I call her the anilmal. It
I call her the anilmal. It started out as a mistake with talk to text, but I thought it way to accurate to ignore.
My boyfriend and I refer to
My boyfriend and I refer to his second wife as BC for Bitch Cunt. We always laugh after. I usually don't use the "C word" but she deserves it. Plus he's English and that is a more commonly used word there.
BM is; cunt the forehead (she
BM is;
the forehead (she has a MASSIVE forehead, cut some bangs already, damn...)
horse face
that bitch
The skids? Nothing really yet, although lately I have been referring to them as 'skids' to my friends, makes everyone laugh.
It's funny you say that and
It's funny you say that and call them "skids". I just joined this site about a week ago and find myself referring to SD8 as the skid. But trust me she is a skid mark on the panties of my life!
LOL! "BM and the Skidmarks"
"BM and the Skidmarks" sounds like the name of a punk band.
(...I called them that to a friend today and it is definitely NOT something I would say in front of SO. }:))
My friends all call me SMILF
My friends all call me SMILF (Step Mom I'd Like to.....you know) because I'm an attractive almost 27 year old with 14 and almost 11 year old skids to be
We call the BM Jaba (yes like
We call the BM Jaba (yes like off of star wars because that's what she looks like)
We call my ex Dipshit.
And no we do not call them these names in front of them.
I call the Skids "the pieces of shits" and don't judge I have my reasons for it.
Whew BM must be a sight! LOL
Whew BM must be a sight! LOL
I know we all have to vent and I never would think anyone would call these horrible but well earned names in front of the Skids, but it is still fun to have the nicknames. And if you call the skids POS, I'm sure they have earned it.
I came up with BMs nickname
I came up with BMs nickname after she came by wearing a HUGE t-shirt and even BIGGER yoga type pants telling everyone at the house how she hadn't showered and wasn't wearing underwear.
yes, I have PTSD due to this! lol
OMG, I forgot that my DH
OMG, I forgot that my DH calls SD13 honey booboo, and she thinks it is the best name ever.....
this is what he calls her to her face.
No way! She likes being
No way! She likes being called Honey booboo?? Geez
I just remembered this one:
I just remembered this one: WELFARE CHEESE!
When SO and I first got together he mentioned that his ex traded her food stamps for something. (Classy, classy, BM.) Anyway, later, we were arguing about her and I blurted out, "Well since you're so STARVED for affection, maybe you should just go get back with Welfare Cheese!" We're both a little nerdy, so unexpected puns are like a day at the amusement park for us. We ended up high-fiving and laughing hysterically. Fight was over, and for the next few months that's all we called her. We bonded over "Welfare Cheese"
I like that! I may have to
I like that! I may have to use that one myself if you don't mind. BM is leaching off food stamps, medicaid, anything that NC can offer someone. She constantly tells us she has no money when things come up for field trips, year books, etc... The custody order reads that each parent have SD8 50/50 and if the child is with you then you are responsible for her financial needs. But Cum Dumpster just doesn't see it that way. She is knocked up again and they are broke and since we have a nice house then we should pay for pretty much everything. And of course SO (Mr. Disney Dad himself) won't let his daughter do without! I dread when she gets in the real world and someone finally tells her little ass NO!
Dip Shit, the Sperm Idiot,
Dip Shit, the Sperm Idiot, Toothless Moron, DipShitIot, etc.... My Skid's bio dad is a worthless POS and his earned titles are nearly endless.
As for the true bane of my blended family existence, Paternal Grandma, she too has many earned titles of honor. Bitch From Hell, Sperm Grandma, Sperm GrandHag, etc.....
As for my Skid, just his name or "The Kid" or "The Spawn". He truly has been a pleasure to raise for the most part and is a young man of character that I am proud to call mine. Other than the usual trials and tribulations of raising any boy along with the associated brain farts we have had little trouble with him.
We call DH's ex The Hag. I
We call DH's ex The Hag. I have also begun calling SD20 Hag Jr and DH's SIL *insert DH's Brothers name* Hag. All three act just alike! Too bad my BIL hasn't learned from his big brother's mistakes or else he would know the tell tale signs that his wife is a whore too!
^^^^^Love it!^^^^^
^^^^^Love it!^^^^^
Oh this is fun lol. Skids BM
Oh this is fun lol. Skids BM known as "Cow" normally played with the sound on my DH phone.... Normally in front of the kids we just call her by her name. DH already used that one before I met her, then met her and realized why. Yes she is a big girl, but that isn't the reason for calling her that.
All though I have asked him how that went. Considering that she is like 5'6, as big as a NFL football player round, maybe more. While I am only barely 5'0 and currently 183lbs, at end of pregnancy. He is 5'10, but when he stands next to her he actually looks as small as I am. Its really weird.
As for my ex I normally call him "dip shit" or "prick" (prick is an inside joke with me and DH) With my kids he still gets called that. They really have no idea who we are talking about. Unless we say his name. If not they have no clue.
We call his ex "Weed". I
We call his ex "Weed". I heard on a motivational talk that there are things that come up in your life, that try to ruin your garden - they just pop up. He said to call them "weeds". We loved it! We also call her "Donkey" b/c she's a literal ass.