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I Am So Fed Up.

Lady's picture

DH told me that his EXWife came by his office telling him how she made a big mistake leaving him. She told him they have such wonderful kids together. LOL they hate me and has never been good to me . They are not to wonderful in my eyes ,they grown brats. Anyway , she told DH she should have made her marriage work and shouldnt have thrown away a 20 year marriage. This is why i am so fed up. She shows up at the hospital when DH is in ICU . Crying her eyes out and wondering what can she do to help. She even told DH a few years ago to leave me at home because she wanted to ride with him to their son in law graduation . She text him things like happy birthday and merry Christmas etc. I told DH I am sick of it . I have told him in the past if he dont tell her to stop her drama I would help her to stop. DH cant tell her to take a hike because his kids will rip him a new asshole . I mean she left him 13 years ago. I am starting to resent my DH for not doing something about her. I have kept quite for a long time with his kids and exwife and now i am starting to think that i dont want to stay in this mess the rest of my life . I think im the one that made a huge mistake by getting into this mess. When i see his ex she is a bitch to me and im am completely fed up. Sorry for my language .I never cuss or I use to didnt.

IslandGal's picture

I'm sorry you're going through this, but you know what will fix it. Your DH. ONLY he can. He has to introduce BOUNDARIES to his pathetic ex. Ex will do whatever she wants and will continue to guilt your DH because he is allowing her to.

He has to support YOU as his partner and make this abundantly clear to the ex.

13 years is a long time - long enough for him to introduce clear boundaries to her. The kids are only treating DH like that, because he is also allowing them to. He should be teaching them to accept that he is with you and they need to accept this.

Unfortunately, sometimes if things are left too long, it can be hard to change - but I wuold be sitting DH down for a chat. I would let him know how I felt and how he was disrespecting me by continuing to be in constant contact with the ex. Why the HELL is he letting her go into his office????? Boundaries!! She should not be allowed anywhere near him, or contact him unless it was an emergency relating to the kids.

I would also be telling him that if things didn't change, then I'd have to start thinking about my own happiness and freedom.

Patsy's picture

I agree lovin life. Pay no attention when he mentions to you about her saying theses things to him. He is enjoying getting a rise out of you. In fact next time you see BM say "Oh DH mentioned to me how pathetic it is that you can't seem to get over him. Nothing is less attrative than an attention whore!"

Orange County Ca's picture

Tell him you're leaving if he doesn't cut off all contact. All of it.

But be prepared for a argument and a call to see your cards. I.e. don't do it unless you're prepared to leave because if you don't you'll never see the end of it.

No married woman that I know would put up with her husband consorting with another woman like this.

Remember what they say. Ex sex is best. Just sayin..............

hereiam's picture

DH cant tell her to take a hike because his kids will rip him a new asshole

I have no words, except, "Screw that." That is one of the lamest excuses ever.

My SD knows my husband wants absolutely nothing to do with BM and if SD ever tried to give him crap about it, she would be the one on the losing end.

toywas's picture

I can relate - since Easter DH and I have been sleeping apart (my decision); we're living like roommates. He allowed his adult SD to rearrange our Easter plans to suit her needs, then after our Easter holiday was ruined - the bitch never even came over after DH spent $$ on groceries. This morning DH asked me "what's it going to take to get us back together?" I told him I didn't know.

I really feel for you; only DH can put a stop to it!

sandye21's picture

Your DH is getting a charge out of upsetting you with 'competition'. I'm sure you have an ex-DH or ex-BF. Play the game back on him: "You'll never believe who I ran into today and he wants to have lunch with me. This shouldn't bother you of course, since we seem to have an 'open marriage' of sorts. Right?"

NotYetSM's picture

I think I Am the minority here but I would just ignore it. I'm not sure what he gains out of telling you. Does he tell you every time she sends him a text? Does he tell you how he responds? My fiancé had an ex used to send him sweet text messages and he just ignored her. It didn't really bother me because I didn't really know about them. It only came out about a year or two later when we saw movie with something like that going on and I asked him if he ever heard from any of his exes they told me he just ignores them if it's inappropriate. I know she's the mother of his children but there's no reason he needs to respond that inappropriate text messages or to see her in his office. My big question is if he's not going to stop it what's he gain at of telling you?