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AmIWicked's picture

What is it called when someone talks directly to you like you are not that person?


BM says directly to my husband, "Make sure you tell (him) about it too." When she sends him a message on OFW, Or "(He) and I already discussed that." When he sends her a message clarifying something.

At first my husband and I thought she was implying that it was me on the other end of the messages on OFW, but now we are really wondering if she is having a mental break. She is diabetic (TypeI) and heard stories of people doing really crazy things before when their sugar is low, where it looks like they are psychotic. We are just wondering if it may be more? Especially because my husband believes she has a personality disorder. Could this be part of it?
She also continues to call me his girlfriend, even though we have been married 2 years... We always thought she was just being an ass, but now that she is talking like he isn't the person she is talking to it makes us wonder too.

Generic's picture

Maybe because she knows how obsessive most SMS are about BMs. She probably just assumes you are the one checking messages for him - you know, to be the helpful SM Wink

Orange County Ca's picture

Is your husband good enough to call her and ask how she's feeling?

Can he call her doctor and tell them about his concerns?

Her parents, friends anyone who can go and make a personal evaluation.

Although low blood sugar will confuse the mind its either recognized and corrected by the patient or someone close at hand or it gets worse ending in coma and death.

AmIWicked's picture

She has already lost a couple toes due to the disease, but no, she distances herself from everyone and apparently always has. My husband said she didn't even tell her family when they got divorced. He has no idea who her doctor is. They are court ordered to only communicate through OFW because of her previous outbursts towards he and I.

tessa12's picture

If these above examples are the only bizarre/rude things she's doing, I would let it go and not give a moment's thought. If the children start mentioning things to you, I would act on it. (Mom's sleeping a lot, forget to give us lunch). If DH is friendly with her parents/siblings, I would start there.

Orange County Ca's picture

I think that's right on the money. She's telling the machine to tell him or maybe she thinks a person moderates between the two parties.

That part you can ignore but basic humanity and especially since its the mother of his children dictates he should try and get someone to intervene. If they're rebuffed then at least he tried and can sleep peacefully if something bad happens to her.

You can try and find someone if your husband will give you some leads.

luchay's picture

Yes, that's what I was thinking, that she is assuming there is a third party involvement relaying the messages between them - ok not being funny as in a real wizard but that is probably what it is.

Just a quick note from your OH - "you do KNOW, BM, that comms on OFW are between the two of us and not through another person?"

And see what she comes back with...

"what? There is no man in a pointy star covered hat directing traffic?"