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dandy7's picture

Feeling like the outcast when I try so hard to keep my blended family a family...when is enough is enough...when do you as a SM sit back and said I did my job not gonna continue to get my feelings hurt cause I dont do enough...

So today is game day for my high schoolers SS freshman and BS senior note they go to different BS told me for months he has to business attire..otherhand my SS has not said a I get up early run to the store to surprise them with some gameday treats to come home and my SS is dressed business attire...he had brought stuff from his moms house...I feel a hurt cause as im including him on the gameday snacks I could of included him on shoppinh for business attire...

All n all...its the little things that I do for the kids and get all giddy about....and get butt hurt when im not included in the little things that I do for my BS and could simply do for my SS, but if I dont know about now I get put in the category that I only do for my BS...

Im torn....

This is just one example this goes on week by week. ..

dandy7's picture

The hurts come in cause we care for the kids 50/50, so we should be involved and know whats going on in everyday life...and my SS doesn't include us we find out the hard way or last minute. ..its a lesson learned and maybe SS needs to communicate a lil better if he wants us to be involved..

But after talking to my adult BD, its a name brand issue...she told me they dont ask us cause we dont shop name yes well allow SS BM provide the name brand clothing....

But yes take the postive and move forward...