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I like it when BM is a b*tch to SO..

saffron1's picture

I'm not that well known on StepTalk but some of you may have seen my posts - my relationship has not been great the past few months, with no help from BM which I'm sure will shock you all desperately! Wink
One thing though, I'm starting to realise that I prefer when BM is a b*tch to my SO! Last night SO said to me, 'BM will never be normal, we both know that but you've got to admit she has been a lot better lately.' (I literally wanted to smack him!) YES SO she has been reasonably mature (towards you) in the past like 2 weeks, but that is because you are SCARED of her again.. as she threatened court! So yeah, he has annoyed me ha - but instead of going crazy and listing everything she has done to him: cheated, court battles, bled him dry, hit him, b*tched, made his life a misery, told one of his daughters he isn't her Dad, made my life hell, spoke to him like crap etc. - instead of that I am going to sit and wait, and be calm, for her to screw him over again.
Is it bad that I like her being mean to him when it doesn't involve me?! I'd prefer a civil relationship from either side - but BM is either crazy psycho or SO's BFF - I guess I'll sit back and give her a week or so... harsh but honest I guess

ocs's picture

You took the words out of my mouth. BM has been human lately, and DH made a comment that she was cooperative etc.. ( yeah buddy- she wants something... duh???)

The other shoe will drop- you know it and i know it.

saffron1's picture

I know! 'BM hasn't verbally abused or threatened you this week, you mean SO?'

Thank god! Such a relief to know I'm by no means alone in this!

hereiam's picture

When these BM's are cooperative and even nice, that's when you really have to have your guard up, not give them kudos.

derb84123's picture

soooo true! Anytime things are calm, I have super high anxiety. And guess what, in 7 years I have been right EVERY time. just yesterday she took the kids from school and didn't tell anyone for hours, with no one knowing where they were! It had been calm for about three weeks before that.... every. single. time.

saffron1's picture

The best part girls, I forgot to mention... I said to him, 'Don't you think that maybe, some of the things BM does, even if they sound like they're for the kids, are to annoy me?' His (stupid) reply was, 'Maybe in the past but I don't think so anymore' :jawdrop:

hereiam's picture

Everything BM over here does, is in her best interest only.

I opened DH's eyes to that real quick in the very beginning.

You wouldn't think I would've needed to, after everything she had done to him and to others, but....