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Wow!! Other people just like me!! My story...AKA "My life in hell".

Living day to day's picture

First, I'd like to say "Hi" to everyone out there!! I've found ppl like me!! My story--I was married, divorced and met this wonderful man who had this really adorable dtr. (Actually, the irony is I was impressed on what a fantastic dad he was) We had a long distance relationship for many years...finally it got to the point where "one of us had to move or we should call it quits as it was a long drive to be together". He didn't want to move because of his job...I could move because I am easily employed. He had his dtr. live with me prior to the move --she was there 4 months in my home and I had no problems with her. (Now that I think back, she must have been in trouble for something and dad moved her to me to avoid consequences.) When I moved, everything went great---(though I noticed she suddenly started seeing her bm--whom she claims "is horrible and abused her"--dad got custody of her when she was 12/13 y.o.) 3 months later after moving, all hell breaks loose. She starts cursing at her dad--mind you, I have a son whom was 8 at the time and I have not been around a child/teenager that has ever acted that way. (I certainly wasn't brought up that way--my parents would have put me through a wall). I got tired of the swearing...and took a stand with his dtr. telling her it is disrespectful and not allowed in the house. BIG MISTAKE #1. Suddenly, my dishes are being broken, "oops", anything dad bought me--candy, etc...was eaten, even things my family sent me--ie: a cute bundt set with cake mix--she decided to "make" it, burn it and ruin the pans. I was told by dad "I was over-reacting". She got dad to buy her new clothes for school---then never went. Stayed up all night--vacuuming at 3 in the morning, dying her hair, laundry, u name it. :jawdrop: Dad would tell her not to do it, and dtr. would anyway. Dad would come home from work, and dtr. would need "clothes, makeup from the store every night--if dad did not want to do this, big mouth would start screaming and cursing at him until he did. I was told from another family member, that this was "their relationship"--this is what went on for years with them---they just "hid" it from me when we were all together. Let's see...then she picked on my son...while I was at work, I got a call from my son crying that she called him a "son of a whore, bastard, etc",and threatening to break one of his games. I told dad and it stopped for a while. (Especially since my son told the school and wrote things down about his dtr.) Then there is the time dtr walked right into our bedroom (the door was shut) while we were naked and told me to "put some clothes on you whore!! There are children in the house!!" She ended up being moved out of the house and dad started paying her rent etc... when she turned 18--after attacking me, pulling my hair, slapping me and trying to push me down the stairs and dad called the police. (She was mad because dad would n't get her flatiron out of the car he bought her and she actually had to do it herself---on her way outside, she managed to start calling my son names and flipping out on him while he was cutting the grass--I got involved and told her she was inappropriate for swearing at my son and I will NOT have that. After she threatened to beat me with her flatiron, I told "dad" "I'm done, I'm leaving. If you cannot protect my son and me from her, then I WILL protect my son and me from her." "Dad" went and removed the license plates from the car and she went ballistic and attacked me saying it was all my fault and she was going to ruin our lives. When she moved, I saw some of my clothes in her stuff. I had been accused--her complaining to dad that I was taking HER stuff on an almost every day basis--(Please, I am an adult woman whom does not need teenybopper stuff) to find MY stuff mixed in with hers. I even showed "dad" this, but told him to say nothing because it didn't matter. Part 2 to continue.

Living day to day's picture

My Life In Hell...cont.d Sooooo..."dad's" dtr has been out of the house for a couple years....she moved in with another relative, but she started the same thing with that person--up all night vacuuming, taking stuff and lasting at a couple jobs--maybe a week or two. Then she went to bm's--that lasted 9 months and dtr. left and moved in with another relative for a few months. She has worked a job maybe 6 weeks in the past 2 years. She did get her GED and decided to go to college---supposively it is paid for by "grants, etc" I did forget to say that she got 8-9 traffic tickets and no longer has a drivers license. So, dad picks her up and brings her to the home for all the holidays. Sometimes she would bring a bf for the weekend--(the other relatives would not allow that in their homes but dad does!!) She started not speaking to me last year---unless I said I was going to take my son out to do something--then she'd want to go--I'd take her, and everything would be great--then she'd turn into a bitch again after the fun ended. I gave her some of my expensive boots that I was going to give to charity--because she wanted them. I bought her some nice things--make-up, etc..for Christmas. What do I get? A card that says, "I used to use all of your nailpolish so here's a payback." My son gets a card saying, "Merry Christmas Brat". I have TRIED and TRIED to be nice but I'm a nervous wreck when she is around. I have proof that she "helps herself to my things when she is in the house by herself and dad won't put a lock on the bedroom door. I have to hide my nice things. :? "Dad" tries to "keep everyone happy and look the other direction." Basically, she runs the house when she is around. Why do I stay? Well...I have a fantastic job with great ppl whom I work with and my son is doing well and I have him in a variety of clubs with positive ppl.--(he's in counseling --actually the counselor helps me too because of the household craziness when she is around).

thinkthrice's picture

It's so ironic how many of us are reeled in by the "good dad" persona--when really it's the GUILTY dad persona.

Living day to day's picture

His "dtr" is living an hour away now and going to college. (She takes art classes and gym--changes her mind about what she wants to be---this month she wants to be an actress--which she is good at!! Hahahahaha) Dad pays her rent and somehow she gets money from the state for school--which pays for her schooling--somehow she got a check for a couple grand from the state in which she is working on spending every last dime of that on her obsession for clothes, bags, makeup, shoes--you get the idea. My problem is when she comes to "visit"--which, thank god is not often--but enough to frazzle my nerves. She does not physically nor verbally threaten me anymore......just doesn't talk to me and stares at me. The other odd thing is that I swear to god...she is trying to look like me!!! She went out and got hair extensions and does her hair like mine!! She tried dying it blonde -my hair is blonde....(she's been dying her brown hair black for 5 years)--and found out she can't--hee hee hee. "Dad" told me that she is bi-polar and was suppose to be on meds but she refused and would not keep seeing a counselor when she was in her teens. He has and never had any control over her. Now she is an adult. As far as me and "Dad"....we actually get along great when she is not around. I know that she is his dtr. and she will always be around....until she gets a nice chunk of money in the next few years from a settlement. My guess is that she will spend it all and then come crawling with her manipulative behavior and living off of dad for the rest of her life. All I can say is, if her dad becomes ill, she can take care of him, because if something happens to him, you better believe she'll have our (my son and I) bags thrown out in the street.

Living day to day's picture

You know, part of me feels bad for her---one of the reasons I've still tried to "incorporate all of us as some sort of family". I "guess" she has psych problems. I don't know what to believe anymore because she is so nasty to me. She doesn't swear at dad anymore --my guess is that he is the one handling out the rent money so she knows better. I got into it with her when she was leaving after Christmas because she kept calling my son a brat every 10 minutes. I didn't yell, but told her that I thought she was a little old to be calling a child names at her age. That turned into her screaming at me and telling me that the only reason my son is in counseling because "You fucked him up!!" I told the counselor this and she said I should have replied, "No.. it's because he was exposed to a person like you."

peacemaker's picture


Orange County Ca's picture

OK, she's insane. Oh excuse me bi-polar.

Tell your husband that she is not to visit the home again and that if you are going somewhere such as his mothers and she is going to be there you want to be informed so you can pass on the trip. If you arrive and she's there then just leave - he can come with you or he can hitch a ride home with someone else.

If he wants to visit with her he can go to her place or meet her somewhere for a meal together.

Make it clear that you're not angry but you refused to be abused and you certainly don't want your son exposed to this abuse. For your son's sake you MUST keep her away. Stop feeling that you have to put up with this adult person just because you're attached to her father. It never was your job to deal with this person and certainly isn't now.

bug3211's picture

Bipolar disorder is marked by distinct episodes. A bipolar person has periods of normalcy in between episodes. On average someone with bp will experience 8-10 episodes over the course of a lifetime. Someone who experiences 4 or more episodes in a year is said to be a rapid cycler which is extremely rare. Bp episodes can be marked by periods of irritability, but the lying, stealing, foul language is all due to her own poor behavior. I grew up with a mother who is bp and I am bp and I never experienced anything that you are describing. It is time for her to take some responsibility for her poor behavior. Medication may even her out and help with irritability, but the other aspects that are due to personality wouldn't be affected.

Living day to day's picture

All I can say is, "thank god I am not married". He proposed to me a year before I moved, and he still brings " getting married" up, but I have gotten to the point of just smiling, laughing for a sec, and not answer him. My biggest complaint with him has been, " why didn't you tell me she hated me? I never would have moved here." I left a job of 20 years for this. ( I still own a house, but rent it out). His answer has been, " well, I thought you two got along." Now I know why he did not move to my residence... I would have thrown both of them out the first time she was allowed to scream and curse at him. See, this is NOT my house--it is his. ( she also used to make it clear that it is hers as well-- just like she tells him his money is hers). He tells me his dtr is a bitch and is just like her mother-- and I know he has told her and warned her about her behavior, but she will do any little conniving thing to get to me. And if she can't ( I keep a happy face on), then she will start in on my son-- because she knows I will say something and then after she calls me all sorts of things, she hides behind dad and complains that I started it. ( like a 2 year old in a 20 yo body). She is 5'1 and I am 5'8" so there is no concern of her ever hurting me. I have already warned dad that if she puts her hands on me again, I will either call the police and have her arrested, or defend myself physically first -- which means she's going to get hurt--and then have her arrested. I never like Jerry Springer and I certainly don't live like that. Why am I here and not back in my own home? Well, I can move back at anytime... But, I will not be around to get my son off to his clubs, etc. He will get stuck being in the house by himself and leaving a tween in a house for hours while I work is not a good thing. At least here, even when I am working, the bf takes him to his extracurricular activities. Plus he has a fantastic counselor here who works with us. I have a great boss here and make pretty good money-- which I am able to save, soooo, if i no longer can stand anymore of his/her crap, I can leave at anytime. I'm not thrilled about moving my son back and forth--- he knows her behavior is not good-- so that is a plus.... and he grew taller and weighs more than her.

Living day to day's picture

Now for the positives through all of this. 1st I recognize that it " is not me" she hates. The bf's relatives told me that she hates "everyone". I made a HUGE mistake thinking I could "fix" their dysfunctional dynamics -- again, I was "left in the dark" by both of them. I got the bf's number-- he will tell me what a bitch his dtr is, how she calls him at his job 50 times a day or texts him about nothing. Then, when she is around, he turns into this smitten dad. She considers herself the princess. Little does she know but her dad is broke all the time and gives her his last dime over paying his bills, so he has crappy credit. She thinks he's loaded, and that I do not do as good as him. ( that is because I don't run out and give my son everything he wants). Like I said, and I've told him this as well, " you are going to lose me, and heaven help you if you become ill, because as long as she is allowed to "play her games with our lives, then she can have ALL of you to herself -- which means taking care of you physically and financially" if you are too sick to work and pay your bills." I've seen families where the stepparent taking care of the stepkid's parent gets treated like crap during a serious illness. And I have told him to keep her away from my son and I-- she is toxic. Hell, I've even offered to pay for a hotel for her when she visits. That way she and her dad can go out and spend time together. I have offered to pay for counseling for all of us to go and I was told "no".... No one can say I haven't tried.

Living day to day's picture

Well, there was a commitment when I moved. Like I said, we had a fantastic relationship even for the first 3 months, before the " truth" appeared with all the screaming and "temper tantrums" about everything. He would get upset with her and the two of them would get into screaming matches. He would tell her "no" and within a couple hours, she would get what she wanted anyway. She would yell and say that I came there to "take away her dad from her and get her out of the house". (Mind you, this is coming from a girl who spent her time watching Dr. Phil, etc... Instead of going to school. ). I do believe the BM has a lot to do with her perception of me as I said earlier that she started spending a lot of time with BM when I moved in. BM and Dad do not speak to each other. At the present time, thank god I only see her ever few months for a few days. I am convinced she just does things to get me upset---she plays "games" to try and get a reaction from me. She gives dad cards telling him how "wonderful" he is because he does everything for her and allows her to try different things". Yep, she keeps the ATM wrapped around her finger. I just try and focus on " me and my son". If I get wrapped up with her games, then I become miserable. I am working on ME at this time and working on stress reduction. One of my biggest fears is becoming ill over her crap, that I cannot take care of my son. All of her visits are not all terrible, but the majority are. If we are visiting their relatives, she puts on the smile and charm and "plays" the family role. You'd never guess the young woman can go from Crazy to Charm within a blink of an eye.

Rags's picture

:jawdrop: Why in Satan's name would you tolerate his spawn in your life? :? I wouldn't. If I had a skid who behaved as your SKid does I would have beaten her to within an inch of her life every time she pulled that toxic crap then I would have made her life a living hell. Her ass would have remained so cherry red and stinging that she would not have been able to sit down in any home I resided in. I have zero tolerance for this kind of toxic crap and IMHO the whole Bi-Polar label is only justification for crappy parents to abdicate their responsibilities. At least in far too many cases anyway. If I had ever screamed at either of my parents they would have busted me in the mouth. Even my 5'2" soft spoken mom had no problems keeping her son's under control. Mom could discipline very effectively and heaven forbid that she let us survive until dad got home from work. Discipline just moved to a whole new level of unpleasantness when dad got home. Once and only once when I was 16 and was feeling my testosterone a bit too strongly mom asked me to take out the trash. I told her no and to do it herself. I woke up on the kitchen floor, jumped up, grabbed the garbage, took it out then ran back in and asked if there was anything else she needed me to do. She kissed me on the cheek, and told me that the garbage was all she needed help with for now. My 5'2" a buck-nothing-lb mom had knocked my 6'1" 175lb snarky teen boy ass out cold.

That was the only time that either of my parents hit me or my younger brothers other than on the butt during a spanking. Even spankings were rare with my parents. We knew the boundaries and we for the most part complied with the boundaries.

My DW and I aligned fairly well in parenting and disciplining my SS-21. We met when he was 15mos old and married a week before he turned 2yo. We did disconnect a bit when he was in his early teens. Since we are equity partners in our marriage that makes us equity parents to any children in our home regardless of biology. She took issue with how I was parenting and disciplining SS when he hit the teen boy brain fart years. I let her know that if she did not like how I was parenting and disciplining then she had better step up and get it done before I had too. She took the message and stepped up. Much to the sorry of the Skid. Like my mom, my DW was far more sinister in her discipline than my dad was and than I was with the Skid.

In your case I would have also given the SO clarity that he either fixes his daughter or I will and if he does not like how I do it he can step up, put his hands between his legs, grab a big old hand full of man sack and get the disciplining done before I have to or he can STFU.

Grrrr!!! Very rarely has anyone's story infuriated me as much as yours has. You have my sympathy LD2D. You qualify for Sainthood IMHO.

Welcome by the way. I hope you find this to be a safe place to vent, contribute and pick up some useful advice from others who are living the blended family dream.

All IMHO of course.

Good luck.

Living day to day's picture

Hi!! Well, I wish I was allowed to discipline his dtr., but unfortunately she liked to use the, "if you touch me dad, I'm calling the police!! -- tactic. He bought into her garbage about not being able to spank -- or give a good smack to your child. Unfortunately, as he told me once she was out of the house, he spoke to a police friend, whom informed him that he COULD in fact have spanked her without repercussions. The schools tell the kids that if anyone touches them.. Spanks, slaps them, etc, they are to tell the schools or call 911. My son in elementary school even tried telling me that. A few months ago I begged him to "give me 1 minute with her so I can shut that big mouth up". It'll never happen because she would call the police on me. In fact she did a few years ago... but she called and had them come to the house at 1 am-- while me and dad were asleep to complain to them that I " put something in the wash with her clothes and ruined her clothing". Lol now about it, but it wasn't funny then. She then proceeded to tell them that I aggravate her and she can't stand me. They told her to never call them again about this kind of crap. As for the clothes, Princess must have left a tissue in her clothes. This is one example of her paranoid BS that she would accuse me of. I never touched anything of hers... in fact after that, I told dad that every time I needed to use the washer or dryer, if she left her stuff in them, I would make him remove them.

Rags's picture

I frequently share the below link to a website on state by state spanking laws.

Until recently in all states corporal punishment by an adult acting en loco parentis was legal. Now it is illegal in only one state which is Delaware. But, any state that spawns Joe Bidden can't be expected to act with half a brain.

In the other 49 states corporal punishment is a legal option for parents to use when in their judgement it is necessary. Some states have more qualifying language around what is acceptable than others but generally it is not illegal.

We used to live in DE. This law was not in place when we lived there but the nice thing about DE is that is a small sate and just about anywhere in DE is only about a 10-20 minute drive to a state line and you can spank your kid after a short drive should it be necessary. Wink

Generally those who qualify to apply corporal punishment under en loco parentis status are parents, teachers, school administrators, child care workers and .... step parents among others.

Unfortunately the pseudo science morons have intimidated parents from actually parenting and anything other than the dote-ing self esteem everyone gets a trophy the kid is special because they are unique coddling ruination of children is considered neglectful or abusive. Fortunately the laws in most states were created with at least some minimal application of judgement and intelligence and if they have the brains to do some research and the balls to actually parent it is possible for parents to actually raise viable adults.

Real parents establish behavioral guidelines for their children and apply consequences when those guidlines are violated. Not every kid needs a spanking but the ones that refuse to listen and learn sure should feel. At least according to my grandmother.

All IMHO of course.
