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What to do When spouse doesn't believe you ?

bluehighlighter's picture

My ss8 and I get along for the most part. He's had to face a lot of changes this year. His mom hasn't been in his life at all since basically birth until this past year and she an unstable person. I work in a human services field and I also notice when ss8 COULD be reacting to changes or is. I'm empathetic but also more disengaged these days bc of getting hurt this past year. Dispute all of this my BF is livid anytime I point out to him about ss8 behavior. ss8 has lied and manipulated and just done all kids of destructive things that kids do when they are going thru a lot of these family changes. My BF and I are still trying to get over some of what happened last year mainly huge arguments about behavior and intent of behaviors, I was trying too hard last year, I was being taken for granted a lot as he has full custody and I think only twice the whole year we had a baby sitter unless he was visiting w his crazy BM. Anyway. My BF ended up being completely wrong about his "less than 1% chance" that his son was acting out or lying or fill in the blank. The child proved him wrong overtime. We are starting couples counseling in another week to deal w some of the past hurts and present issues. I just don't get it. Today this is an example of why I feel helpless : I was cleaning and organizing (they've only lived in this home since they've known me , no outside memories of this house before me)and I again put away a behavior tool that was ordered and sitting out but never used. It's taking up space and adding more clutter. I made the comment of "this is not a decoration. You remember when he (ss8) asked where this was on the mantle, it was when he came back from his grand parents and I had put a new picture of the three of us in the family frame on the mantel. This thing hadn't been on the mantel since before Christmas. Then you put it back up there bc he asked. It's not a decoration. IDk if he doesn't like the picture but this doesn't need to be on display" BF starts yelling "this is what's wrong w our relationship there's less than a 1% chance it was bc of the picture your a (tries not to say bitch) gets so angry he looks like he's going to burst. He doesn't even consider it's a possibility. Refuses. It really hurts me pretty bad. I understand the child if it was or was not bc of the picture I'm not saying he's awful etc just that this thing is not decoration and I observed xyz about his reactions to the mantel. So tired. Does any if this sound familiar? What do I do?

bluehighlighter's picture

It's this large wheel that is also a timer. It's about as big as an 8x10 picture frame. A little bigger than that. Comesw dry erase markers.

Orange County Ca's picture

Mmm I thought it was a whip. This mantle thing would be something you might use to show the boy how long he has to clean up his room or empty the trash? List the chore and set the timer?

Anyway it sounds like a simple issue which makes me ask why was his reaction so explosive? Is he under a lot of strain elsewhere in his life? Work for example.

I think you're in the wrong place here as the step-child isn't the problem but your relationship is in trouble. You're starting to see a counselor next week and that is a good first step for your situation. You're feeling neglected and he's feeling something that hasn't been explained here or I didn't get it. Hopefully you can make it clear to the counselor how you feel and he can do the same.

If your boyfriend is willing to accept criticism as you are I'm sure the counselor will help. If not try a different one as they all have different techniques. Good luck.

bluehighlighter's picture

Thanks for this perspective. I don't think this fits us but gives another angle. Most of the time when I write something on this site it's from my cell phone and when I'm pretty upset or shaken a little and need help. I accept I have my own biases. I'm not always right etc. I'm a counselor and work w victims of crime and previously w child victims. I do try to weigh out my biases before coming to conclusions.

Rags's picture

I have zero tolerance for this kind of crap. Were I you as soon as DH pulls this crap I would tell him he has a choice. Grow up, put the marriage first and step up and see the reality of his toxic spawn or GTFO of my house. I would be dialing the locksmith to rekey the locks immediately after I delivered this clarity statement to DH.

Grrrr! Your DH is a dickhead and an idiot IMHO.

In reality I suggest strongly that you take the advice of dtzyblnd. She has navigated this very situation for many years with her historically immature DH and manipulative Skid.

Good luck.

bluehighlighter's picture

UPDATE I just ordered yet another book. I've seen quite a few people say they read "Stepmonster" and then had there partner read it. I think that might help along with counseling. My guy is a computer nerd and a numbers person, he means well but completely lacks in people skills. If there's not a formula or "concrete evidence" he thinks that it's not a problem or doesn't exist. I hope to work on this in counseling. We sat down last night before dinner and talked and both listened.

SS8 apparently didn't want to eat his dinner so he faked a headache. I don't even know when he's faking sometimes when it's directed at me. He started crying, gave him some meds hugged him and he wanted me to read him a story and put him to bed. I was all "yay I'm super step mom" til he started waking up acting crazy - which usually means whatever he did was purely for more attention. He's told on himself before. BF and I continued to watch our movie in our room alone and pay him no attention whatsoever for his stomping and moving about the house at late hours of the night. Just wasn't worth the attention he was seeking. HA This is a huge change from early on last year when BF's heart would nearly escape his chest as a rushed off to a faking big baby full of bull.

BF and I left for work with kisses and hugs and happiness between the two of us. SS8 is probably going to be tired from keeping himself up all night acting out. At 12am his bedroom light was on door open and his side of the house destroyed. BUT he did not succeed in destroying our night.

Progress is progress neither of us cared too much and knew he was fine and just being a brat last night something that he'd have to deal with today. I can't imagine he's having a fun day at school after being up. Drama no longer has to = emergency THANK GOD

Thanks for all the helpful advice esp dtzyblnd. I've been reading your blogs now and they are extremely helpful!!! Happy Monday.