So peaceful--aaaahhhhh!!
So it has been about 2 weeks since I flipped on my boyfriends older son (age 21). I am not proud of the things I said. To summarize: I told him to f off, told him he was a loser, his mom is an alcoholic, and never to set foot in our home again. Ok, ok a little over the top, but I have been trying to ignore his rudeness for a long time. I guess I finally just snapped.
He would just walk in the house like he owns the place, not say hi to me or his father. He would leave doors open on purpose so my cats would get out, so we finally had to bolt the back door. His loud-mouth girlfriend has screamed at my dog and called her "dumb" while kicking at her. He would say "Bye Dad!" and act like I was not even there. He brought a friend around, introduced him to his father while I just sat there like a dummy. He would talk the most horrible things about everybody--"This one is fat. This one is stupid." He would swear at his father and act like he makes the rules. I ended up just hiding in the bedroom when he would come over.
So anyway I hate to admit it but is so nice and PEACEFUL in the house right now. I know it won't last forever, but it is really nice. The younger kid (age 19) who lives with us is not talking to me at all, and barely talking to his dad. He used to clean my car off for me when it snowed, but now I have to clean my own car off. I guess it is a small price to pay for a peaceful house. lol
I do feel bad though because I know my fiance misses his son and wants to see him. He is in a wheelchair so it is not like he can just drive over to see him whenever. I thought about offering to drive him over to his son's house, drop him off, and pick him up later. That is if his son will even talk to him. I know they have not been in much contact since that night, except for an occasional message on Facebook.
I have followed a bit of your
I have followed a bit of your story and I can't believe you took this long to snap! You are a saint for putting up with this crap. I am sure he misses his son. From what I have read I thik he would miss you more. HE needs you he doesn't NEED them. You do all the hard work for him. They do not care enough to take care of their father you do. I hope he sees this and it doens't become a problem in your relationship because what you said to your SS was a long time coming and needed to be said.
Never worry about the
Never worry about the snap...Sometimes it is just a build up and I swear it is what these brats need once in awhile. As long as we don't hit them, I am good with a once every few years losing it on a teenager or young adult.
I am both glad for you and
I am both glad for you and sad for you. It took a lot for you to explode. Now you have a certain sense of peace but are worried about fiance seeing his son. Just wondering what your fiance was doing all the time SS was treating you like crap. I don't mean to sound sarcastic, there might have been cicumstances which prevented your fiance from taking action.
Sounds like justifiable
Sounds like justifiable flipacide.