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If a minor gets married does child support end?

Patsy's picture

I am flabbergasted. SD17 is married and pregnant. When I spoke to a court house in the state she was married in they told me this means SD is emancipated and CS will end after DH shows proof and files to end support. Has anyone ran into this before. I am having a hard time believing that CS could really be ending.

Patsy's picture

:jawdrop: Oh it looks like this could really be it! If my Step buddies say it is so then it must be!!! I am so glad to have found this board years ago. To know that someone out there actually wants a step to thrive is wonderful!

Calypso1977's picture

fiance's agreement clearly states that if the minor child marries CS ends. It also ends if she gives birth and keeps the child.

hereiam's picture

That's what ended my SD' CS. I printed off a copy of the marriage license, a copy of our state termination form and off to the courthouse we went. Well, first we went to Child Support Enforcement and they closed their case right then and there but said we still needed to file at the courthouse and have BM served (unless you can get her to cooperate, not a chance in hell with ours).

I have not come across a state that does not consider marriage to be reason for emancipation.

Patsy's picture

Thank you everyone for all of your help! I am going to just put it out there. They were married in Ohio and our order is in Indiana.

overworkedmom's picture

I agree with the other's- this should be the end and BM should have to pay back from the date of marriage.

Did you know this was going on???

overworkedmom's picture

I just found it.... :jawdrop: is all I can say.

Others gave great advice about ending CS and insurance!

hereiam's picture

For purposes of child support, Indiana law (IC 31-16-6-6) considers a child emancipated if the child:

is age 19;
has joined the United States armed services;
is not under the care or control of either parent or someone else approved by the court; or
is at least 18 years old, has not gone to school for the last 4 months, is not enrolled in school, and is or is capable of supporting himself or herself through employment.

Can you get a hold of the marriage license? Do you know what county they got married in? I got my SD's off the county website.

Patsy's picture

I was going to go through vital records. You have a good point I do not know the county, but I bet the woman at the court house I called this morning will help me find it. She was able to look it up. I just hope she can help!

Patsy's picture

Hereiam - Thanks I am thinking that Indiana will honor the marriage even if it was in a different state. Im going to look into it as soon as I can

hereiam's picture

Oh, I don't think that will be a problem. She's married, doesn't matter where she got married.

One lesson we learned, if you have to have BM served, hire a private process server. The state's are horrible, they wait until the last minute and then claim it couldn't be served and you have to start all over again. It's worth the money (I found one who did for fifty bucks).

Patsy's picture

WOW I didn't even think of that one! I know BM will not cooperate. She has yet to tell us anything. I am excited! I have goose bumps. I look like the cat that ate the mouse. To think just a few days ago I was do depressed thinking my SD would never realize all her father has done for her and that she would just fall more deeply into the poison pit she calls mom!

Willow2010's picture

Yay Patsy!! In my divorce decree it actually states that CS ends if the kid get married. It is normal wording for a Texas divorce.

Patsy's picture

The more I hear on here and see online it looks like DH and I are going to be free of this. Those who are familiar to me know it is not just about the money that gets me excited, it is more about BM can not control DH anymore and possibly not even my SD!

hereiam's picture

Believe me, I get it. My husband told BM to never contact him again after CS was done. She has used SD to try to control and manipulate him since SD was born. No more!

z3girl's picture

Yes! I totally get it. The money is "nice" but being able to cut contact and move on with your lives is awesome. I'm hoping the last letter we received from BM last week will be the last ever from her. DH's court date to end CS is this Friday!

Congrats to you!

Patsy's picture

I am assuming she did since she is in the picture we happened upon. She is the custodial I guess that is the way it goes in Ohio. I still find that hard to believe.

Rags's picture

It depends. In some Libtard states maybe not.

Check your state regs and file now. Get this crap ended ASAP.

IMHO or course.

talia11's picture

In Australia it does.

Is the marriage legal though? I know over here both parents have to consent if under 18??