Everything is Revisional!
I've had to hear all weekend about SD14's forehead breakout! Seriously...there has been so much drama around a few zits! When I brought up to SD14 that she is doing it to herself, she was in total denial...expecting us to run out and buy all kinds of acne stuff for a few zits. She is seriously going insane over this!
The zits are ONLY on her forehead...she typically has good skin in this respect (outside of the shallow color from malnutrition). I tried to tell SD14 that putting on 3 different layers of some sort of foundation is not helping her situation, especially since she insists on using a brush to apply it in a manner where she is basically pushing the makeup into her pores. Yes, this girl who normally does not have acne or scars or anything like that, thinks she NEEDS a layer of BB cream (which is tinted), followed by a layer of foundation, followed by a layer of pressed powder! And she wonders why her forehead is breaking out! When I brought this up, she immediately claimed she didn't put makeup on like that! Really? We just watched you do that the other day when we were all ready to leave the house and she was still putting on her makeup! She ALWAYS does this! You can sit right there and watch her do something, but when you bring it up...she doesn't do that! Yes you do!!! If anything she says or do can be turned around as negative toward her, she suddenly never said or did that! But we were right there!!!!! Makes me want to walk around with a camera/recorder so that I could play everything back to her.
I also pointed out this weekend, as she flipped her hair with her hand for the 50 millionth time, that her "Bieber swoopy bangs" (aka come-over that she does that resembles the way Bieber used to wear his hair) is also a contributing factor, because she touches her hair and forehead over 100 times a day, and as her bangs get oilier, they just sit on her forehead. She tried to argue that this isn't the reason, that she doesn't touch her hair all day (you couldn't even get through a color guard performance without messing with your hair), that she needs acne product and maybe to go to a doctor for her acne! Her forehead is the ONLY place on her whole body with acne right now!!! HELLO! It is preventable, but she doesn't want to change anything she does for the sake of her skin...thinks we are supposed to just run out and get her expensive acne medicine! There isn't any acne anywhere else on her face, she doesn't have any acne on her back or shoulders...it is only her forehead! But we bring up that her beauty routine is the cause of the acne, and she just isn't willing to change it? Then live with the zits!!!
But yeah...the drama and all the revisional stuff! You know how they overact a zit or something on sitcoms or teen movies? Yeah, that has been my house the last week! All we hear about is the zits, and they still aren't gone, etc. I don't want to hear it! When you suffer from terrible acne like I did (face covered, chest and back) and absolutely nothing you do makes it go away because it is hereditary and it more internal than external...you know, where you REALLY need a doctor...THEN talk to me! Otherwise, shut up about a couple of zits already!
Truly...it is a testament to
Truly...it is a testament to her vanity! Pimples are a natural part of those teen-aged years, but don't try to tell that to a teen, especially a vain one. DH also brought up her diet...the fact that she doesn't eat, and when she does, she loads up on junk (thought he issue of purging after the junk loads he still ignores), and that breakouts are also cause by not eating right. Which is very true! Deficiencies in vitamins A, the B's, and E are notorious for causing skin issues. Hormonal imbalance is also a cause...which was my problem most of my life (women in my family are naturally estrogen dominant, which causes all kinds of problems). Of course, SD14 threw a fit at DH when he brought up her diet!
On the topic of diet, SD14 is really going to throw a fit this week! We normally eat pretty healthy around here, but because DH and I have vacation next week, we are trying to prep for a week of not having the best opportunity for food choices. We go on cruises for vacation...much more cost effective than traditional vacations! But the problem is, you are stuck with the food they put out for you. You don't have a fridge, you can't run to a store, etc. So, this week, we are eating fairly raw...lots of salads. We are having meat, but lean meat, low sodium, etc. SD14 HATES healthy eating...especially raw! Usually, DH caves and gets stuff from the store that SD14 can eat without expecting me to make a separate meal for her...usually sandwiches (ugh...the thought of all that sodium and nitrates...and the plastic cheese...YUCK!). But this past week, SD14 has been complaining a whole lot...the breakouts, her stomach hurts, this hurts, that hurts (various joints and muscles). I seriously did not see her eat anything green in the last week! Not one thing...not even a single lettuce leaf! Because of all of the complaining, DH has said that SD14 has to eat whatever we eat this week, KNOWING that I'm kicking off a healthier than healthy week!
DH seriously needs to take her to a doctor, but her won't, and I don't have the right to do so...so...she will just keep screwing up her health and not taking anyone's advice. No, she knows everything!
Your SD and my SS should go
Your SD and my SS should go out on a date. Their conversations would be comedy gold!
Something you may try for the
Something you may try for the acne is Dessert Essence liquid Castile soap. Or thoroughly Clean Face Wash. They have tea tree oil that is natural antiseptic. The Castile soap is milder but effective. They are thin liquids that need to be put in a foaming soap dispenser so they are not wasted. A 32 ounce bottle is about $12 on Amazon. Your local health food store may carry it or be able to order. Also there is a roll on blemish touch stick that is more concentrated to put on the breakouts. It is $8 or so. Worth it for peace of mind and to diminish the drama.
My DD and DS used the pro active when they were teens also with good results. I could not afford it at the time but my Kids paid for it with their job money. Maybe your SD will do extra chores to earn the money for the medication she insists she needs.
Her makeup is likely infected with bacteria too.
Try the tea tree oil soap first...maybe that will work.
Good luck.
Thanks! Would be great if she
Thanks! Would be great if she would actually wash her face like we have told her to do several times rather than using makeup wipes. Using any kind of a cleanser and a washcloth is too much for her...I mean, that would mean she would have to do laundry to wash the washclothes and towels involved in actually washing one's face! UGH!
Liquid Dial. that's what the
Liquid Dial.
that's what the dermatologist told me to use. and she needs a light moisturizer (i use walmart's brand of aveeno positively radiant)
teens never seem to understand cause and effect. YES ur hair/constant touching DOES cause it.
and they allllwaaaayyyyssss seem to "remember" things differently... i think all teens are revisionists!
Oh, we have already given her
Oh, we have already given her the liquid Dial soap. She doesn't like having to use a washcloth and soap to clean her face!!! I think a big part of it is that she wants to use something she can just throw away, because she is too lazy to do laundry on a regular basis! She INSISTS on using makeup wipes, which don't exfoliate the skin like a good washcloth does. Sad thing is, she even has one of those expensive exfoliators, but she doesn't want to use it...too difficult (the battery powered scrubber things that are coming out these days that cost anywhere from $50 to $150). Don't know where she got it...we didn't buy it! We have had this discussion MANY times. I refuse to buy her makeup wipes, but over the holidays, someone gave in...or she bought some with Christmas money, because I'm back to finding the dirty wipes everywhere (she leaves them around the sink, they fall to the floor, the dogs drag them all over the house).
She will never listen! She will probably cry to grandma the whole next week while we are gone about the zits, and then grandma will give DH an earful about not taking the child to a dermatologist! For a few zits on the forehead that could be prevented by making a few simple changes? Heck no!
When the subject comes up
When the subject comes up walk away. I never understood why people have to let other people engage them in idiotic conversations. If you must say something say "I've give you great advise, based on my years of experience with this problem, and passed on what new advise I've gotten from others and you refuse to listen. Now I'm done and until you're ready to do as I suggest I don't want to talk about this any further. See if your father is interested as I'm not".
Then physically walk away or if you're someplace you can't like at the table just shut up and refuse to acknowledge any further discussion on the subject.
Oh I do...trust me! Like the
Oh I do...trust me! Like the whole crap about color guard...when she was talking crap about the color guard captain and going on and on about how great she is. I finally had to tell her, "Look, I don't want to hear anything else about color guard drama!! If it is related to your schedule or something that is needed, just give me the information and that is...but I do not need to hear about the drama!"
This weekend, we were stuck in the car for 12 hours...6 hours to my son's college visit, and 6 hours back...on and on about her zits! UGH! And DH would keep the conversation going and not tell her to shut up after she already argued with us about what is causing it or how to get rid of it. I guess she figures if she talks about it constantly, she will wear someone will give in to do what SHE WANTS done...like taking her to a doctor for some expensive creams or something...yeah right, for mild acne that could be PREVENTED by simply changes in her lifestyle and beauty routine.
This girl cannot talk without talking about herself and how great she is, unless she is talking crap about someone else or if there is something that is damaging her beauty that she expects someone else to fix for her. It gets so tiring!