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Golden Uterus stories???

girlmeetsworld714's picture

I'm relatively new here and just learned about the Golden Uterus Complex. I'm amazed by how it fits our BM to a T and I'm finding so much comfort in other people's stories about their Golden Uterus BMs. Anyone have any good stories to share with me?

Harleygurl's picture

Where to start! The most recent was when DH and BM were working out their 50/50 schedule and he mentioned that when we were working SS7 would have to go to a day camp (school holidays and summer break). Oh no! THOSE people wouldn't know how to take care of her child! She was the best! Nevermind the fact that day camp would be good for him because he has no social skills whatsoever because he isn't ever allowed to have play dates with children his own age. He only spends time with his siblings (ages 2 and 4). She eventually caved but not until a long phone rant where she kep telling us "I AM a good mother!!!!!" I finally asked her who she was trying to convince - herself or us? Stating it over and over again certainly didn't change our point of view - that she is a lazy slob that does the bare minimum for her children and steals her son's school snacks for his class out of his backpack just because 1) we bought them and 2) her food stamps were cut and she's too freaking lazy to work instead. Stealing from a child Priceless!

Harleygurl's picture

Where to start! The most recent was when DH and BM were working out their 50/50 schedule and he mentioned that when we were working SS7 would have to go to a day camp (school holidays and summer break). Oh no! THOSE people wouldn't know how to take care of her child! She was the best! Nevermind the fact that day camp would be good for him because he has no social skills whatsoever because he isn't ever allowed to have play dates with children his own age. He only spends time with his siblings (ages 2 and 4). She eventually caved but not until a long phone rant where she kep telling us "I AM a good mother!!!!!" I finally asked her who she was trying to convince - herself or us? Stating it over and over again certainly didn't change our point of view - that she is a lazy slob that does the bare minimum for her children and steals her son's school snacks for his class out of his backpack just because 1) we bought them and 2) her food stamps were cut and she's too freaking lazy to work instead. Stealing from a child Priceless!

thinkthrice's picture

Oh yes, the classic MOTY stealing from the children. The church lady all american soccer mom who rose like a phoenix from the ashes of divorce (TM) raided all three children's college funds to the tune of 45K to start her fantasy business when she found out she couldn't CONTINUE to sit on her arse all day due to Guilty Daddy not being a six figure guy.

The business failed inside of 14 months.

hereiam's picture

BM: I am the mother of your child, we are bonded together forever.
DH: Nope, once child support is done, I don't ever have to talk to you again.


hereiam's picture

Yep and CS was terminated when SD got married. My husband will not talk to BM nor be in the same room with her.

thinkthrice's picture

The skids in my case are all PASed out due to extreme G.U.S. on the part of BM but I STILL follow the middle skid on FB with an. . .ahem. . . alternate account.

To give you an example, when the BM split with Guilty Daddy, she CONVINCED HIM that HE owed her his ENTIRE SALARY FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE! And he BELIEVED it!! She was a stay-online mom at the time and was hoping to live off of CS for the next 21 years. She had guilted him into sending her his ENTIRE SALARY with OVERTIME direct deposited into HER account for six whole months. It would have been longer had I not ever so gently broken my foot off in his netherquarters.

Now it's been YEARS since we've heard from the three PASlings. The middle child (SD15) posts obscene and horrendously inappropriate stuff on FB, is failing school (again) and would NEVER be allowed to do such stuff if she were my daughter (I'm an experienced parent of PRODUCTIVE, launched grown children). Yet the BM gets on her FB site and wags her fingers at BOYS for cursing way less than her own biological extrusion does.

She posts crap like "You'll never get NEAR my daughter with a mouth like that" UM, REALLY?? No one WANTS to be near your daughter--it wasn't even IMPLIED for she is as fugly and mannish as sin. Not only that but "your daughter" curses 1,000 times worse than any other kid on FB!

The upshot is that she is TEACHING SD15 from the G.U.S. playbook word for word!!

girlmeetsworld714's picture

That makes me sad to read. SO's youngest daughter (3 now) is getting PASed (been a year and a half since SO was allowed to see SD)and I'm terrified if something doesn't happen soon to make it stop she will end up similar to your SD. I want terribly for my SD to have a relationship with her father and it kills me that there's a chance she may never know the honest truth about her situation.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Haha well I think one story I'll always remember is when BM was pregnant and she was trying to feel a connection with DH by "letting him" pick the first name as long as it began with the letter M and she approved. So finally, after shooting down 20 or so names that he liked, she finally accepted the one MIL picked.

So DH starts using the name in the emails when referring to the unborn baby. BM throws a fit and says that even though she likes the name, she never meant for it to replace the name she had already picked out (which was going the middle name) and that he needs to refer to the baby by the middle name instead of the first name otherwise the baby is going to be confused.

DH gets upset and says the kid isn't a puppy and why can't he know both names? Anyway, at the birth, Bm says to MIL/DH they can add another name onto his name if they want--hinting if DH wants to name him after his deceased father.

DH of course, declined.

Coocoo for cocoa puffs.

SituationalTourettes's picture

Waaaaayyyyy too many to recount here but my SO's ex wife likes to remind him she is the mother of his children and several times, because she is too cowardly to face me or even make eye contact, she would call him to whine and moan about me and then complain that he doesnt take HER side. He rolled his eyes and said, "Why the hell would I take YOUR side over HERS?" Dead silence. Then an "Oh, yeah..." Finally seems to be dawning on her that he isnt going to come running at her beck and call anymore.

farting_glitter's picture

^^^holy mother of win!!!!!!!.... :sick:

thinkthrice's picture

I feel your pain. Guilty Daddy has been overpaying for oh, about six years now. Can't go back to get a downward mod because in New York State they'd find SOME way to jack it up again despite the overpayment. Yep your BM is nothing but an egg bearer. Suprised she had a LIVE BIRTH and not just some eggs she could slither away from.

Guilty Daddy had overpaid before (cosmetic dental braces) to the tune of 200% of the actual cost which the BM pocketed. The CS magistrate (who knows the BM personally via work--the BM is a CPS worker) said "water under the bridge--gift to the BM" about the overpayment. NO chance of a fair shake in Podunk NY when the BM is practically MAYOR of the town. And yes, these idiot men still WORSHIP the ground they walk on for "bearing their children" (TM)

Have biodad watch THIS:

BSgoinon's picture

BM once told DH that he needs to "buy her an apartment". :? you can't BUY an apartment where we live. You can RENT one, but we don't live in Upper Manhattan for crying out loud, you don't BUY apartments. And WHY would we do that? So SS can lead the "same life" at both homes. Yeah, we lived in a 3800 square foot 5 bedroom 3 1/2 bathroom house at the time. How would that make his life the same? And WHY would we? Get an effin' job loser.

BM once told ME that the fact that DH told her she had no business having another baby, proves that he still cares deeply for her (his words were "you can't even support SS, you have no business bringing another life to this earth) because SHE Is SS's MOTHER.

BM once asked DH (we had been dating about 6 months and lived together) if they were still "Best Friends" because,. after all, they do have SS binding them together for life LMAO.

BSgoinon's picture

Wait, what about the time I was feeding BM's animals while she was out of town, and she left a book of poetry out RIGHT next to the cat food on the kitchen counter. The cover said "These poems are dedicated to my first love "DH", someone who I will never forget to remember". bwahahahahahahahahahahahhhhaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!

BSgoinon's picture

It just made me laugh. I took a picture of it and sent it to my friends. We still get a kick out of it from time to time. That's funny stuff right there. The poems were dated all the way back to when she was in the 6th grade. Sad really.

StepKat's picture

Let's see. BM claimed I didn't care about SS11's allergies. SS11 has eczema and he was scratching the back of his knees so bad that they were getting infected so I cleaned them with hibiclens and put anti-itch cream on it. The infection cleared up while the skids were with us but BM still through a fit because I used hibiclens (which she kept saying was a lotion when its a soap). BM claims SD13 is allergic to horses yet she has never had a reaction to them. She will only allow SD13 and SS11 to use the exact kind of face wash she uses because "it works for me it will work for you." But it doesn't. The poor kids are always broken out. BM claims SS11 like his long hair yet he doesn't take care of it properly so it's BM who cares about the long hair. BM is always going back and forth on if SS9 has ADHD or not. BM thinks she is the ONLY one who knows how to raise the kids or take care of them, DH and I are just a bunch of dumbasses. Although the kids behave better when they are with us and any medical issues are properly taken care of.