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Ladies, Can I Please Get Your Opinion?

The-StepDevil's picture

So if you have read my previous thread that I have 3 SDs and the SD16 is pregnant and got engaged (due to the state she lives in, she can marry without parents okay). So needless to say, the husband (who is stationed overseas at the moment) is stressing hardcore.

I need some advice.

I want a baby, I'm almost 32 and I REALLY want my own child. It's not something I just decided to spring on him. I have told him before we were even engaged. He supports my choice and even said he wants a chance to raise a child since the divorce and the military deployments has kept him away from actually raising his 3 girls.

But now with everything going on, I feel almost selfish bringing it up.

I placed an amazing career ahead of having children. I do not regret it but I swear I hear a clock ticking!!!

Also, my family doesnt think it's strange I'm having a child at my age but his family actually told me I was too old. That I missed my chance. Which hurt a lot because I have always feared I'd never get one because of my career.

My mind argues that NONE and I mean NONE of his family went to college or has gotten anything close to a career, or am I just comforting myself?

Before and even after we first found out SD16 was pregnant we talked and joke about our baby and who it would take after. So he still seems open to talk about it

Do you think it would be selfish to bring it up now or even soon. ?

Cozy's picture

Which of his family members are qualified to assess your reproductive health in a professional capacity? Don't listen to them. It was important to you then, and it's important to you know. Don't put your life on hold just because your SD makes bad choices, you'll end up waiting forever and then it will be too late.

TickedOff's picture

Talk to your husband a good relationship is about communication. It doesn't matter what anyone else feels or is doing it only matters how the two of you feel. Just lay it on him lightly and ask him how he feels about trying for a baby when he gets home.

Stupidlyoptimistic's picture


Also, it is not unusual at all for a couple to wait til their 30s to have children. Honestly, 31 or 32 is not a bad time for children. From the sounds of it, you and your DH both have great careers and good financial standing now. Don't listen to your DH's family. As Cozy said, who in that family has the professional medical knowledge to decide you "missed your chance"? From what I've read of your posts, it sounds like they are used to teen/young 20s pregnancy. I would tell them to mind their own business. If you and DH want a child together, go for it.

Starla's picture

No you are not too old to have a baby. I'm 35 and still pondering the idea but I'm leaning on not having any kids, I totally understand where your coming from and how your feeling. (((HUGS))) and I suggest that you be honest and upfront with your DH. Not to mention, having a SD who is expecting must be really hard for you to cope with especially if your dealing with the emotions of it all by yourself.

Best of luck and don't sell yourself short. Wink

Rags's picture

Ummmm No, it would not be selfish to bring up having a child with your husband.

As for the ILs. Who gives a shit what they think? In many marriages there is very little that either spouse has in common with the other spouses relatives other than being married in to the family.

In the case of my first marriage our respective families had a lot in common and even got along with each other and socialized occassionally. The issues in our marriage were not associated with our respective families but with my XW's penchant for hooking up with random men.

In my current marriage to my amazing bride of 19+ years I have absolutely nothing in common with any of my ILs. My wife however has a lot in common with my family. So, when my ILs express an opinion I just smile, knod my head and say 'Uh huh, yep, that is an interesting idea/perspective/experience/opinion' and move on immediately. Any discussion of their opinions beyond that never go well and there ends up being a whole lot of tension and hurt feelings. Particularly when the discussion is on anything to do with money or work. They have all declared bankruptcy multiple times, had their homes foreclosed on and their cars repossesed. That inludes my MIL/FIL, BIL1, BIL2 and SIL. All of them. Then they do stupid stuff like spend an bunch of money they don't have on expensive tattoos while complaining about how the finance company is trying to take their car away, wahhh, wahhhh, wahhhhhhh. They have expressed opinions occassionally on my DW and I having more children. SS-21 is an only child in our home. We have told them repeatedly that several doctors have recommended that my DW not have more children due to her first pregnancy nearly killing her. She had sever toxemia/Pre eclampsia (Sp?) with SS and her OB/GYNs have all just about blown a gasket when she has broached the topic of more children. So, we have never had any.

At this point I have taken that option of off the table. I am not willing to risk my incredible wife's life for a baby. For her it is not an age issue. She is 38. For me on the otherhand, starting from scratch again at age 50 is not something I want to even think about.

If it were me in your situation I would not much worry about your ILs and their opinion on you and your DH having children together. Besides anyone who thinks a 32yo is too old to do anything including having children is not the sharpest tool in the shed.

And that is my opinion on ILs who are lacking in the ability to have an intelligent opinion.

QueenBeau's picture

I would talk to him. It may be nice for his mind to be occupied with something 'exciting' & 'happy' other than the stress of his 16 yr old having a child & getting married.

lilmomma's picture

Youre not to old to have a baby until you hit Menopause and I think its completley ok to talk about having a baby with your DH right now. We love our kids, but you have a life too. Dont put that on hold because someone else, no matter who it is, is pregnant now. You deserve to be just as happy as anyone else! Smile

kjghjh1030's picture

I am in almost the same situation as you! I have put having kids with my DH on hold until his skids were more grown up and we could afford it (especially due to CS). Now oldest skid SD19 is pregnant and we were just about to start trying when we found out about her. I actually started a thread on here about it. The amazing people on here helped me see that you shouldn't put your own wants or needs aside just because of what others want or think. In fact, at Thanksgiving at my DH's side, they even said "You and DH aren't having kids right?" I said "Well were planning on trying soon, when SD19 got pregnant it threw us for a loop but we still want children of our own" Then DH's family preceded to tell me "We were told you weren't able to have kids and that that option was totally off the table for you too!" Let me tell you that hurt. But more importantly we both do still want children and I don't really care what his family says. Just bring it up to your DH again and see what his thoughts are. Believe me down the road you may just resent him or his skids because you are not taking the opportunity to have kids of your own.

The-StepDevil's picture

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I know I should not let their words get to me, especially since they are not very smart group of people.

I once called a man infantile and one of them asked me why I thought he was a terrorist.

When things slow down from the SD16 drama, I am definitely going to bring it up!!!

Already excited just thinking about it!!

I'm at the point where I know his family well enough to just tell them to Shut the F-up.

christinen's picture

No you are not selfish or too old. I am 27 and my inlaws think I am too old to have a baby. I have no bios yet but they know I want one. God forbid I wanted to finish school, start a career, and get married before having kids. They are probably like my DH's family thinking teen and early 20s pregnancies are the norm. My DH and both his sisters had kids when they were young and unmarried so they look at me like I am the crazy one.

mannin's picture

Your ILs are morons and it's none of their business.

I'm 35 and pregnant with my first. If you want a baby, have one.

PolyMom's picture

I'm 34. DH and I have been married 2 years. We really want to have a baby together. He has two kids, I have two kids. He also has a debilitating disease, which may force him into disability, causing a major financial loss for us. Life has just settled down because BM has stopped affecting the kids the way she used to. We're in a really good place now, but I'm not in a good place to make any hasty decisions based on a few months of calm, because the waters can easily storm up again. I'm giving it a little time before we make a final decision. I definitely understand not wanting to wait too long, however, many of my friends from high school are getting married, and just starting their families at 35+. It isn't unheard of to wait. I say, make sure life is stable before you bring a baby into it, so you don't over-stress yourselves. Age is becoming less and less of an issue these days, I wouldn't worry too much about it. You're still young Smile