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Am I on Candid Camera??!!!

Tey860's picture

SD13 was finally grounded for lying. Well Saturday morning when I woke up she was gone. She ran away to her friends house and actually is still there. Her dad was ranting and raving about how he was going to call the cops bla bla bla. Tonight she text and asked if she could stay one more night....can you believe that fool said YES! he said he didn't feel like "dealing" with her tonight because he doesn't feel good. I am so pissed right now!!! The girl ran away because she was grounded and then you reward her and let her spend the night again???? I have never interfered with his lack of parenting but I am at my wits end. She is setting a horrible example for my daughter. Do you think I would be wrong to lay down the law when she comes home? I want to tell her this is my house and if she cannot follow the rules she needs to move back in with her mother. It sounds harsh I know but this girl has pushed me to the edge. I've had it. No more mr nice guy.

TickedOff's picture

If I may your DH is a DUMBASS! Somebody has to set down the law. I can tell you one thing that crap would not stand in my house.

Tey860's picture

I couldn't agree more! I'm so mad at him. She was texting my daughter last night pretty much saying she doesn't think she's in trouble because daddy let her stay again!!! Why would she think she's in trouble??? I told him from day one that she is his responsibility so he needs to put his foot down not me. However since that is clearly not happening and this is MY house I feel obligated to take control and if she doesn't like it she can feel free to go back to mommy's house. Is that that too harsh coming from a stepparent? Am I out of line?

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

You are not out of line in the least! It is your house, too. DH needs to wake up and realize this! Your SD is only 13, what will it be like when she is 16? I'm willing to bet that dear daddy will be handing her the keys to the car then so she can disappear for weeks on end and do who knows what!

Tey860's picture

I told him if he is done parenting her, then he needs to let her mother do the job. Because as strict and mean as she has been, at least she listened when she was living there.

Tey860's picture

He basically flat out told me he just doesn't care anymore. He feels she is out of control and he doesn't want to deal with her. I said then you need to give her back to her mother!!! I am not going to let a 13 year old run wild in my home! Not gonna happen. Things are about to get ugly in my house. I am a very nice person until you disrespect me or my family. She has done both. Now I'm going to have to tell her the way things will be from here on out. I'm done being a doormat.