Boyfriend's enabling of adult son is ruining our relationship
I need urgent advice. I've been with my boyfriend for almost 3 years. He’s 40 and I’m 37, both married only once and separated. I have a pretty good relationship with his son, now 18 turning 19 in March, until the past year; we get along for the most part but we have our times when we are battling. His son has severe behavioral issues (ie. failing school, getting suspended regularly, smoking weed in the house and selling weed out of the house, arrested for rape, driving drunk alot and has damaged 3 cars now; 1 car is a write off, stealing his dad’s car when we are sleeping and he has no license, steals anything from anyone, verbally abusive, throws tantrums; i’m a wiz now at patching up holes in the wall.. lol, manipulates to get his own way, belittles his father, won’t follow rules at home, etc.). His father has had to call the police once on him when he was in our faces and threatening to throw a pot of boiling water on us and cut our throats in the middle of the night while we slept, but my bf didn’t press charges against him. I accepted his son since day one and have treated him like my own and have always been there for him and have done for him what all mothers do for their children.
We have 3 kids that live with us; his son, my daughter (18 and graduated), and his nephew (17 in school).
My BF and I have been fighting steady for the past month over issues with his son and the fights have progressed now to my BF yelling at me to “shut the F*** up!” whenever I told him to quit enabling his son and do something with him the other night. My bf states that it’s his son and to let him handle it, but yet doesn’t mind asking me to do all of this stuff for his son like driving him to school in the morning or picking up whatever girlfriend he has at the moment from her place. However, there are often times when I am home alone with the kids and his son will act out around me and I will put my foot down and stop it (he had a 13-year-old girl at the house last weekend and she was falling down drunk all over the house) and then when I tell my bf about it, his son will twist it around that I am the bad guy and lies about it, and my bf will side with the son even though we are supposed to have a no drinking alcohol in the house rule. Yesterday morning, he talked back to me and dad didn't do anything about it, which is the norm in our house unfortunately.
Last night at 11pm, I was sitting in the livingroom with my daughter and his nephew, (BF was in the bedroom; we weren’t speaking since the “shut the f*** up” incident) and his son came home and started cooking up a big meal for himself. We have a “no cooking after 11pm-only snacks” rule (the only rule that my bf and I could agree on) and although my bf has said many times that he will start backing me up on this rule, he comes out of the bedroom, sees his son cooking and asks “can you make me some?”. I was absolutely furious as this was the first opportunity since our last fight about this rule the other night for him to actually back me up on it like he said he would.
So I sit there to let my bf handle it, and the conversation between him and his son continues and the son starts cussing his father out and really belittling him and being outright verbally abusive to his dad because his father had taken his $100 christmas bonus cheque (from welfare—on yes, did I forget to mention that his son collects welfare and lives with us and doesn’t chip in? lol) and went and bought him a $300 gym membership with it instead of giving it to him to buy weed. My bf just says nothing and goes back to his room and the son follows him down the hall continueing with the harassment and name calling. I at this point am just frothing at the bit because I cannot tolerate disrespect. My SS returns to the kitchen and 5 minutes later, his father (my bf) actually comes out and apologizes to him and hugs him and tells him he loves him and kisses his a**!!! ...I’m not kidding.
Needless to say, I slept in the basement with the other kids last night.
We’ve talked about getting married in the future and I know that my bf loves me, and can excuse some of his inability to work as a couple on the fact that he was a single dad for the majority of his son's life (the mother is a useless alcoholic who never sees her son) and he is a really sweet and caring man aside from the enabling his son and not treating me as a partner in the household, but this past month has been a real wake-up call and has me wanting to just leave this house with my daughter and close the door on this relationship and be done with this kind of dysfunction for good.
On several occasions, my bf has told me that I need counseling and anger management so I can learn to calm down and let him handle it and that I “am too aggressive” and always pissed off...( duh..wonder why ;))
I work full time, have a good career so I am financially secure, I pay half the bills, have made numerous sacrifices and compromises for him and these children. I love this man and the kids and his family and this community and have zero problems with the other 2 kids, but I’m at the end of my rope with his son running the show.
I can see inconsistent parenting; that is simple and identifiable as a third party looking in. He states he is tired much of the time and stressed out so he doesn't want the added conflict of me and his son's "bickering". My view is that kids need discipline and rules and that his son should never talk back to an adult and should help out around the house or at least clean up after themselves and should be held accountable for their own actions. There shouldn’t be bickering with this kid when he’s told to do something or not to do something. I'm told "you are the adult, just don't engage him" but there is no way I am going to sit by and let any child demean and disrespect me in my own home and not adhere to any rules while the other 2 kids watch it all and do what they are told. In fact, just as I had forseen, the nephew is starting to act up now in the past month and my bf thinks that it’ll pass and does not see the connection (I tell him it is classic “why should I have to follow the rules if he doesn’t?”.
My bf has assured me numerous times that his son will move out eventually and then life will be normal and we won’t have to deal with it anymore, but I just can’t handle it anymore and doubt very much that even if his son were to move out, that the dysfunction and enabling would end there. I’m getting tired of my bf knowing that his son is doing all of this stuff and that he is “a bad kid” and knows he shouldn’t let him get away with it all, but yet rises to his defense and makes excuses for his son’s bad behaviours whenever we argue, instead of backing me up on issues and respecting me as being a partner in this household.
This kid is not going anywhere and I feel like he’ll be the kid who’s 32-years-old, still living at home, mooching off his dad and collecting welfare and dealing drugs, with 3 kids from different moms that he never sees or supports and I feel like I've bent over backwards so far that I'm about to break.
You sound like a sensible,
You sound like a sensible, professional woman - I really think that you would have a better, happier and less stressed life if you stop trying to put right what will likely never be right ie - your partner's enabling of his son.
As you rightly point out, this is unlikely to stop even when the son moves out. And if your partner is reduced to telling you to "shut the fuck up" if you try and reason with him - it doesn't say much for his respect for your views on this. It feels like your partner is choosing his son over you. My advice is choose your life over this dysfunctional, enmeshed pair of men.
Thanks, you make some valid
Thanks, you make some valid points here and I believe you are right about choosing life over dysfunction.
I know what you are saying;
I know what you are saying; kind of sounds awful to reread these past 3 years in summarization.
His father doesn't push him to get a job (b/c let's face it, it's not like the son will even show up for it on time) and keeps him at home as long as he is in school, which I feel is SS's motivation for staying in school for the least amount of effort and for the greatest amount of time (which explains the turning 19 and only in grade 11). He's a smart boy and knows that all he has to do is get into as much trouble as he can whenever he gets kicked out of the house, that the family will either pressure his father to take him back in REGARDLESS of what he's done to get kicked out, or we'll get so scared of the stuff that he's getting into that we end up calling him to come back.
The young girl's mother dropped her off at the house if you can believe that one and I spoke to her about her daughter being so drunk at my house and she actually screamed at me for banning her kid from the house. :/
The thinking behind the $300 gym membership was that my bf mentors teen boys and he takes 2-3 kids every day to workout at the gym to give them a positive avenue to keep them off the streets and away from drugs for at least 2 hours every day, and SS was actually going for the past month so my bf thought that getting him a year's membership to the gym will help him out rather than have the money go to drugs.
And yes you are right...part of the problem is that I do call him a kid I guess...but it's just an expression like "this is my kid".
I would have written a long
I would have written a long post too...but KISS said everything I would have said!
Glad to see my tax dollars
:jawdrop: Glad to see my tax dollars are being put to good use....WOW, JUST WOW!
Your bf is the epitomy of "Guilty daddy"...I just don't understand why you would stay with a spineless "man" that treats you like dirt and allows your son to do the same.
You deserve better than what you are settling for hun.
Wake up call! Smoking weed
Wake up call! Smoking weed and selling it...this is a BIG issue. You are not talking about him not picking up after himself or him refusing to take the trash out. Your man and his son are out of control. I am sorry to call it as I see it. You need to love your daughter and yourself...and get the hell out.
I would be worried about your
I would be worried about your daughter and her safety when SS is there, with him getting arrested for rape and the other stuff! And I would be nervous about YOU being alone with him too, you just never know what he might do. Would he try to do somethign to the nephew? What about that 13 yr old girl? What if her parents caught on to where she has been going, with who and what she and SS have been doing in YOUR house? She is jail bait and not only can he get into huge trouble, so can you and DH. The list can go on and on. I don't blame you for being upset with your boyfriend, you have every reason to be! I def would not marry him, put that off if you don't leave. You're not married yet and it sure is easier to leave at this point....not easy on the feelings department.
Thanks for you message, I
Thanks for you message, I just made an appointment to start counselling for myself. I guess I figured it was a good relationship because he never physically abused me or controlled me like my ex husband did; I was married to a really bad guy for 20 years and to me this relationship was a much healthier one in comparison.
We had actually been to couple's counselling a few times before and the counsellors all thought he was a great guy so it substantiated for me the whole relationship. But in fairness, we never divulged the extent of the son's bad behaviours which in hindsight I now regret.
I am hoping with counselling I can do better
I think if I was in your
I think if I was in your shoes...well...I'd be gone from there with my daughter so fast you'd only see my dust.
BUT...if I absolutely adored the Dad but found the rest to be horrible(and it sounds like a nightmare)...I would find myself a place close by to live alone with my daughter.
Moving out doesn't mean not dating. You guys aren't married, after all.
I hear of many loving relationships where he has his place and she has hers. You can afford it. You have financial security.
If BF wants the honor of your lovely presence...he can come and visit, maybe stay over...then go home to his dysfunctional mess that he can stew in on his own as long as he allows it.
He was arrested for rape, for God's sake. Your daughter shouldn't be anywhere near him...even if you choose to be. Hopefully daughter is graduated and living elsewhere.
I guess I'm not understanding why it is necessary to live together with these guilty dads. As long as he wants to support his son and allow the son's horrible behavior right under his woman should be living there with him.
I would be really concerned
I would be really concerned beyond belief if I had a drunk 13 year old girl in my house with SS who is 18-19 years old. I mean, has he thought about the fact that she is a child, he is an adult and getting her drunk is contributing to the delinquency of a minor? Wait, he doesn't think which is evident from what you describe. How disturbing.
I would be really concerned
I would be really concerned beyond belief if I had a drunk 13 year old girl in my house with SS who is 18-19 years old. I mean, has he thought about the fact that she is a child, he is an adult and getting her drunk is contributing to the delinquency of a minor? Wait, he doesn't think which is evident from what you describe. How disturbing. He also sounds like he can get pretty violent. I would sleep with my door locked.
I don't understand why you
I don't understand why you are staying...You are financially responsible and have a child of your own to consider. Get out now, this is crazy and you are not even married to him. As for the 13 year old drunk in your house...Hell no, I would have called her parents and if I didn't have that number, the police and let her deal with the fall out. Wish someone had done that with my SD when she was that age, maybe her mother would have disciplined her.
I'm going to say something
I'm going to say something really really harsh, but Katsmom, you need to hear this. I mean, really hear it.
SHAME ON YOU. This isn't about you and the BF you "love" so much but don't have one pleasant thing to say about. YOU, my dear, are NOT PARENTING your OWN CHILD by allowing HER to live around this SHIT. And that is what it is- bullshit.
Your daughter, who you bear the burden of raising and protecting, is learning EVERY SINGLE DAY that THIS is what "love" is. She will go out in the world and repeat this mess, because YOU taught her it is all she is worth. So just know that when her partner screams "Shut the Fuck Up" in her face, she will think to herself that she should accept this, because it is her value. When her partner hits her, cheats on her, steals her money... you can thank yourself for teaching her that this is all her value is.
You are letting your CHILD live in a house with a drug addicted RAPIST. There is no excuse for this, and there is no reason in the world that would make this OK. Fucking shame on you.
This^^^ Children live what
Children live what they learn. Your daughter sees the choices you make every day & you're teaching her, by example, that this is what life is supposed to be...that what you live with & have her living in is normal.
You owe it to her to teach her different. I don't mean, sit her down & explain why it's okay for you to continue living this way, but she shouldn't. I mean, remove yourself & her from an incredibly dysfunctional situation. Show her that you deserve better. Show her that it's worth whatever effort it takes to find that for yourself, & teach her to be strong enough to settle for nothing less.
Some people find it "easier" to live in dysfunction. That's fine for those whose choices affect only themselves. Your choices affect your daughter. Be a responsible parent & love your child enough to help her learn to make better choices than you have.
Thanks for your comment; you
Thanks for your comment; you are absolutely right. This was exactly the reason why I finally left her father after 20 years. She had a really difficult time with the divorce because he had alienated her from me and told her some pretty awful lies and I was just happy to finally get her back after all that time away from me (she came to live with me only a few months ago after being away from me for 2 years).
But I hear what you are saying, I truly do.
I remember the time my 2nd
I remember the time my 2nd born son attempted to sell weed out of my house.
Let's see....First I took all the weed away from him.
Then I kicked the living shit out of my son. Then I took his house keys. Then I drove him to and from school every day. Then, when he graduated HS, he enlisted in the military.
He served our country, went to War, and grew the fuck up real quick. I don't play that shit. What the OP doesn't get is that her daughter will follow her example. What a hot mess.
Me too. If DH ever said that
Me too. If DH ever said that to me I'd bite his damned head off! By leaving this poor excuse for a man and his rapist son now you will be teaching your daughter that she is too valuable a person to live in an abusive or threatening relationship.
Yes I know, and that is why I
Yes I know, and that is why I stopped speaking to him since then and sleeping on the couch until I moved to the basement; what else should I have done??? Smack him in front of the kids?
It's not like I have anywhere else to go right at the drop of a hat or I only have me to worry about. I have a daughter who has 2 cats in the house too; it's not like anyone we know is going to just let us all in on a moment's notice.
I really hate to say this but
I really hate to say this but it's very unlikely that this will change. Your boyfriend is codependent and enabling and if there hasn't been any major changes to improve the situation, there probably never will be. I have been a stepmother for 25 years and have struggled with the same exact thing for a long time. My stepson eventually was kicked out when I made my husband choose between him or me. We have been through rehabs, drug dealers, stealing, lying, homelessness, head injuries from my son getting beat up for drugs, etc... Right now he is finishing rehab for the, I don't know 3 or 4th time and just did 9 months in the county jail for cooking and selling meth. There is a book that you and your boyfriend should read, it's called "It's not about you, except when it is. A field manual for parents of addicted children." My husband read it and thought he was reading his own life. I hope the book helps, but I honestly feel unless your boyfriend gets some serious help and support groups, nothing will probably change. Good luck.

Let the two butt buddies ride
Let the two butt buddies ride off into the sunset together- WITHOUT you!