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keep relationship or trash it?

rissmama's picture

Ok so ill start with the family facts. We are not married but have been together for 2 years, known eachother for 5 years. His daughter is 9 and our son is 4months. We planned on getting married before baby was born but that didnt happen and we are still yet to be engaged.

I love my bf so much, but sd is very diffuicult for me to deal with. Shes lazy and rude and it makes me absolutely crazy. No 9 yr old shoulx be so out of shape that they cant run around to play basketbsll or soccer or whatever! And i mean in our yard for fun not on a team. She hates the idea of going outside and that completel. Stumps me. Im a fitness nut and this bothers me because its so unhealthy! She has a little gut and it honestly grosses me out sometimes. I know im suppose to accept her the way she is and blah blah blah but i feel like its a self destructive lifestyle and it kills me. Bf doesnt care that shes lazy because hes pretty lazy himsrlf,which is my biggest issue in our relationship, and i know her mom is super lazy and very artificial. She takes her shopping everyweekend with money she doesnt have, takes her to get her eyebrows threaded, shes creating a very high maintenance spoiled entitled little brat! Now when she lives with us, which is about 60% of the time, i feel uncomfortable in my own home. She glares at me with hateful eyes unless im actively doing something to please her. Its sohard because im so against futhering her spoiled llifestyl but somestimes is necessary for me to buy her crap in order to keep the peace in the house. And bf always takes her side in disagreements or whatever it may be which is very ineffective parenting. Im worried that with our baby im going to get overruled and my son wont listen to me beacuse his sister doesnt.

Now my relationship with bf is pretty good but we honestly dont have alot in common. Theres alot of thst i enjoy that he despises that ive eliminated from my life that am i just now beginning to realize that i cant handle living without. When sd is with us all we do is fight which im sure is why she isnt very enthused about me. But dont get me wrong i love him very much, he has an amazing personality and alot of potential to be perfect for me, he just gets these negative attitudes that last too long that destroy our relationship. When o think about it i know i deserve much better but its complicated.

So i guess what im saying is that i do love bf but i want different things then what he has to offer. I would have broken up with him awhile ago if it wasnt for our son. I cant stand the thought of shared custody. I cant not have my baby with me. I disagree with alot of his parenting and dont want my son to be exposed to his dads destructive behavior. He has a bit of an unstable mind and that terrifies me. I dont want my son not to have a father but i honedtly dont believe he is fit to care for an infant. I keep telling myself, we'll stay together untill our son is 4 then we can split when he is more independant. I dont know how to win in this situation.

I know that was long, thanks for reading, advice is greatly appreciated

rissmama's picture

His unstable mind issues have only made appearances after i was pregnant. And overall hes a good dad, he always has his daughters best intrest in mind. I just dont agree with tbe things he lets slide and the things he makes issues of. He would be a great dad in someone elses eyes im sure, but we have too many conflicting approaches on how to raise a child. Yes yes Should have noticed these things before, but love is blind. And i do love him.

Disneyfan's picture

You posted a laundry list of reasons why you should end this relationship.

Why would you have a child with a man you feel is an awful parent???

rissmama's picture

His unstable mind issues have only made appearances after i was pregnant. And overall hes a good dad, he always has his daughters best intrest in mind. I just dont agree with tbe things he lets slide and the things he makes issues of. He would be a great dad in someone elses eyes im sure, but we have too many conflicting approaches on how to raise a child. Yes yes Should have noticed these things before, but love is blind. And i do love him

thinkthrice's picture

"And bf always takes her side in disagreements or whatever it may be which is very ineffective parenting."

This sentence says it all. He has a mini-wife (SD9) and you are NOT his priority neither is he concerned about correctly raising the daughter he already has to proper adulthood.


Amber Miller's picture

You sound like you are really conflicted in your heart. What you describe is how I felt about my first husband. I had 3 kids with him even though I knew deep down inside that it wouldn't last. Now I have my boys and he lost custody as he didn't show up for mediation, the custody hearing and also ignored all child support court dates. He never even filled out any paperwork for support. He can't keep a job to save his life and he smokes weed all day, every day. He rarely sees the kids and they know all about his drug and alcohol abuse. I'm grateful I had my boys but I wish I would've paid more attention to my intuition and the inner conflict that I was experiencing. Good luck to you and I hope you can figure things out soon. In my situation staying together for the kids was the worst decision I made (besides marrying this idiot). Well, I was an idiot too.