Do you have a place on the couch?
Am I the only one who gets settled into a special "place" on the couch?
My biokids get it, they know not to sit there or they will have to move if I come in. Am I being a bitch? The skids don't recognize ANY boundaries so on the weeks that they are here, I find myself either staking out my spot and trying to keep my butt in it as much as possible or giving up and moving to my room .... AGAIN!! I HATE that every single $%#$&^%$ thing has to be verbalized with these kids!!! And then next week.... they will just say they forgot.
I really do hate the weeks that they are here. I count the days.
Yes I do and everyone knows
Yes I do and everyone knows it. My kids, their friends, my friends. Even SD. But she always got dadddddddddddys chair. Spineless wonder would sit on the floor right next to her.
SO and I sit on the courch
SO and I sit on the courch and it is rare for anyone else to be allowed on it. When SO's kids moved in and kept attempting to sit in my or their dads spot or in between us I just told them get of the couch. There is a floor a love seat and a chair, the younger you are the more likely you sit on the floor. At first his kids (at the time 4 and 5) whined and told daddy they "need you" I was firm No children in between us nor hogging my couch no children sleeping in our beds not ever not even sick since they wet the bed at the time.
His ds has also had to start doing time out for stealing seats any time any of the other kids (or dog or cat) got up he would run over and take the spot. I implemented since he was being rude if he stole a seat he'd do time out SO enforced it, after 2 weeks he might be sorta getting it, only he's spending more time at the table with nothing for getting in trouble at school.
Oh I have MY space.... my
Oh I have MY space.... my kids KNOW it. OH has HIS space too, next to me, my kids know that too.
His kids know it as well, but will still piss all over my space... EVERY time SD is here she will park her butt in my spot. If I leave the room she's there. OH never says anything. The other day I walked in and just stood over her (between her and the TV) and waited, she never moved a muscle, in the end I said "SD I am WAITING!" And she huffed and puffed and moved.
If they have to settle in OH's spot they won't move either, just sit there and he will actually sit on the floor rather than move them!! I am sitting in my spot, I want to sit next to HIM not his smelly offspring. My kids and whichever is not in his spot will be on the 3 seater and he will park his butt on the floor rather than tell the kid to move. There are also two beanbags. I tell them to move so their dad can sit down, and SS10 will actually lay across him sometimes like a baby!!
Yep! And not even Hubby is
Yep! And not even Hubby is allowed to sit in it.
I'm like Sheldon ~ my spot is in the perfect spot! I had a fit on hubby, and he made me a sign "this is Smellissa's spot. Do Not sit in it, or your ass is grass. I mean grass!"
The kids know, if you're in my seat, you don't get a warning ~ I will just sit on you!
We don't have "spots" per
We don't have "spots" per say. But adults get the free reign. If they are sitting where we want, we tell them to move. We also dont watch tv much in our home, so its a treat for us to all be watching a movie or something together- so the kids are pretty good about not being turds.
Yes, and when SD is here,
Yes, and when SD is here, it's on the other side...because she has to cuddle with her daddy.