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Going to go crazy, horrible sd

thedevil98's picture

Hello, I'm new here and so glad I found this place. I recently got engaged to a wonderful, caring man. The only problem is his daughter, 14. I have 3 children, 10, 12 and 15. When I first met the sd she came running into my house, to my daughter's room, jumped on her bed, and started playing with her DS. I thought she was awfully rude, but ignored it. As the months went on she killed our pets. She denied it, but I saw her getting the fish out of the tank and squeezing them. Then the hamster went died, we were outside, she was inside. At the pool she pulled my daughter, 10, to the deep end and pushed her head under while kicking her in the legs. Lucky I saw and got her out. I knew she was adopted, but knew nothing about her bio parents. I did some research and found out her dad and mom are in prison. The mom was a drug addict that robbed homes. The dad, was a drug addict, rapist, child molester and murderer. This scared me to death. She talks about killing her mom's new husband's daughter. My finance also has another daughter that told me her mom has an alarm in her bedroom cause she scared of her hurting them in the middle of the night. She is on meds and her psychologist said she should see a specialist for her mental problems but my finance said it's just how her mom treats her and that the medicine is making her strange. He lives with me and has his kids on the weekends and Mondays. I won't let them over here anymore. He stays with his brother on the days he has them. They want to come over and everyone is pushing me to love and accept her. I think she is evil! She stares at us when she's here none stop. My daughters won't go near her and are scared. Should I get out of this relationship now? I don't think I want to marry him because I know she will always be here. He's a great guy and I love him.

overworkedmom's picture

If this is true, I have no idea why you have let this teen around your kids at all. Please protect your children. She sounds like a total sociopath and there is nothing you can do to "love and accept" a sociopath. They don't have feelings, they don't understand remorse or empathy. You absolutely can not do anything about who this girl is because her brain is skewed. Honestly I would not even marry this man once she is an adult. You never know what someone like that is capable of... maybe if she was institutionalized- forever. But that would be the only way you should subject your children or yourself to her in anyway.

Hapifutr2628's picture

This is scary. Sounds like you need to remove your children and yourself from this situation immediately... like today.

lillfiredog's picture

I think it's pretty clear. You must not subject your kids or yourself to this insanity. It will not be worth it.

SteelRose's picture

My parents always told me there are some people who are evil and never get better, it's just who they are. I married one and divorced him after 18 yrs of misery, he did not kill animals but he had no empathy or feelings. I am sure you already know in your heart what you need to do and the initial break (if you do move on) will be hard and dang it hurts, but really like an earlier poster said, first you'll have to protect your kids and then your grandkids. It won't get better, in fact as these sort of people age they really get worse. It's terrible and I feel so badly for you. What a mess your SO has got himself into. This is not a simple case of poor parenting, this is evil.

OMG_Why_Me's picture

Run, don't walk. Stay away from this man and this child. But before you do, I would tell this man WHY you're leaving him. He needs to hear this directly from you.

I worry about him getting into a relationship with another woman who has kids. I worry about what this child may do to others they're around. Do your best to advise this man of your concerns so that when you do walk away, you'll know you did evertyhing you can to protect your children and any one else who may be exposed to this evil child.

My best wishes for you and your children for a SAFE future.

Shaman29's picture

Please listen to everyone who has advised you to get out of this relationship. Do you really expect him to maintain the visitation arrangement after you're married?

As painful as it will be now to end this, it will be a lot messier to get a divorce and emotionally/mentally/financially draining on you and your children.

Your fiance is not addressing these problems now and pushing you to love and accept a child who has posed a threat to your children and pets. Do you expect this to change with marriage?? Trust me, it will just get worse.