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Never encing bs with ex wife

Dadof2bandany's picture

Hello... New Here.. Need some advice..I am a dad of 2 kids.. My daughter is 6 and my son is 8.. They are amazing kids who are unfortunately caught in the middle of this constant battle with me and my ex wife.we have 50/50 custody.. I get 3 weekdays after school from 345 to 7 and 2 weekends...every day they come to me saying mommy told us to tell you that you are a pig...and other not so nice words..after spending the weekend with me they are afraid to go home and say that they had fun to my ex bc she gets mad... About 7 months after she moved out i started dating someone... And my ex wife lost it started doing drive bys past my house... Banging on my door whenever she saw my gfs car at my house... And called and texted me saying crazy things non stop.. It got so bad i had to get cameras on my house and then filed and got an order of protection against her for a year. When that was up then she started screwing with my visitations would take kids away on my days and when i called asking where they were i would get no response .. I must have 15 police reports on her... I waited almost a year until kids met my gf and they had an instant bond...and of course my ex does nothing but bash my gf to kids in hope they will not want to be around her anymore...Up until last year our custody agreement was not signed by a judge so my ex felt like she did not have to follow it... She does anything and everything to keep kids away from me or to try and turn them against me.;. If i go to a sports game of my kids she screams at me in front of everyone saying i am not welcome kids do not want me there...Last year my ex filed for full custody and her reasoning was bc i am an unfit father and and i had moved my girlfriend in my house. She was obviously denied and our agreement ended up being signed by a judge becoming a court order. I never did hw with kids bc my ex always wanted to do it... She requested that i do hw bc 7 is too late for kids to first do hw. So last school year i did hw every night..and kids did great in school.. I got engaged this summer and all of the sudden.. In august she filed a petition that i did not do hw school year and teachers wrote notes home about it and kids did poorly in school...and i violated her visitations constantly. And i mentally abuse the kids.. And in september she wanted kids to come home at 5 instead of 7 bc i am unable to do hw... i spoke to kids teachers from last year they said they had no issues with hw and kids did really well..and of course got written letters from them to bring to court...our court date is next week and i said until a judge says other wise kids will be home at 7 with hw done..if my kids have a lot of hw my fiance helps me with it.. And she is flipping out saying its illegal and telling kids shes doing it wrong... Since september i have been taking pictures of my kids hw every night... So she cant say im not doing it... She will text me when i drop kids off saying hw is done wrong will send me a pic and she is erasing my correct answers and putting in wrong ones... Anyway bc im not doing what she wants She has been making my life and kids life hell... Constant name calling and constant texts and emails every day. At least 30 to 40 texts and when i do not answer i will get bombarded with emails....she is really taking her anger and bitterness out on my kids.. Making them chose between me and her saying if they live with her always she will buy them their own puppies...A law guardian first talked to kids when she first filed but things were not as bad as they have been the past month has been hell.... ..ive been trying to call him but has not returned my calls.. Is there anything i can get put in place so she can talk contact me like she does??? And also want to request 2 weekday sleep overs bc its easier esp when kids have sports or something its easier for them to stay at one house household then bounce all over... Are weekday sleep overs common with 50/50??? I need advice what to do

Rags's picture

Digital voice recorder and video!!!!! When your kids say mommy told us to tell you that you are a pig, etc... have it recorded. Play it next week when you go to court. When she goes off on you at kid sports events record it. Play it in court.

While in court make an emergency request for temporary custody and start the process of using BMs toxic manipulations and behavior to start moving her to edge of your children's lives. Their mother or not, no kid needs to be exposed to the kind of toxic and vitriolic crap you describe is going on with your XW.

The only way to help a kid overcome the toxic, shallow and polluted end of their gene pool is with facts and to demonstrate how viable adults live, love and care for each other and their children.

My own SS-21 has managed to overcome the toothless moron manipulations of his SpermIdiot and the bitch from hell Sperm GrandMa. He knows full well which is the shallow and polluted end of his gene pool and he works very hard to avoid the behaviors that that part of his family exhibits and he works very hard to be a viable self supporting adult.

The key to being able to give this to a kid that is unfortunately burdened with a vitriolic half to their blended family equation is to keep them abreast of the facts in an age appropriate manner. Review the CO with them, explain that mommy is upset and should not be saying the things she says. Review BM's rants with the kids then ask them if they ever see you or your GF behaving that way. Ask them which way makes them feel better, etc, etc, etc....

Your children have a chance to over come BMs vitriolic crap. It is to late for BM and you owe her nothing anyway. Bare her idiot ass each and every time she pulls her toxic bullshit. In an adult, calm and professional manner of course. Be assertive but do not cave and do not blow a gasket.

Facts, facts, facts and more facts.

Work all of this out with your own attorney of course.

IMHO of course,

Good luck.

twoviewpoints's picture

Wow, your ex is all kinds of special crazy. The amount of PAS here is over the top vindictive insane wild. But you know that already. I think I'd try for a restraining order against her. Tape her crazy shouting stunts at the sports events, document all the emails/texts might be able to shut her down showing she is not only harassing you but verbally threatening you.

The pictures of homework correct and then changed to incorrect? That's absurd. IMO I would get a very good lawyer and try for , if not sole custody due to BM being batsh*t crazy than at least real 50/50 where the children are with you one whole 7dys on, 7days off. It certainly would be more consistent on the ability to do simple things of importance like homework. It might even allow for your week you do sports events, BM's week she does them. What is going on at the events is detrimental to the child and their team. No children can perform under these types of BS scenes taking place. There's one member here regularly that actually does have her skids fulltime due to extreme PASing and BS games .

Your ex is so bitter and crazy with it that she is doing real mental harm to these kids. These are basically babies at 6 and 8 and they are being torn apart by this woman's actions and inability to raise the children supporting a relationship with their father. You want your lawyer to include every possible area that is of concern (the PASing, the harassing communication, the method of acceptable communication, 'rights' of who/when attends events, holidays, drop-offs/pick-ups)...this is your chance to cover these areas and get it al included as a legal court order. This lady will try and find each and every loosely worded section of CO and abuse it to her interpretation. Seal up those loopholes and clarify all sections poorly worded going in.

Dadof2bandany's picture

Thank you so much... I have been recording everything on calendars for the past 4 years what she has done said ect... That is exactly what she does... When she harasses me she has to throw in something about the kids so that could be her excuse as to why she is bothering me.. She totally abuses her power... She refuses to let kids call me.. So i bought them a prepaid phone so they can call me she took it away from them and threw it in the garbage saying its inappropriate for children that young to have a cellphone then a few months later for christmas she got them each an ipad and they text and facetime her mother sister aunt and 2 cousins and when i gave the kids my number and thry put it in there they got punished saying i was not allowed to have their number and she took the ipad away from them... She tells kids my finace is crazy and drives pasts her house and honks and screams out the window that she is going to kill her told kids i threw her and kids out on the streets....Im glad my kids see through her and do not believe her bs... The problem is prooving all of this to courts... The law guardian spoke to my kids at her house and didnt even make her go outside and they were afraid she would here them so they were afraid to tell him anything and wanted to talk to him at my house but the law guardian wont call me back.

Dadof2bandany's picture

Thank you so much... I have been recording everything on calendars for the past 4 years what she has done said ect... That is exactly what she does... When she harasses me she has to throw in something about the kids so that could be her excuse as to why she is bothering me.. She totally abuses her power... She refuses to let kids call me.. So i bought them a prepaid phone so they can call me she took it away from them and threw it in the garbage saying its inappropriate for children that young to have a cellphone then a few months later for christmas she got them each an ipad and they text and facetime her mother sister aunt and 2 cousins and when i gave the kids my number and thry put it in there they got punished saying i was not allowed to have their number and she took the ipad away from them... She tells kids my finace is crazy and drives pasts her house and honks and screams out the window that she is going to kill her told kids i threw her and kids out on the streets....Im glad my kids see through her and do not believe her bs... The problem is prooving all of this to courts... The law guardian spoke to my kids at her house and didnt even make her go outside and they were afraid she would here them so they were afraid to tell him anything and wanted to talk to him at my house but the law guardian wont call me back.

Drac0's picture

Wow! Your ex is seven shades of coo-coo. I agree with all the advice given so far. The only thing I would add is to *kindly* suggest to the judge that your ex be court-ordered to take some co-parenting seminars. I am not sure if it will actually help but it might take some pressure off of you. What are the kid's report cards like? If the kids are doing well - which by my understanding they are - your ex really has no leg to stand on here to change visitation because she "claims" you are not properly helping the kids with their homework.

Oh, and your ex needs a hobby - preferably one that doesn't involve firearms or sharp instruments.

Lock your doors at night.

Drac0's picture

I swear I saw this on "Deadly Women" on I.D. Discovery last night. Disgruntled woman drives by her ex-husband's house, calling incesantly, etc.

It didn't end well.

Dadof2bandany's picture

LOL,,, yes next week...she does need a hobby... When she has a boyfriend everything is civil... And because she csnt keep one for a long time... The peace doesnt last for long and shes even worse and comes at me harder when the relationship ends and blames me.. She does not let me speak 1 word ever so when we go to court i know i wont be able to tell everything can i hand my folder of all my documentation and stuff to the judge and he can read it???

EvilWickedSM's picture

I agree with all of the advice given. The only thing I can add is to research your state's laws before recording any conversation with her, as in many states it is illegal to record someone's conversation without their consent.

I'm sorry you have to deal with such a mess and best of luck in court!

derb84123's picture

your ex is like my sks BM!! Its awesome isnt it!?

I love reading that you have documented everything. My DH has resdential custody. At one point BM was on supervised visits... we are now at them living with us, seeing BM 4 days a month. The above posters are exactly right YOU have to not let her do this. My advice for court---

Our attny had our documentation from years of issues (ours a lot of harrasment but violence as well). When my DH was on the stand Attny said, "can you tell me what happened on X day regarding SK and X incident". My husband would discuss it. Atty " can you tell me about x day", etc etc. The judge eventually stopped it saying "ive heard enough, you can step down." BM got up there and the judge just asked her directly about the incidents- no attorney- and she fumbled, lied, and admitted some ludacris things. In the end the judge was so in shock he made his ruling right hten and there on the stand.
Use your documentation. Memorize it. It is fact and present it that way.

Good luck.