Is my MIL Jealous of Me?
Dh and I have been together for 5 years, married for just over one.
When I came into the picture, DH and I fell in love, blah blah blah. All of a sudden, my MIL went into the move of:poor BABY MOMMA (when I tried to intervene and tell DH that kid shouldn't be allowed in her care, even if only 2x a year, cuz she's high and who knows if he gets looked after, she lives in a bad neighborhood, autistic kids wander, etc.), boo hoo BM.....that's where I noticed it all beginning......that was about 4.5 yrs ago.....
My DH bought me a cute sterling silver/gemstone ring for mother's day this past year....MIL decides to post on my FB "oh I thought it was mother's day, not WIFES day...jus sayin"....I had about a millino friends start blowing up the status about how she should be thankful her son got a great wife and mother for the kid he got roped with, etc...they were texting me privately saying OMG, your MIL is a fucking BITCH, etc...I had to DELETE THE POST!
In april of this year, dh's cousin was getting married in Vegas. WE as a couple received an invitation to the wedding, we could't go so we sent our reply we couldn't attend (as did many). About a month before, I get a fb private message from one of the cousins asking me if I was coming tomorrow to patti's bridal shower, cuz she needed the headcount but never got my mailed response back. I said "WELL THATS BECAUSE I NEVER RECEIVED AN INVITATION"....this cousin acted like "oh duhh, patti gave me the list, she's stupid, hahaha"...BULLSHIT, callin it all day long...i'm convinced I was not invited because my MIL didn't want me there.......(her side of the family.....
We just bought our first house together. We moved in on Sept 27. MIL lives less than 2 miles from is Oct 9. Half my friends and mom, dad, etc. have been over to see our new house. NOBODY from DH family has called to even say 'hey can we stop by and take a look'.....
i'm hosting a houseewarming party on oct 26 and made it a FB 'invite only' event. she posts in the event how it's "luke's birthday that day (one of her other grandsons) and that there's a family halloween party also that night (apparently my husband got invited but it was AFTER MIL informed us of her attendance of that) so she's not sure she'll be able to stop by.......are you FUCKING KIDDING ME LADY??? this is your SONS BRAND NEW HOME and you can't get off your ASS to come and see it????
Pretty sure SHE HATESSSSSSSSS ME! guess what? I give not one's a JEALOUSY thing I assume???? she's jealous her son has found a good wife, she doesn't need to rescue him anymore. my mil enabled my dh to be a lazy load and the kid to be a lazy load for all these years. now he's with me and i dunno, guess doesn't go over there enough. he's a grown ass man, he can go where he wants and do what he wants, i don't give a shit.
It makes it kind of interesting though....i keep telling DH how his family isnt a fan of me, he thinks i'm seeing what's not there....clearly he's clueless or just doesn't WANT to see it. I don't care either way. If she's jealous, she could do me the world's biggest favor, come take SKID and raise him at her house!!!!
Been there done that. I know
Been there done that. I know my mil is jealous of me. Jealous that I am a good person. Jealous that her son loves me and trusts and values my opinion more than hers. Jealous that her kids (with the exception of dh) turned out to be colossal losers and mine are awesome. Jealous that I have a better home, better job, better life, and more happiness than she ever will have. Jealous, that my dh turned away from their family "values"-or rather lack thereof and created a brand new life with me-that unforntuantely can't include them since they are so dysfunctional and criminal and poison anyone who is around them for any extended period of time.
But I also think it is about control. My mil is used to be the conductor on the dysfunction train. She runs that thing. How dare my dh get off? That's not allowed. I must be "brainwashing" him. She dislikes my children-her own grandchildren as well as they are not willing to take a ride on her train. Who the hell did I think I was coming in and taking over dh? I am evidently supposed to just do what she says!
My dh also didn't see it for a long time-because he was actually indeed brainwashed by this woman and rest of his family. But he did of course pull away some to create a life with me-which made them crazy. They upped the ante and acted even more dysfunctionally toward him in an effort to draw him back into the family fold. eventually even he could not ignore their craziness. Hopefully your dh will begin to see this too someday!
My stepson has autism, and a
My stepson has autism, and a host of other developmental/physical/intellectual delays. Skid lived with DH in HER HOME from age 2 to age yes, DH is certainly to blame for IGNORING THE SIGNS (trust me, it took me less than one hour, first time I met skid to know something was way off about him)...but he's a man, and men really do tend to wear the DENIAL label very well.
BUT, how could SHE, the GRANDMOTHER, who's raised 2 normal boys of her own, has 3 other 'normal' grandchildren, just sit back and DO OR SAY NOTHING TO HER SON about his son, her GRANDSON. FIL too....they just sat back and let an AUTISTIC CHILD get no early intervention...NONE......
Now I have a 10 yr old who functions PHYSICALLY as a 5 year old. He can't twist a cap off a bottle of water. He can't ride a bike, can't tie a shoe, sometimes cant get a new shoe ON his foot by himself......and this I have to live with now....
No, i don't give DH a pass, trust me. but once he got together with me, I forced him/them to have that kid tested, and the chips have fallen. The motor skills are so poor he was diagnosed ON TOP OF THE AUTISM (which most autistic kids have some form of gross/fine motor delays) with DEVELOPMENTAL COORDINATION DISORDER (motor coordination disorder it's sometimes called). Skid goes to therapy (outpatient) for that and speech, he's got vocal cord nodules now because he doesn't know how to "breathe" properly, through the diaphragm. It's all so fuckin sad...and i'm sure she knows I BLAME THAT WHOLE FAMILY for ignoring that kids needs. Lucky BM is a piece of trash heroin addict, cuz if she wasn't and had a brain, she could have had them all arrested for child abuse and neglect.
THAT, IMO, is why they LOATHE me.....
Yup, Sounds like it. This is
Yup, Sounds like it. This is how FDH's family treats me as well, they are all jealous. FMIL is like a 5 year old, we got FFIL a nice pair of shoes (I love him, he works hard and minds his own damn business and sticks up for us) She was so rude and got all snooty and left the room after saying the shoes probley don't fit him right!!! Thats just an example of how she is.
Fuck em all
Fuck em all is exactly how I
Fuck em all is exactly how I feel, trust me. I rarely need to see or talk to her so that part's good, but I feel bad for DH, he really loves his family. There was a cookout at the cousin patti's (one who got married in vegas) over the summer. I told my husband the only way my physical body would be at that event was if he carried it there in a body bag. Over my dead rotten corpse....i told him make up an excuse, and to go and take skid with him, everyone will be happy to see just the 2 of them.....he refused, so nobody went. I would never ask him NOT to go to something family related, but pretty much said i'm DONE going to them.....
Even my KIDS notice that when they are forced (on very limited occasions) to have to be babysat over there, how they are treated differently than SKID. My mom watches all 3 all the time and always treats them all the same, even skid, who's not her bio grandkid. My DH doesn't know my kids feel this way, but it's OK. I tell my mom i'm stuck and that MIL is the only free sitter, she finds ways to keep my kids out of MILs house too, skid goes, mine go somewhere else.
DH is the one I feel bad for
LMAO @ the body bag! I'm
LMAO @ the body bag! I'm getting serious anxiety just anticipating the holidays. My family lives out of state
my extended family is dysfunctional so I don't go there so I can either stay home and cook and FDH will invite his kids which I don't want or We can all stop by FMIL's...........they are so passive aggresive they all will smile in my face and talk shit behind my back.
Last year we didn't go to Thanksgiving bc a few days before that FMIL was at our house drunk and pulled my hair!!! :jawdrop: Not even kidding
:jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop:
SHE PULLED YOUR HAIR???????????????????????????????????
OMFG! Do not even have words to respond to that one!!!!!!!!!!!!
:jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop:
SHE PULLED YOUR HAIR???????????????????????????????????
OMFG! Do not even have words to respond to that one!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is no doubt in my mind
There is no doubt in my mind that she is jealous of you! You have to have some level of issues with someone to say/do even half of the shit she has said and done to you! The comment on FB about the ring shows that douche has NO shame in letting everyone else know first hand her distaste for you. You have done more for a child that isn't even yours than the kids own bio-family and that right there too is another reason that she has ill felings towards have brought her lack of parenting and all of her failures out in the open by doing what you have done for dh/skid...that is enough to get anyones panties in a bunch!
You are everything she is not and it burns her ass!

EXACTLY, by "outing the kid",
EXACTLY, by "outing the kid", i've in turn "outed them" for their CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT........ }:)
funny thing is, my DH was
funny thing is, my DH was never married to BM. BM STOLE MIL's credit card, charged 2 tickets to FLORIDA and a few cartons of cigarettes, basically kidnapped SKID (before he was 2) and took him from PA to FL. She's a HEROIN ADDICT, she stole pills from my SIL (who has really bad Multiple Sclerosis) OXYCONTIN, PERCOCET, etc. WHILE BM WAS PREGNANT, so clearly she was using while pregnant.....MIL never pressed charges, NOTHING, I guess just sat back and PAID THAT BILL!!!!!!
But, POOR BABY MOMMA, I was reminded very early on: "YOU ARE NOT HIS MOTHER"....well, clearly, i'd first of all NEVER want to lay claim to that HORRIFYING DNA, and second of all, if I was his mother, he'd have been getting interventions from professionals prior to age 3 and he would probably now be able to do a lot more things for himself.
I sometimes wonder if that's why I dislike SKID so much, because of HER. Cuz I can't stand her and SHE LOVES HIM, that is it a "fuck you, i kinda am his mother cuz he aint got anyone else singing up for that shit" kinda thing????
Ha -- this sounds familiar!
Ha -- this sounds familiar! The BM in my life was an OxyContin addict who switched to booze when the dirty docs ran out. She had a baby in high school that she gave up who later ODed on heroin (after trying to reconnect with her -- she rebuffed him). Her kids are a mess -- one with ADHD and all kids of other issues.
So my husband is pissed that this loser does not give her son his meds when he visits her: she has snorted his Ritalin in the past, so what makes him think she isn't hoarding them for a midnight party???
This is so dysfunctional!!!